ESBPCS for VCL 6.9.2 Full Source Retail » Developer.Team

ESBPCS for VCL 6.9.2 Full Source Retail

ESBPCS for VCL 6.9.2 Full Source Retail
ESBPCS for VCL 6.9.2 Full Source Retail

ESBPCS for VCL (ESB Professional Computation Suite provides a huge collection of Routines and Components to make Data Entry and Manipulation easier for both Developers and their end-users. ESBPCS for VCL - Components and Routines Making Data Entry and Manipulation easier for Developers and their Customers.

This is a collection of over 6000 routines/methods and over 235 classes/components in over 140 units for Embarcadero (formerly CodeGear / Borland) Delphi 7, 2005/Win32, 2006/Win32, 2007/Win32, 2007, 2009, 2010 and C++ Builder 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, Borland Turbo Delphi Professional for Win32 and Borland Turbo C++ Professional for Win32, CodeGear RAD Studio 2007 (Win32 Personalities), CodeGear RAD Studio 2009, Embarcadero RAD Studio 2010, Embarcadero Delphi XE, Embarcadero C++ Builder XE, Embarcadero RAD Studio XE, Embarcadero Delphi XE2, Embarcadero C++ Builder XE2, Embarcadero RAD Studio XE2, Embarcadero Delphi XE3, Embarcadero C++ Builder XE3, Embarcadero RAD Studio XE3, Embarcadero Delphi XE4, Embarcadero C++ Builder XE4, Embarcadero RAD Studio XE4, Embarcadero Delphi XE5, Embarcadero C++ Builder XE5, Embarcadero RAD Studio XE5, Embarcadero Delphi XE6, Embarcadero C++ Builder XE6, Embarcadero RAD Studio XE6, Embarcadero Delphi XE7, Embarcadero C++ Builder XE7, Embarcadero RAD Studio XE7, Embarcadero Delphi XE8, Embarcadero C++ Builder XE8, Embarcadero RAD Studio XE8, Embarcadero Delphi 10 Seattle, Embarcadero C++ Builder 10 Seattle, Embarcadero RAD Studio 10 Seattle, Embarcadero Delphi 10.1 Berlin, Embarcadero C++ Builder 10.1 Berlin, Embarcadero RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin, Embarcadero Delphi 10.2 Tokyo, Embarcadero C++ Builder 10.2 Tokyo, Embarcadero RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo which are aimed at making "data entry & manipulation easier" for Developers and their Customers.

Components included cover Integer Edits, Float Edits, Hex Edits, IP Address Edits, Percentage Edits, Date Edits, Time Edits, Date/Time Edits, Month Edits, Time Edits, Complex Edits, Fraction Edits, Currency Edits, Calculator Edits, Calendar Edits, Button Edits, Degree/Minute/Second Edits, Comboboxes, Month Comboboxes, Day of Week Comboboxes, Time Zone Comboboxes, Country Comboboxes, Duration Comboboxes, SpinEdits, Month SpinEdit, DOW SpinEdits, Duration SpinEdits, Currency SpinEdits, Vector Edits, Matrix Edits, Calculators, Calendars, Statistical Analysis, Labels, URL Labels, Math Labels, CheckBoxes, RadioGroups, CheckGroups, Memos, RichEdits and much more. As well, there are Data Aware versions of most of them.

Routines included cover Mathematics, Probability, Statistics, Complex Numbers, Fractions, Physics, Geometry, Astronomy, Longitude/Latitude, Unit Conversions, Strings, File IO, Registry, Financials, Country Lists, Holidays, Time Zones, Dates and Times, and much more.

v6.9.2 30 January 2018

- Copyright Messages Updated.
- Internet References are now https:// where possible.
- Windows 7 and above are now the target platforms, though things still work on Windows XP and Windows Vista.

