FastReport FMX 2.3.1 Retail

FastReport FMX 2.3.1 Retail | 93 Mb
FastReport FMX 2 Embarcadero Edition for RAD Studio, Delphi and C++Builder XE8 Multi-platform report generator for Apple Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows. Multi-platform report generator for Apple Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows, compatible with Embarcadero RAD Studio XE (FMX library), FireMonkey FM3. Report generator FastReport FMX is the first multi-platform solution for integrating Business Intelligence into software based on Embarcadero FireMonkey IDE (Delphi for MS Windows and Apple Mac OS X).
ulti platform Report Generator for Apple Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows, compatible with Embarcadero RAD Studio XE (FMX library). Report generator FastReport FMX is the first multi-platform solution which integrates Business Intelligence into software based on the Embarcadero FireMonkey IDE (Delphi for MS Windows and Apple Mac OS X).
Now you can also create business applications for Apple Mac OS X users.
You will get a powerful tool for your business applications which allows the creation and printing of documents under popular operating systems on the PC.
Main features of FastReport FMX:
Report Data
From any Database. FastReport works with all the databases which are availabe in FireMonkey
From Users' data. Applications can also be used as the datasource
Report Design
Visual report designer. Full-featured modern report editor with a huge set of tools for visually creating, tuning and editing report templates
Easy and clear classic interface
Separate tabs for "report design", "data" and "code"
Objects: shape, chart, line, table, "flag", picture, gradient, cross-tab, bar-code (including 2D) etc
Report Engine
FastReport is specially optimized and tested for the production of reports for real businesses! If your customers want to get reports fast then FastReport is the thing! The single report generator kernel offers all of this:
Band-oriented report generator. Wide choice of band types allows multi-level report banding
Code-based reports
Multi-page and multi-template reports
Cross-tabs allow building of tabular reports with complex structures, from one datasource
Interactivity. Dialogue forms, drill-down reports, call daughter report by clicking in the preview window
Internal interpretator (FastScript) with 4 programming languages: PascalScript, C++Script, BasicScript and JScript
And all of this can be combined in one report!
Report Output
In the Preview window
Sending to a printer
Exporting through a range of filters:
PDF (internal in Apple Mac OS X), TXT, BMP, JPEG, GIF, TIFF, PNG, HTML, ODS, ODT and CSV.
Flexibility and International Configuration
Flexible architecture. If you need more functionality from FastReport you can achieve it by creating and connecting your own objects, export filters, functions and DB engines
UNICODE. Reports can be based on any language
Localization. The FastReport interface is localized for 32 languages
Sources. The Licence comes with full source code for FastReport. Very convenient for adaptation

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