Pascal Analyzer 7.1.3

Pascal Analyzer 7.1.3 | 4 Mb

To summarize, Pascal Analyzer can:
Give faster time to market for new products
Improve application quality and reliability
Reduce overall cost of development, support, and maintenance
Version 7.0 adds new functions:
- new NextGen Readiness Report, measures how well prepared your code is for Embarcadero's new NextGen compiler
- new section in Warnings Report: "Identifier with same name as keyword/directive"
- new section in Warnings Report: "Redeclared identifiers from System unit"
- new section in Literal Strings and Numbers Report: Literal numbers in code
- new section in Third Party Report: "Third-party class and interface types directly referenced"
- new section in Strong Warnings Report: "Subprogram calls itself unconditionally"
- CHM help files can be created, together with HTML output, adding full-text search capability
- Ctrl+MouseWheel can now be used to increase/decrease font size in source viewer and in text reports
- level of indentation (1-4 spaces), is a new option for Call Tree, Reverse Call Tree, and Exception reports
- ExcludedFiles settings is now includes just System.pas as default for new projects (not Windows.pas anymore)
- Status Report also lists all loaded files
- Status Report now also displays the number of different items
- Totals Report and Modules Total Report now also displays UnicodeString and WideString metrics
- Todo Report now sorted after module, priority, category (in that order)
- Call Tree Report, Reverse Call Tree Report, now sorts branches by function or unit depending on sort mode setting
- much improved handling of identifiers from System.pas, and built-in declarations
- improved handling of calls to functions that are safe to call without parameter being initialized, like SizeOf()
- new status pane in main window displays current compiler target
- more accurate type determination for numeric constants
- improved parser speed
Version 7.1.3 Aug 18, 2014
registry key for Delphi XE6 were not read
registry key for Delphi XE6 were not read

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