TMS VCL Cloud Pack v3.8.3.1 DXE-D10.2 Tokyo
TMS VCL Cloud Pack v3.8.3.1 DXE-D10.2 Tokyo
Google Places, Google Tasks, Google Calendar, Google Contacts, Windows Live Calendar, Windows Live Contacts, Outlook Calendar, Outlook Contacts, iCloud contacts, iCloud calendar, WebDAV, CardDAV, CalDAV .
Cloud storage
Apple CloudKit, DropBox, Onedrive, Google DataStore, Google Sheets, Google Drive, Google Firebase Database, Box, Pryv, , HiDrive, Hubic,, Yandex Disk
Cloud data binding
TDataSet based data binding for CloudKit and Google DataStore
Cloud image services
Picasa, Flickr, Instagram, Imgur, Cloudinary
FourSquare, Google Maps address data
Social media
Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Trello
Payment service
And much more
YouTube API, Weather Underground, URL Shortener, PushOver, Twilio, Esendex, BulkSMS, TelAPI, CloudConvert, Barcodes4.Me, Google Analytics, Google Mail, Exceptionless, Outlook Mail, Computer Vision, Emotion, Bing Speech
Improved : TAdvDropBox: Share links are now also returned if a share already exists
Fixed : TAdvGCalendar: TimeZone Bias was incorrect for specific timezones
Fixed : Issue with event UID retrieval in TCloudvCalendar
Fixed : Issue with ExDates retrieval in TCloudvCalendar
Improved : TAdvDropBox: Share links are now also returned if a share already exists
Fixed : TAdvGCalendar: TimeZone Bias was incorrect for specific timezones
Fixed : Issue with event UID retrieval in TCloudvCalendar
Fixed : Issue with ExDates retrieval in TCloudvCalendar
Only for V.I.P
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