Sub Systems PDF Report Generator 4 Retail

Sub Systems PDF Report Generator 4 Retail | 3 Mb
PDF Report Generator offers a simple and hassle free method of producing PDF reports within your application. You would use two simple steps to generate a report. The first step is to create a report object. This involves coding your report using a small set of API functions to insert text, tables, and pictures into the report. You can format the text and table elements using fonts and colors just as would do in a word-processor.
The second step is to pass the report object to a PDF generator object. The PDF generator automatically formats your report into a number of pages and generates the PDF. The resulting PDF can be saved to a disk file, or it can be retrieved in a string to use in an ASP.NET application.
PDF Report Generator supports the following features:
Fonts, point-size, various character styles and colors.
Paragraph formatting features such as centering, justification, indentation, etc.
Tables and nested tables.
Repeatable page header and footers.
Hyperlinks (internal and external) in the generated PDF document.
Security permissions and password protection.
Set paper size, orientation and margins for PDF output.
Embedded fonts.
Unicode support.
Right-to-left and mix/latin text.
Support for BMP, PNG, JPEG, WMF, and EMF picture formats.
Code Output: The generated PDF code can be written to a disk file or it can be retrieved in a memory buffer.
Programming Interface: Your application simply uses function calls to develop the report and generate the PDF for the report.
The Win32 version includes the function and constant declaration files for C/C++, Visual Basic and Delphi. The product is usable in any environment which allows for calling simple DLL functions.
The .NET version of this product is written using pure C# managed code. The .NET version can also be used within an ASP.NET server application.
New Features in Version 4.0
Improved support for PDF/A-1b and PDF/A-1a compliance options.
Support for vertical text in the table text.
Support for vertical text in the text-box.
Improved support for image transparency.
bug fixes and other enhancements.

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