Materials for February 2023 year » Page 24 » Developer.Team - Developers Paradise!

TMS Sphinx v1.1 Full Source for Delphi 10 Seattle - Delphi 11 Alexandria

TMS Sphinx v1.1 Full Source for Delphi 10 Seattle - Delphi 11 Alexandria
TMS Sphinx v1.1 Full Source for Delphi 10 Seattle - Delphi 11 Alexandria

Delphi framework for Identity Access Management, including authorization and authentication. OAuth2 compliant authorization mechanism, supporting grants: implicit, client credentials and authorization code with PKCE (Proof Key for Code Exchange). Follows OpenID Connect specification for login workflow and identity token issuance.
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TMS Analytics & Physics Pack v3.5.0.0 for Delphi XE7-Delphi 11 Alexandria Full Source

TMS Analytics & Physics Pack v3.5.0.0 for Delphi XE7-Delphi 11 Alexandria Full Source
TMS Analytics & Physics Pack v3.5.0.0 for Delphi XE7-Delphi 11 Alexandria Full Source

TMS Analytics & Physics Pack is a Delphi library for developers that contains special classes to work with analytical expressions in Delphi programs - parse expressions, calculate expression values with multiple parameters, expression based derivatives & integration calculation and so on. In addition, it offers approximation function calculation, solving differential and non-linear equations. TMS Analytics & Physics Pack allows using various physics concepts (such as physical quantities, units of measurement, ...) in Delphi programs.
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Almediadev ImageKit VCL v1.50 Full Source Code for Delphi/C++Builder XE3 - 11 Alexandria

Almediadev ImageKit VCL v1.50 Full Source Code for Delphi/C++Builder XE3 - 11 Alexandria
Almediadev ImageKit VCL v1.50 Full Source Code for Delphi/C++Builder XE3 - 11 Alexandria

ImageKit is a GPU based image processing, graphics rendering framework for Delphi developers. ImageKit hides the details of low-level graphics processing by providing an easy-to-use application programming interface. ImageKit provides dozens of built-in filters. You set up filters by supplying key-value pairs for a filter’s input parameters. The output of one filter can be the input of another, making it possible to chain numerous filters together to create amazing effects. ImageKit VCL is intended for use with:

Delphi XE3 - 11 Alexandria (32-bit + 64-bit)
C++Builder XE3 - 11 Alexandria (32-bit + 64-bit)
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