Ziegler Collection 2.10
Ziegler Collection 2.10
ZieglerCollection one" is a collection of Delphi 16/32-bit components together with a lot of functions and procedures. The collection is made to make your life as a Delphi or C++Builder programmer a lot easier.
3D-TzBigLabel descendant Tz3Dlabel
TLabel, that with caption in any angle TzAngleLabel
TzBitmap descendant, can play cartoons TzAnimated
Tile a bitmap, or draw a color-blend TzBackground
Label-component for large text TzBigLabel
TzColorBtn with glyph-bitmap on the button TzBitColBtn
Bitmap, with a lot of extras TzBitmap
Backdrop that will make a gradient fill TzBlendPaint
Do calculations from strings TzCalc
An analog clock TzcAnalogClock
Put arrows on lines on a form TzcArrowHead
A place to store the placement of a bitmap in many other components TzcBmpOffset
An Edit control, like TzcEdit, but it have a button that can be used to do anything TzcButtonEdit
A three way spinbutton TzcCenterSpinBtn
A checkbox control, that can take different TzcCheckBox
An easy way to select a color TzcColorComboBox
A TzcDotlabel with more than one color in the caption TzcColorDotLabel
A ListBox for selecting colors in an easy way TzcColorListBox
A ComboBox control, that can take different TzcComboBox
An easy way to list a lot of lines in no space TzcCreditScroll
A component you inherit from when making new TzcEdit components TzcCustomEdit
A common ancestor to Fancy checkboxes (inherited from TzcFancyCustomBtn) TzcCustomFancy- CheckBox
A common ancestor to Fancy Radio-buttons (inherited from TzcFancyCustomBtn) TzcCustomFancy- RadioButton
A component you inherit from when making new TzcMemo components TzcCustomMemo
Parent to build on/off switche. TzcCustomOnoff
A component you inherit from when making new TzcSpinEdit components TzcCustomSpinEdit
A component to inherit from, when making new TzcComboBox components TzcCutomCombo- Box
A component to inherit from, when making new TzcListBox components TzcCutomListBox
Works/looks like on/off button on a radio TzcDblOnOff
Looks and works like a knob on a stereo TzcDial
A panel-meter, that emulates a standard din-meter TzcDinMeter
label clock-component, uses TzcDotSegments. TzcDotClock
A Simple CRT-like label that uses 63-segments to display the contents. TzcDotCrt
Label component, uses TzcDotSegments. TzcDotLabel
63-part dot-led-segment. Show any char. TzcDotSegment
An Edit control, that can different 'flat looks' TzcEdit
A button that can take any shape. Use a bitmap to design the buttonshape TzcFancyButton
A CheckBox that can take any shape. Use a bitmap to design the shape TzcFancyCheckBox
Make any windowed control any shape. Use a bitmap to design the shape of the control TzcFancyControl
A common ancestor to Fancy version of Check- and Radio-buttons TzcFancyCustom- Btn
Make the form any shape. Use a bitmap to design the shape you want the form to have TzcFancyForm
A RadioButton that can take any shape. Use a bitmap to design the shape TzcFancyRadio- Button
A component to inherit from, when making new TzcCheckBoxes TzcFlatCustom- CheckBox
A component to inherit from, when making new TzcRadiobuttons TzcFlatCustom- RadioButton
A common ancestor for checkbox- and radiobutton components TzcFlatCustomBtn
A Component like TzcSpinEdit, but for floating point values TzcFloatSpinEdit
An easy way to select a font TzcFontComboBox
A ListBox for selecting fonts in an easy way TzcFontListBox
Draw a line on a form TzcHairLine
A TzIconColBtn that can take many shapes, like TzShapeBtn TzcIconColBtn
Works/looks like a normal lightswicth TzcLightOnOff
A ListBox control, that can take different TzcListBox
An Edit control, that can different TzcMemo
Control all audiolines of the mixer TzcMMMixer
Monitor audiolevels from the mixer TzcMMPeak
Use the multimediatimer in an easy way TzcMMTimer
Tbutton, Change colors, multiline captions. TzColorBtn
Draw on any Windowed control. TzCompCanvas
Like a meter on your stereo. TzcPeakOmeter
Works/looks like an industrial pushbotton. TzcPushOnOff
A RadioButton control, that can take different 'flat looks' TzcRadioButton
A place to store a region, used by many other components (like TzcFancyForm, TzcFancyControl ect.) TzcRgn
A DotLabel that runs TzcRunningDot
Easy way to run an external program. TzcRunprog
A TzBitColBtn that can take many shapes, like TzShapeBtn TzcShapeBitColBtn
A TzColorBtn that can take many shapes, like TzShapeBtn TzcShapeColorBtn
A TzGradBtn that can take many shapes, like TzShapeBtn TzcShapeGradBtn
Works/looks like on/off btn. on a radio TzcSingleOnOff
Yet another on/off button TzcSlideOnOff
Show a lot of data in an easy to read way TzcSpectrum
A two-way spinbutton. TzcSpinBtn
An editcontrol for input of integers. Button for value up/down TzcSpinEdit
A place to store the captionsize, used by many other components TzcTextSize
Like a normal TTimer component. Uses a thread TzcTimer
Put an Icon on the Tray, that can be used as a peak-meter TzcTrayMeter
Jump to a homepage, an E-mail or maybe FTP. TzcURLLabel
An easy way to get version information (as put into the program by Delphi/C++Builder) from the program, or any other program TzcVerInfo
A place to store a wavefile. Used by other components like TzcWavePlayer TzcWave
Store a wave file internal in your program and play it easely. Removes the need for extra files when deploying TzcWavePlayer
Simple volumecontrol for wave TzcWaveVolume
TzKnob component. Select two values TzDblKnob
tCanvas, holds the complete desktop TzDeskTop
Divider-line, that can be horz- or vertical TzDivider
Frames around other components TzFrame
Show progress in any operation TzGauge
TzColorBtn with a gradient fill TzGradBtn
Manipulate the hint-window. Multiline hints. TzHint
A horizontal splitter-window TzHorSplit
TzColorBtn with icons for the glyphs. TzIconColBtn
Looks and works like a dial (knob) on a stereo TzKnob
Led component TzLed
component for easy formsize control TzMinMax
Add mouseevnts to picture, map & drawings TzMouseSpot
TPanel component, that can be moved. TzMovePanel
Non-windowed button. Like a TzBitColBtn TzNWBitColBtn
Backdrop that will make a gradient fill TzNWBlendPaint
Non-windowed button. Like a TzColorBtn. TzNWColorBtn
Non-win. button. Like a TzIconColBtn. TzNWIconColBtn
Backdrop Works in most ways like TzTileMap TzNWTileMap
Display values in Panel meters TzPanelMeter
tBitmap descendant, loads from res-file TzResBitmap
Display a lot of data Oscilloscope-like TzScope
16-part led-segment. Show most characters TzSegment
Label clock-component. Uses TzSegments TzSegmentClock
Label component, that uses TzSegments TzSegmentLabel
Non-windowed button-component, in any shape TzShapeBtn
A lot easier to control your tApplication TzShowApp
Used to scroll through a range of numbers TzSlideBar
SplashForm when your application start TzSplashForm
An extended tListBox TzTabListBox
Backdrop that can have any bitmap tiled TzTileMap
Useful to set and remove titlebar TzTitleBar
Easy handling of the tray (Win 95/98/NT). TzTrayIcon
TzKnob component. Select three values TzTripKnob
A vertical splitter-window. TzVerSpilt
Only for V.I.P
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