TatukGIS 8.0 Full Source XE8

TatukGIS 8.0 Full Source XE8 | 35 Mb

Embarcadero Delphi/C++Builder VCL
Microsoft .NET for WinForms and WPF
Microsoft ActiveX/OCX
Microsoft .NET Compact Framework (for mobile solutions)
Each DK edition reflects the same or very similar framework, object API, and technology. The source code of a .NET WinForms application, for example, is exactly the same as a .NET Compact Framework application. This means porting a GIS application between development environments, e.g., Visual Basic, VB.NET, Visual C++, C#, .NET, Compact Framework, Delphi, C++Builder, etc., is possible without great difficulty. (See comparative code example.)
The DK is known for performance, powerful yet logical API, compliance with many open standards, and reasonable licensing. Features include support for most data formats, most database engines and SQL layer types, networking/routing, geocoding, 3D visualization, state-of-the-art support for coordinate systems...
For enterprise-level solutions, support is available for advanced spatial databases including Oracle Spatial & Oracle GeoRaster, Microsoft SQL 2008 (and up), ESRI ArcSDE, IBM DB2 Spatial Extender, IBM Informix Spatial DataBlade, Sybase SQL Anywhere Spatial, Geomedia, PostGIS...
Delphi - DK for VCL code
procedure TForm1.GISMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; Y: Integer);
ptg : TGIS_Point ;
shp : TGIS_Shape ;
if Gis.IeEmpty then exit ;
ptg := GIS.ScreenToMap( Point(x, y ) );
shp := TGIS_Shape( GIS.Locate( ptg, 5/GIS.Zoom ) ) ;
if shp = nil then
StatusBar.SimpleText := ''
StatusBar.SimpleText := shp.GetField('name');
C++ Builder - DK for VCL code
void __fastcall TForm1::GISMouseDown(TObject *Sender, TMouseButton Button,
TShiftState Shift, int X, int Y)
TGIS_Point ptg ;
TGIS_Shape *shp ;
if ( GIS->IsEmpty ) return;
ptg = GIS->ScreenToMap( Point(X, Y) );
shp = (TGIS_Shape *)( GIS->Locate( ptg, 5/GIS->Zoom, TRUE ) ) ;
if (shp == NULL)
StatusBar->SimpleText = "" ;
StatusBar->SimpleText = shp->GetField("name") ;
VisualBasic 6 - DK for ActiveX code
Private Sub GIS_onmousemove(translated As Boolean, ByVal shift As TatukGIS_DK.X_ShiftState,
ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long)
Dim ptg As XGIS_Point
Dim shp As XGIS_Shape
If GIS.IeEmpty Then Exit Sub
Set ptg = GIS.ScreenToMap(GisUtils.Point(X, Y))
Set shp = GIS.Locate(ptg, 5 / GIS.Zoom)
If shp Is Nothing Then
StatusBar.SimpleText = ""
StatusBar.SimpleText = shp.GetField("name")
End If
End Sub
Visual C++ - DK for ActiveX MFC code
void CLocateDlg::Ononmousemove(BOOL FAR* translated, long button,
long shift, long X, long Y)
IXGIS_Point ptg ;
IXGIS_Shape shp ;
if ( m_gis.get_IsEmpty() ) return ;
ptg = m_gis.ScreenToMap( m_utils.Point( X, Y ) ) ;
shp = m_gis.Locate( ptg, 5. / m_gis.get_Zoom() ) ;
if ( shp.m_lpDispatch != NULL ) {
var = shp.GetField( "NAME" ) ;
str = var.bstrVal ;
SetDlgItemText( IDC_LABEL, str );
else {
SetDlgItemText( IDC_LABEL, _T("") );
VisualBasic.NET - DK for ActiveX code
Private Sub GIS_onmousemoveEvent(ByVal eventSender As System.Object,
ByVal eventArgs As
Handles GIS.onmousemove
Dim ptg As TatukGIS_DK.IXGIS_Point
Dim shp As TatukGIS_DK.IXGIS_Shape
If GIS.IeEmpty() then Exit Sub
ptg = GIS.ScreenToMap(GisUtils.Point(eventArgs.x, eventArgs.y))
shp = GIS.Locate(ptg, 5 / GIS.Zoom)
If shp Is Nothing Then
StatusBar1.Text = ""
StatusBar1.Text = shp.GetField("name")
End If
End Sub
C# - DK for ActiveX code
private void GIS_onmousemove(object sender, AxTatukGIS_DK.IXGIS_ViewerWndEvents_onmousemoveEvent e)
TatukGIS_DK.XGIS_Point ptg;
TatukGIS_DK.IXGIS_Shape shp;