*** Globals & Resources ***
- Improved support for Brazilian Portuguese by Carlos E. TrГ©.
- Added GravityLuna for Surface Gravity on the Moon (Luna).
- Added GravityMars for Surface Gravity on Mars.
- Added GravityVenus for Surface Gravity on Venus.
- Added OneHectare for Square Metres in a Hectare.
- Added OneMuArea1930 for the Chinese Measurement of Area known as Mu as defined in 1930.
- Added OneQingArea1930 for the Chinese Measurement of Area known as Qing as defined in 1930.
- DensityOfEarth has had a slight correction for NASA 2016 data.
- Added DensityOfLuna for the Density of the Moon (Luna).
- Added DensityOfMars for the Density of Mars.
- Added DensityOfVenus for the Density of Venus.
- RadiusOfEarth adjusted to be the more commonly used value, since Equatorial and Polar versions are available.
- Added RadiusOfEarthEquatorial for the Equatiorial Radius of the Earth.
- Added RadiusOfEarthPolar for the Polar Radius of the Earth.
- Added RadiusOfLunaEquatorial for the Equatiorial Radius of the Moon (Luna).
- Added RadiusOfLunaPolar for the Polar Radius of the Moon (Luna).
- Added RadiusOfMarsEquatorial for the Equatiorial Radius of Mars.
- Added RadiusOfMarsPolar for the Polar Radius of Mars.
- Added RadiusOfVenusEquatorial for the Equatiorial Radius of Mars.
- Added RadiusOfMarsPolar for the Polar Radius of Mars.
- Added SunToMars for the average distance between the Sun and Mars.
- Added SunToVenus for the average distance between the Sun and Venus.
- Added OneLiDist1930 for the Chinese Measurement of Distance known as Li as defined in 1930.
- Added OneChiDist1930 for the Chinese Measurement of Distance known as Chi as defined in 1930.
- Added OneCunDist1930 for in the Chinese Measurement of Distance known as Cun as defined in 1930.
- MassOfEarth has had a slight correction for NASA 2016 data.
- Added MassOfLuna for the estimated Mass of the Moon (Luna).
- Added MassOfMars for the estimated Mass of the Mars.
- Added MassOfVenus for the estimated Mass of the Venus.
- Added OneDanMass1930 for the Chinese Measurement of Mass known as Dan as defined in 1930.
- Added OneJinMass1930 for the Chinese Measurement of Mass known as Jin as defined in 1930.
- Added OneLiangMass1930 for the Chinese Measurement of Mass known as Liang as defined in 1930.
- Added HrsPerSolarLunaDay for Hours in a Solar (Synodic) Day on the Moon (Luna).
- Added OneSolarLunaDay for One Solar (Synodic) Day ont the Moon (Luna) in standard 24-Hour Days.
- Added OneSiderealLunaDay for One Sidereal Luna (the Moon) Day in standard 24-Hour Days.
- Added HrsPerSiderealLunaDay for Hours in a Sidereal Day (Mean Solar Time) on the Moon (Luna).
- Added EscapeVelocity for Escape Velocity from the surface of the Earth.
- Added EscapeVelocityLuna for Escape Velocity from the surface of the Moon (Luna).
- Added EscapeVelocityMars for Escape Velocity from the surface of Mars.
- Added EscapeVelocityVenus for Escape Velocity from the surface of Venus.
- Added OneShengVol1930 for the Chinese Measurement of Volume known as Sheng as defined in 1930.
- Added OneCubicMile for the volume of a cubic mile in cubic metres.
- Added VolumeOfEarth for the volume of the Earth.
- Added VolumeOfLuna for the volume of the Moon (Luna).
- Added VolumeOfMars for the volume of Mars.
- Added VolumeOfVenus for the volume of Venus.

*** Routines ***
- ESBPCSMaths added Int32_10ToPower, Int64_10ToPower, UInt64_10ToPower as faster routines than Int10ToPower. Based on algorithm supplied by Peter Wright. For Delphi 2007 and later.

*** Conversions ***
- Acceleration: Added Surface Gravity on the Moon (Luna).
- Acceleration: Added Surface Gravity on Mars.
- Acceleration: Added Surface Gravity on Venus.
- Area: Added Chinese unit Mu, as per 1930 definition.
- Area: Added Chinese unit Qing, as per 1930 definition.
- Density: Added Luna (the Moon) Densities.
- Density: Added Mars Densities.
- Density: Added Venus Densities.
- Density: Adjusted Earth Density for NASA 2016 data.
- Distance: Added Chinese unit Chi, as per 1930 definition.
- Distance: Added Chinese unit Cun, as per 1930 definition.
- Distance: Added Chinese unit Li, as per 1930 definition.
- Distance: Added Earth Equatorial Radius.
- Distance: Added Earth Polar Radius.
- Distance: Added Luna (the Moon) Equatorial Radius.
- Distance: Added Luna (the Moon) Polar Radius.
- Distance: Added Mars Equatorial Radius.
- Distance: Added Mars Polar Radius.
- Distance: Added Sun to Mars - average distance between the Sun and Mars.
- Distance: Added Sun to Venus - average distance between the Sun and Venus.
- Distance: Added Venus Equatorial Radius.
- Distance: Added Venus Polar Radius.
- Distance: Adjusted Earth Radius to be the commonly used value, previous value is the Earth Equatorial Radius.
- Distance: Adjusted Bohr Radius to display as Bohr Radii (plural)
- Mass: Added Chinese unit Dan, as per 1930 definition.
- Mass: Added Chinese unit Jin, as per 1930 definition.
- Mass: Added Chinese unit Liang, as per 1930 definition.
- Mass: Added Luna (the Moon) Masses.
- Mass: Added Mars Masses.
- Mass: Added Venus Masses.
- Mass: Adjusted Earth Mass for NASA 2016 data.
- Time: Sidereal Days on the Moon (Luna).
- Time: Solar Days on the Moon (Luna).
- Velocity: Added Escape Velocity
- Velocity: Added Escape Velocity (Luna)
- Velocity: Added Escape Velocity (Mars)
- Velocity: Added Escape Velocity (Venus)
- Volume: Added Chinese unit Sheng, as per 1930 definition.
- Volume: Added Cubic Kilometres.
- Volume: Added Cubic Miles.
- Volume: Added Earth Volumes.
- Volume: Added Luna (the Moon) Volumes.
- Volume: Added Mars Volumes.
- Volume: Added Venus Volumes.

*** Documentation ***
- Help Files updated.

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