AlphaControls v9.15 Retail (Delphi/BCB All Version)

AlphaControls v9.15 Retail (Delphi/BCB All Version) | 18 Mb

Delphi : D5 D6 D7 D2005 D2006 D2007 D2009 D2010 DXE DXE2 DXE2_x64 DXE3 DXE3_x64 DXE4 DXE4_x64 DXE5 DXE5_x64 DXE6 DXE6_x64
C++ Builder : CB6 BCB2006 BCB2007 BCB2009 CB2010 BuilderXE BuilderXE2 BuilderXE3 BuilderXE4 BuilderXE5 BuilderXE6
* Added support of the Embarcadero RAD Studio XE7
* Fixed error in TsGroupBox which occurs when skins are not enabled
* Added saving and loading from files of AlphaHint templates (in the property editor)
* Improved support of TsDBGrid under latest IDE versions
* Added support of HTML tags in the editors BoundLabel property
* Added OnValidateError event in the TsMaskEdit
* Improved drawing of items in the TsListView
* Improved drawing of EditButton in DevExpress

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