if ( GIS.IsEmpty ) return ;
ptg = GIS.ScreenToMap( GisUtils.Point(e.x, e.y ) );
shp = ( TatukGIS_DK.IXGIS_Shape ) GIS.Locate( ptg, 5/GIS.Zoom , true);
if( shp == null )
statusBar1.Text = "";
statusBar1.Text = ( string ) shp.GetField("name");
C# - DK for .NET code
private void GIS_MouseMove(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
TGIS_Point ptg ;
TGIS_Shape shp ;
if ( GIS.IsEmpty ) return ;
ptg = GIS.ScreenToMap( new Point( e.X, e.Y ) );
shp = (TGIS_Shape)GIS.Locate( ptg, 5/GIS.Zoom ) ;
if ( shp == null )
statusBar1.Text = "" ;
statusBar1.Text = shp.GetField( "name" ).ToString();
procedure TForm1.GISMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; Y: Integer);
ptg : TGIS_Point ;
shp : TGIS_Shape ;
if Gis.IeEmpty then exit ;
ptg := GIS.ScreenToMap( Point(x, y ) );
shp := TGIS_Shape( GIS.Locate( ptg, 5/GIS.Zoom ) ) ;
if shp = nil then
StatusBar.SimpleText := ''
StatusBar.SimpleText := shp.GetField('name');
C++ Builder - DK for VCL code
void __fastcall TForm1::GISMouseDown(TObject *Sender, TMouseButton Button,
TShiftState Shift, int X, int Y)
TGIS_Point ptg ;
TGIS_Shape *shp ;
if ( GIS->IsEmpty ) return;
ptg = GIS->ScreenToMap( Point(X, Y) );
shp = (TGIS_Shape *)( GIS->Locate( ptg, 5/GIS->Zoom, TRUE ) ) ;
if (shp == NULL)
StatusBar->SimpleText = "" ;
StatusBar->SimpleText = shp->GetField("name") ;
VisualBasic 6 - DK for ActiveX code
Private Sub GIS_onmousemove(translated As Boolean, ByVal shift As TatukGIS_DK.X_ShiftState,
ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long)
Dim ptg As XGIS_Point
Dim shp As XGIS_Shape
If GIS.IeEmpty Then Exit Sub
Set ptg = GIS.ScreenToMap(GisUtils.Point(X, Y))
Set shp = GIS.Locate(ptg, 5 / GIS.Zoom)
If shp Is Nothing Then
StatusBar.SimpleText = ""
StatusBar.SimpleText = shp.GetField("name")
End If
End Sub
Visual C++ - DK for ActiveX MFC code
void CLocateDlg::Ononmousemove(BOOL FAR* translated, long button,
long shift, long X, long Y)
IXGIS_Point ptg ;
IXGIS_Shape shp ;
if ( m_gis.get_IsEmpty() ) return ;
ptg = m_gis.ScreenToMap( m_utils.Point( X, Y ) ) ;
shp = m_gis.Locate( ptg, 5. / m_gis.get_Zoom() ) ;
if ( shp.m_lpDispatch != NULL ) {
var = shp.GetField( "NAME" ) ;
str = var.bstrVal ;
SetDlgItemText( IDC_LABEL, str );
else {
SetDlgItemText( IDC_LABEL, _T("") );
VisualBasic.NET - DK for ActiveX code
Private Sub GIS_onmousemoveEvent(ByVal eventSender As System.Object,
ByVal eventArgs As
Handles GIS.onmousemove
Dim ptg As TatukGIS_DK.IXGIS_Point
Dim shp As TatukGIS_DK.IXGIS_Shape
If GIS.IeEmpty() then Exit Sub
ptg = GIS.ScreenToMap(GisUtils.Point(eventArgs.x, eventArgs.y))
shp = GIS.Locate(ptg, 5 / GIS.Zoom)
If shp Is Nothing Then
StatusBar1.Text = ""
StatusBar1.Text = shp.GetField("name")
End If
End Sub
C# - DK for ActiveX code
private void GIS_onmousemove(object sender, AxTatukGIS_DK.IXGIS_ViewerWndEvents_onmousemoveEvent e)
TatukGIS_DK.XGIS_Point ptg;
TatukGIS_DK.IXGIS_Shape shp;
if ( GIS.IsEmpty ) return ;
ptg = GIS.ScreenToMap( GisUtils.Point(e.x, e.y ) );
shp = ( TatukGIS_DK.IXGIS_Shape ) GIS.Locate( ptg, 5/GIS.Zoom , true);
if( shp == null )
statusBar1.Text = "";
statusBar1.Text = ( string ) shp.GetField("name");
C# - DK for .NET code
private void GIS_MouseMove(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
TGIS_Point ptg ;
TGIS_Shape shp ;
if ( GIS.IsEmpty ) return ;
ptg = GIS.ScreenToMap( new Point( e.X, e.Y ) );
shp = (TGIS_Shape)GIS.Locate( ptg, 5/GIS.Zoom ) ;
if ( shp == null )
statusBar1.Text = "" ;
statusBar1.Text = shp.GetField( "name" ).ToString();

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