nSoftware QuickBooks Integrator 6.0.5259 for .NET/ActiveX/Delphi/C++/C++ Builder

nSoftware QuickBooks Integrator 6.0.5259 for .NET/ActiveX/Delphi/C++/C++ Builder | 62 Mb
The QuickBooks Integrator provides easy-to-use components for QuickBooks development, facilitating tasks such as adding, updating or retrieving customer information, vendor information, employee information, transactions etc.
Comprehensive Solution
Components provide access to major QuickBooks constructs such as Customer, Item, Invoice, Sales Receipt, etc.
Cross Platform
Native editions available targeting major platforms & IDE's including: .NET, Java, ActiveX, ASP, Delphi, C++, etc.
Connect to QuickBooks Remotely
Remote access to QuickBooks using QB Connector. Multiple solutions can access QuickBooks at the same time.
Webstore Enabled
Properties included for easy integration with online storefronts. Export from the web directly to QuickBooks.
Outstanding Support
Backed by a decade of professional technical support. Unlimited free Email support or paid Premium Support options.
Other Features...
Royalty-free licensing, No External Dependencies, XML Serializable, Integrated into Major IDE's, and more!
The /n software QuickBooks Integrator is a toolkit for QuickBooksв„ў developers that provides for quick and easy development of fully-integrated QuickBooks solutions. It eliminates much of the complexity of developing such solutions by providing easy to use components that facilitate tasks such as adding, updating or retrieving customer information, vendor information, employee information, transactions etc.
Internet-Enabled QuickBooks. Access QuickBooks remotely using the included /n software QBConnector & QBConnector Component
Secure connection to the QB Connector using SSL and Digital Certificates
Easy-to-use components greatly reduce the code required to work with common QuickBooks constructs
Handles all QBXML parsing, COM communications, error handling, etc. allowing you to focus on your specific business requirements.
Integrates with Online shopping carts providing seamless integration between sales and accounting.
Easily export QuickBooks information to a database of choice or directly to XML.
Native development components for all supported platforms and component technologies.
Unlimited free Email technical support backed by an experienced & professional staff.
Extensive documentation, sample applications, fully-integrated help, and much more!
Restriction: If you have have one year or more than one year VIP membership please mail us for password.

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