Grebarsys PrintDAT! Pro Full Source XE7 » Developer.Team - Developers Paradise!
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Grebarsys PrintDAT! Pro Full Source XE7

Grebarsys PrintDAT! Pro Full Source XE7
Grebarsys PrintDAT! Pro Full Source XE7 | 23 Mb

PrintDAT! was created out of necessity in order to fill a major void in the programming language. Grids are the cornerstone of all database applications. They are essential in getting the data from the database and onto the computer screen. Unfortunately once on the screen there is no easy way to print the grid or export it to another program. This logical link of getting the data from the grid to the report is missing.

Programmers have been filling this gap by using report writers to do the job. Unfortunately report writers are either too complicated and have a steep learning curve, or are too laborious and designing reports becomes nothing less than manual labor. Ask any novice programmer any they'll probably tell you writing reports is one of their greatest obstacles and most can't understand why it has to be so darned difficult. At the other end of the spectrum, power programmers who have mastered report writers will find writing reports too time consuming and it slows down their productivity to a crawl.

Create grid reports 50x faster than conventional reporting tools!
It takes just 30 seconds and 1 line of code. It's as easy as 1,2,3.

Drop a TpdtPrintDAT component on your form
Give it the name of the grid to print
Add "pdtPrintDAT1.Print" to a button.
and you're done. Compile and run your program.

PrintDAT! makes you more productive
because it has the features programmers want.

Print TdbGrid, TStringGrid. TTable, TQuery,
TDecisionGrid, TDecisionQuery, TwwDBGrid, TwwTable, TwwQuery, T_IBGrid and T_IBQuery.

Print from these databases: DBISAM, Advantage, Topaz, FlashFiler, BDE, Apollo, CodeBase, DiamondAccess, DiamondADO or any TDataset compatible component

Print super wide grids, 1000+ columns across using horiz. page breaks

Create column totals with 1 mouse click. Choose from Count, Sum, Min, Max, Average, Standard Deviation and Variance.

Output to screen (built-in report viewer with zoom), printer, text file, clipboard.

Add report titles and footers at runtime.

Print memos and long strings by word-wrapping within a cell!

For the first time ever, print your TDecisionGrid (DecisionCube) and the summarized data (TDecisionQuery) that went into making it.

Export any grid, including dbGrids, StringGrids, DecisionGrids, TTable, TQuery to any spreadsheet like MS Excel, to other databases or to graphics programs using ASCII delimited file output.

Autosizes the grid column widths. Auto-fits grid to page.

Shrink to Page and Expand To Page

Newspaper Panels to snake narrow grids across page

Report passwords

Super fast printing 10+ pages/sec (to a text file)

No DLL's or Active-X to worry about. Written in VCL.

Conventional Report Writer Inadequacies
Creating a columnar report with a conventional report writer is a lot of hard work. The programmer must:

Create a new report unit
Link the unit to the program
Add the proper dataset to the report
Drag & drop fields from the dataset onto the report
Coax the fields into position
Adjust the column widths to reflect the underlying data
Try and allow enough space for the memo fields
Try and squeeze the columns together so all of the columns can fit across on the page
If the columns don't fit, choose a smaller font for the fields and reposition all the fields
Hardcode in the calculations or formulas to calculate the column totals
If more columns are added to the grid or dataset, add the new fields to the report by redoing most of the steps listed above!



[b] Only for V.I.P
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