Devart SecureBridge 8.2.4 Professional
Devart SecureBridge 8.2.4 Professional
SecureBridge represents clients and servers for SSH, SFTP and SSL protocols as a network security solution. It protects any TCP traffic using SSH or SSL secure transport layer protocols, that provide authentication for both client and server, strong data encryption, and data integrity verification. SecureBridge components can be used in conjunction with data access components to prevent data interception or modification in an untrusted network.
Our security solution is very convenient in setup and usage. It is enough to place several components on the form and specify the server address and the user login information to establish a secure connection. Applications that have to work with secure information are easy to deploy, as they do not require any external files.
Data Protection and Encryption Solutions
SecureBridge protects transferred data against different kinds of attacks. SecureBridge uses the Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm for secure network connection establishing. A reliable random number generator is used for generating keys. To protect data against illegal access, information gets encrypted by symmetric algorithms that provide high speed and reliability. For data integrity verification hash algorithms like SHA1 are used.
Cross-Platform Solution for Delphi and C++Builder
This high-performance and feature-rich library of components combines cross-platform solutions for developing applications using various IDEs: RAD Studio, Delphi, C++Builder, Lazarus (FPC) on Windows (for both x86 and x64 platforms), macOS, iOS, Android, Linux and FreeBSD.
Support for Third-Party Components
SecureBridge supports Internet Direct components (Indy) and Data Access Components for MySQL (MyDAC). This allows you to implement all the advantages of encrypted connections within a single application without any external files.
Full Support for SSH2 Protocol
SecureBridge supports SSH2 protocol which is one of the most reliable protocols for data enВcryption. SSH2 is an acknowledged industry standard in the area of secure data transfer through unВprotected conВnections.
Full Support for SSL 3.0 and TLS 1.0 Protocols
Our components support Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol, which is one of the most reliable protocols for data enВcryption along with SSH. SSL is a widely used protocol for ensuring safety of financial operaВtions in Internet. Any Internet-resource that deals with money, protects its operations with SSL.
SSH Server
High-performance SSH server with wide abilities for connection setup and users maВnaВgeВment. SSH server works with different types of SSH clients such as OpenSSH, PuTTY etc. Number of the clients connected simulВtaneously is limited only by system resources.
SFTP Server
In addition to the possibility of using an SFTP client for secure file downВloading, you now get a great functionality to creВate your own SFTP serВver using the TScSFTPServer component.
SSH Client
Use the TScSSHClient component, that reВpresents SecureBridge SSH client, to work with different SSH servers like OpenSSH, WinSSHD. It allows you to achieve high performance due to conВnection parameters maВnaВgeВment. SSH client unites several unВprotected chanВnels from client to server in one protected conВnection. Logical chanВnels can exist in different threads.
SSL Client
SecureBridge SSL client is implemented in the TScSSLClient component. It can work with other applications through SSL 3.0 and TLS 1.0 protocols. SSL client validates server certificate, encrypts/deВcrypts data transferred through a network.
SFTP Client
Transfer files and access file system securely using the SecureBridge SFTP Client, that is implemented in the TScSFTPClient comВponent.
8.2.4 24-Apr-18
Support for the FTP and FTPS protocols is added
The TScFTPClient component to support access to remote files using FTP protocol is added
Possibility to connect to a remote host through a proxy server is added
Now TScStorage is thread-safe
TScSSHConnectionInfo.LocalSockAddr to retrieve a local IP address is added
The TScSSHServerOptions.MaxConnections property to limit the number of active connections is added
The TScSSHServer.BeforeClientConnect event is added
Bug with uploading an empty file is fixed
Support for the FTP and FTPS protocols is added
The TScFTPClient component to support access to remote files using FTP protocol is added
Possibility to connect to a remote host through a proxy server is added
Now TScStorage is thread-safe
TScSSHConnectionInfo.LocalSockAddr to retrieve a local IP address is added
The TScSSHServerOptions.MaxConnections property to limit the number of active connections is added
The TScSSHServer.BeforeClientConnect event is added
Bug with uploading an empty file is fixed
Only for V.I.P
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