AidAim SQLMemTable Pro 9.0 Full Source Retail
SQLMemTable is a simple and fast in-memory database for Delphi and C++ Builder. SQLMemTable does not require BDE and provides all the TTable functions such as master / detail relationship, filtering, searching, sorting, blob fields, key and range methods, as well as some advanced features like blob fields compression and Unicode support.
SQLMemTable includes 4 visual components:
TSQLMemDatabase, analogue of TDatabase;
TSQLMemTable which is a fast and easy in-memory TTable replacement;
TSQLMemQuery that provides a subset of SQL'92 operators;
TSQLMemBatchMove which is very close to TBatchMove and supports almost all of its functionality.
SQLMemTable provides the following services:
Multiple memory databases support;
SQL'92 DML & DDL enhanced support with advanced statements;
Correlated subqueries support in SELECT, UPDATE and DELETE SQL statements;
SQL stored procedures and functions support;
Full Views support;
Case-insensitive search;
Referential Integrity support (SQL'99 compliance);
100% Unicode support - SQL, filters, database objects names;
Export to SQL;
BatchMove component;
Master / detail relationship;
Database Designer - design-time editor for TSQLMemDatabase and SQL designer in TSQLMemQuery;
creating, renaming, emptying, deleting and restructuring tables;
creating, editing, deleting, browsing and searching for records;
creating and deleting multiple indexes;
calculated and lookup fields;
filtering support;
BLOB fields compression;
Multi-thread access;
importing from and exporting to any dataset in fast and easy way;
loading and saving tables with optional compression;
internationalization / localization and Unicode support.
Data types:
ftFixedChar, ftString, ftWideString, ftSmallint, ftInteger, ftLargeint, ftWord, ftAutoInc, ftFloat, ftBoolean, ftCurrency, ftDate, ftTime, ftDateTime, ftTimeStamp, ftBytes, ftVarBytes, ftDBaseOle, ftParadoxOle, ftTypedBinary, ftBlob, ftGraphic, ftMemo, ftFmtMemo
Advanced data types:
aftUnknown, aftChar, aftString, aftWideChar, aftWideString, aftShortint, aftSmallint, aftInteger, aftLargeint, aftByte, aftWord, aftCardinal, aftAutoInc, aftAutoIncShortint, aftAutoIncSmallint, aftAutoIncInteger, aftAutoIncLargeint, aftAutoIncByte, aftAutoIncWord, aftAutoIncCardinal, aftSingle, aftDouble, aftExtended, aftBoolean, aftCurrency, aftDate, aftTime, aftDateTime, aftTimeStamp, aftBytes, aftVarBytes, aftBlob, aftGraphic, aftMemo, aftFormattedMemo, aftWideMemo
Maximum records quantity: up to 231 (over 2 billions).
Maximum fields per table: 231 (over 2 billions).
Maximum indexes per table: 231.
Maximum index fields per index: 231.
Maximum index entry size: (PageSize - 128) / 2.
Default index page size: 4096 bytes (variable SQLMemDefaultMemoryPageSize in unit SQLMemConst).
Maximum field name's length: 255 characters.
Maximum index name's length: 255 characters.
BLOB compression: ZLib, BZip, PPM
Search operators: ,=,<>,=, like, not like, is null, is not null, and, or, not, ().
Only for V.I.P 
SQLMemTable includes 4 visual components:
TSQLMemDatabase, analogue of TDatabase;
TSQLMemTable which is a fast and easy in-memory TTable replacement;
TSQLMemQuery that provides a subset of SQL'92 operators;
TSQLMemBatchMove which is very close to TBatchMove and supports almost all of its functionality.
SQLMemTable provides the following services:
Multiple memory databases support;
SQL'92 DML & DDL enhanced support with advanced statements;
Correlated subqueries support in SELECT, UPDATE and DELETE SQL statements;
SQL stored procedures and functions support;
Full Views support;
Case-insensitive search;
Referential Integrity support (SQL'99 compliance);
100% Unicode support - SQL, filters, database objects names;
Export to SQL;
BatchMove component;
Master / detail relationship;
Database Designer - design-time editor for TSQLMemDatabase and SQL designer in TSQLMemQuery;
creating, renaming, emptying, deleting and restructuring tables;
creating, editing, deleting, browsing and searching for records;
creating and deleting multiple indexes;
calculated and lookup fields;
filtering support;
BLOB fields compression;
Multi-thread access;
importing from and exporting to any dataset in fast and easy way;
loading and saving tables with optional compression;
internationalization / localization and Unicode support.
Data types:
ftFixedChar, ftString, ftWideString, ftSmallint, ftInteger, ftLargeint, ftWord, ftAutoInc, ftFloat, ftBoolean, ftCurrency, ftDate, ftTime, ftDateTime, ftTimeStamp, ftBytes, ftVarBytes, ftDBaseOle, ftParadoxOle, ftTypedBinary, ftBlob, ftGraphic, ftMemo, ftFmtMemo
Advanced data types:
aftUnknown, aftChar, aftString, aftWideChar, aftWideString, aftShortint, aftSmallint, aftInteger, aftLargeint, aftByte, aftWord, aftCardinal, aftAutoInc, aftAutoIncShortint, aftAutoIncSmallint, aftAutoIncInteger, aftAutoIncLargeint, aftAutoIncByte, aftAutoIncWord, aftAutoIncCardinal, aftSingle, aftDouble, aftExtended, aftBoolean, aftCurrency, aftDate, aftTime, aftDateTime, aftTimeStamp, aftBytes, aftVarBytes, aftBlob, aftGraphic, aftMemo, aftFormattedMemo, aftWideMemo
Maximum records quantity: up to 231 (over 2 billions).
Maximum fields per table: 231 (over 2 billions).
Maximum indexes per table: 231.
Maximum index fields per index: 231.
Maximum index entry size: (PageSize - 128) / 2.
Default index page size: 4096 bytes (variable SQLMemDefaultMemoryPageSize in unit SQLMemConst).
Maximum field name's length: 255 characters.
Maximum index name's length: 255 characters.
BLOB compression: ZLib, BZip, PPM
Search operators: ,=,<>,=, like, not like, is null, is not null, and, or, not, ().

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