TCamRemote ActiveX 7.2 » Developer.Team - Developers Paradise!

TCamRemote ActiveX 7.2

TCamRemote ActiveX 7.2
TCamRemote ActiveX 7.2 | 10 Mb

The TCamRemote component for Delphi and ActiveX can be used to interface and remotely handle Canon PowerShot and EOS digital cameras.


take pictures remotely and receive the picture to the computer,
handle the remote viewfinder,
set and get remote parameters (e.g. ISO and Zoom),
list, get and delete pictures stored in the camera,
handle multiple cameras.
develop RAW-pictures with development parameters (e.g. change whitebalance) to 8/16 bits Tiffs or JPEG using ICC profiles.

Which Delphi IDEs are supported?

TCamRemote currently supports Delphi 5, 6, 7, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, XE, XE2, XE3, XE4, XE5, XE6, XE7, XE8, 10 and 10.1.

Which operating systems are supported?

Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10 is supported for EOS cameras natively and for PowerShot cameras if the application is run in Windows XP compatibility mode, see section "Support for Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10" in the manual.

No PowerShot support for newer cameras

Canon has decided to remove the remote capability function from the newer PowerShot cameras. The newest PowerShot cameras supporting remote operations are the G10 and the SX110 IS. It does not seem like Canon will add that functionality to the PowerShot cameras in the future. Canon still supports remote operations with the EOS cameras.


There are no limits what I am aware of. Any development platform that supports ActiveX such as Visual Basic, Visual C++, VB.NET, C#, ASP, ASP.NET, Access, Borland C++ Builder, PowerBuilder, FoxPro should work. With TCamRemote one template for Visual Basic 6 and one template for Visual Basic 2008 are included.

As an option you can purchase the ActiveX version of TCamRemote with source code. If you want to compile the .ocx file, you will need Delphi 7 or newer development environment. The price for the source code version is the as for the VCL version of TCamRemote.

Since I only own Delphi and Visual Basic, I have tested the ActiveX component with Delphi and Visual Basic, but want to know how it works in other development platforms. Please send me feedback. I have currently only template applications in Delphi or Visual Basic. If you are willing to write a template application, against a license of TCamRemote ActiveX version, please let me know.

The templates includes the executable, making it possible for user to test the application even without having the actual development platform.

Version 7.2
Added support for the EOS Kiss X7i/EOS 700D /EOS REBEL T5i, EOS Kiss X7/EOS 100D/EOS REBEL SL1
Added support for Delphi XE4
Added many new remote operations mode (most only valid for newer EOS cameras) in RemoteFormatShootingModeType .
Added "live mode multi" in viewfinder autofocus mode (EOS only). See RemoteGetViewfinderAutofocusMode and RemoteSetViewfinderAutofocusMode for details.
Resolved a bug where two events instead of one event was fired when a picture was taken. This happened when the remote mode was set to ReleaseModeBothPCAndCamera.
Added parameter DeleteFromCameraAfterTransfer from method RemoteGetMovie .
Added method RemoteGetCFPicture to get pictures that during remote operations have been taken and stored on the camera CF- or SD-card. This method is only available for EOS cameras.
Updated OnRemoteEvent type RemoteEventCallbackType with new enum RemoteEventCallbackReleaseImageFromCFCardReady. Used to notify that a new picture has been taken and is stored on the CF- or SD-card and can be downloaded from the camera to the PC.
Pictures taken and stored on camera CF or SD card when remote mode is set to ReleaseModeBothPCAndCamera or ReleaseModeOnlyToCamera can be downloaded from the camera to the PC. The pictures can be downloaded when the OnRemoteEvent event is fired with parameter Event(Num) set to RemoteEventCallbackReleaseImageFromCFCardReady. For details see RemoteStart and OnRemoteEvent . This method is only available for EOS cameras.


[b] Only for V.I.P
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