Adonis Component Suite 5.9 Full Source
Adonis Component Suite 5.9 Full Source | 12 Mb
Delphi and C++ Builder components for universal data access using ActiveX Data Objects (ADO).
supports the latest ADO 2.8 library
compatible with any ADO 1.5 - 2.8 libraries
no need for Borland Database Engine (BDE)
supports RDS, ADOR, MIDAS and MTS for multitier applications
direct access to ADO, ADOX, JRO, ADO MD and MTS objects
contains ADO Component Suite components
contains ADOX Component Suite components
contains JRO Component Suite components
compatible with Delphi data-aware components
available for Delphi/C++ Builder 5 - 10 and Lazarus 1.4.2
source code available in Adonis Professional edition
distributing components in applications is royalty free
How can I determine ADO version?
ShowMessage('ADO version ' + GetADOVersion + ' installed');
ShowMessage('ADO not installed');
How can I get ADO error information?
Place this code to OnPostError, OnADOError, etc.:
uses ADO;
with ADODataSet.Errors do
for i := Count - 1 downto 0 do
with Item[i] do
' Description: ' + Description + #13 +
' Number: ' + IntToStr(Number) + #13 +
' Native: ' + IntToStr(NativeError) + #13 +
' Source: ' + Source + #13 +
' State: ' + SQLState + #13);
with ADODatabase.Errors do
for i := Count - 1 downto 0 do
with Item[i] do
' Description: ' + Description + #13 +
' Number: ' + IntToStr(Number) + #13 +
' Native: ' + IntToStr(NativeError) + #13 +
' Source: ' + Source + #13 +
' State: ' + SQLState + #13);
C++ Builder code:
_di_Errors Errors = ADODatabase->Handle->Errors;
for (int i = Errors->Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
" Description: " + Errors->Item[i]->Description + "\n" +
" Number: " + IntToStr(Errors->Item[i]->Number) + "\n" +
" Native: " + IntToStr(Errors->Item[i]->NativeError) + "\n" +
" Source: " + Errors->Item[i]->Source + "\n" +
" State: " + Errors->Item[i]->SQLState + "\n");
How can I create and use TADODataSet in C++ Builder application?
// this line fixes an incorrectly generated ADO header file
__interface Ado::_Recordset : public Recordset15 {};
void __fastcall TFormAdonisDemo::Button1Click(TObject *Sender)
TADODataSet *Table = new TADODataSet(this);
Table->DatabaseProvider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0";
Table->DatabaseConnect = "Data Source = simple.mdb";
Table->CommandType = ctTable;
Table->TableName = "COUNTRY";
Table->Active = true;
Table->FieldByName("NAME")->AsString = "MyName";
Table->FieldByName("AREA")->AsInteger = 10000;
delete Table;
[b] Only for V.I.P
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