kbmMemTable Professional Edition 7.71 Full Source

kbmMemTable Professional Edition 7.71 Full Source | 385 kB
If you have ever wanted to store data temporarily in your Delphi Win32/Win64/MacOS, C++ Builder or FPC application, and you at the same time wanted full access to the data as if they were stored in a database table, you have the right solution here. kbmMemTable is a full TDataset compatible in memory table loaded with functionality.
This is a partial feature set
•Full featured TDataset descendant
•Full expression filters
•Advanced index support incl. filtered indexes
•Full support for search and locate both utilizing indexes if existing
•International locale supported for indexing and sorting
•In memory compression of data
•Full range of fields supported incl. blobs
•Full support for all data aware controls
•Easy interaction with other TDataset descendants
•Supports multiple cursors into the same physical in memory data
•Full support for multilevel transactions (StartTransaction, Commit, Rollback)
•Standard Edition and Professional Edition includes full source
•SQL support optionally available, including SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE, GROUP BY, ORDER BY, custom functions etc.
•Very fast aggregation and grouping methods
•Save and load from binary and CSV files (XML and JSON added in Professional Edition)
•Record versioning for multilevel undo and deltahandling/resolving to external storage
•Supports millions of records with unlimited number of fields only limited by memory
•RAD Studio, Delphi and C++Builder 2009, 2010, XE, XE2, XE3, XE4, XE5, XE6, XE7, XE8 and 10 Seattle supported
•As subscriber, access to older versions supporting D5 to D2007 and FPC is available.

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