DITidy 6.0.0 D4-Delphi 10.2 Tokyo Full Source » Developer.Team

DITidy 6.0.0 D4-Delphi 10.2 Tokyo Full Source

DITidy 6.0.0 D4-Delphi 10.2 Tokyo Full Source
DITidy 6.0.0 D4-Delphi 10.2 Tokyo Full Source

DITidy is an embedded HTML parser and pretty printer for Delphi (Embarcadero / CodeGear / Borland). It is build on the libtidy library but requires no DLLs or other external files whatsoever. All code is compiled right into the application's executable.

Here is a list of DITidy Features:

HTML, XHTML and XML parser.
Parses from file, memory, and via customizable interfaces.
Reads Documents in Latin1, UTF-8, Windows, and other encodings.
Reports a wide range of HTML and XHTML problems during parsing.
Easy to use API to iterate and examine document nodes and attributes.
Generates cleaned-up and well formatted HTML and XHTML with customizable layout styles.
Reads and writes configuration files compatible with HTML Tidy.
Built-in English language descriptions of library options.
Completely self-contained in a smart-linking, single file source code unit.

DITidy 6.0.0 – 8 Dec 2017

tidyErrorSummary – Write error information to the current error sink.
tidyGeneralInfo – Write markup information to the current error sink.
tidyPlatform – The Tidy build platform.
tidyOptionIsList – Does an option take a list of items?
tidyOptGetPriorityAttrList – Create a new priority attributes iterator.
tidyOptGetNextPriorityAttr – Retrieve the first / next priority attribute from an iterator.
tidyOptGetMutedMessageList – Create a muted messages iterator.
tidyOptGetNextMutedMessage – Retrieve the first / next muted message from an iteraor.
tidySetEmacsFile – Set the file path to use for reports with TidyEmacs.
tidyGetEmacsFile – Get the file path to use for reports with TidyEmacs.
tidySetConfigCallback – Extend configuration file options.
tidySetConfigChangeCallback – Monitor configuration changes.
tidySetReportCallback – Use a va_lists callback to send reports.
tidySetMessageCallback – Use a TidyMessage callback to send reports.
tidyGetMessageDoc – Get the TidyDoc of a message.
tidyGetMessageCode – Get the integer code of a message.
tidyGetMessageKey – Get the text key of a message.
tidyGetMessageLine – Get the line number a message applies to.
tidyGetMessageColumn – Get the column a message applies to.
tidyGetMessageLevel – Get the TidyReportLevel of the message.
tidyGetMessageArguments – Create a new message arguments iterator.
tidyGetNextMessageArgument – Retrieve the first / next TidyMessageArgument from an iterator.
tidyGetArgType – Return the TidyFormatParameterType of the given message argument.
tidyGetArgFormat – Return the format specifier of the given message argument.
tidyGetArgValueString – Return the string value of the given message argument.
tidyGetArgValueUInt – Return the unsigned integer value of the given message argument.
tidyGetArgValueInt – Return the integer value of the given message argument.
tidyGetArgValueDouble – Return the double value of the given message argument.
tidyErrorCodeAsKey – Return the text message key from an integer message code.
tidyErrorCodeFromKey – Return the integer message code from a text message key.
getErrorCodeList – Create a new message code iterator.
getNextErrorCode – Get the first / next integer error code from an error code iterator.
tidySetLanguage – Set the Tidy output language.
tidyGetLanguage – Get the current Tidy output language.
tidyLocalizedStringN – Retrieve the localized string of a quantity.
tidyLocalizedString – Retrieve the localized string for a MessageType.
tidyDefaultString – Retrieve a MessageType string in the default localization.
getStringKeyList – Initiate an iterator for a list of string key codes available in Tidy.
getNextStringKey – Get the next key from a string key list iterator.
getInstalledLanguageList – Initiate an iterator for a list of Tidy's installed languages.
getNextInstalledLanguage – Get the next language string from the list of installed languages.
getWindowsLanguageList – Create a new Windows ↔ POSIX locale mappings iterator.
getNextWindowsLanguage – Get the next tidyLocaleMapItemPtr from a Windows language list iterator.
TidyLangWindowsName – Return the Windows name from a tidyLocaleMapItem.
TidyLangPosixName – Return the POSIX name from a tidyLocaleMapItem.

Delphi 4 and Delphi 5 support.
tidyAttrIsProp – it did not know the element which is required to tell whether an attribute is proprietary.
tidySetReportFilter2 – replaced by similar function tidySetReportCallback.
tidySetReportFilter3 – replaced by similar function tidySetMessageCallback.
All tidyNodeIs… functions – use tidyNodeGetId.
All tidyAttrIs… functions – use tidyAttrGetId.

TidyConfigCategory elements.
TidyDialogueDoc is deprecated: Use TidyDialogueFootnote instead.
Bug Fixes:

Add missing TidyDoc argument to tidyFileExists.
Fix memory leak in tidyCleanAndRepair when converting XHTML input to HTML output.
Fix memory leaks with nested <a><div><a href=1>.

Only for V.I.P
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