TMS Instrumentation Workshop Full Source for Delphi 10.3 Rio - control, component, button, bitmap, display, meter, various, progress

TMS Instrumentation Workshop Full Source for Delphi 10.3 Rio

TMS Instrumentation Workshop Full Source for Delphi 10.3 Rio
TMS Instrumentation Workshop Full Source for Delphi 10.3 Rio

TMS Instrumentation Workshop is a library full of components, methods and routines enabling you to create professional looking instrumentation and multimedia applications. A set containing over 80 instrumentation and digital components like leds, scopes, banners, sliders, knob controls, buttons, meters, panels with customized backgrounds and much more.

TVrJogMeter: rotating meter control
TVrLineMeter: highly configurable meter control with peak values, linear & logarithmic scale
TVrThermoMeter: thermometer control with peak values, setpoint and linear or logarithmic scale
TVrAngularMeter: rounded analog meter device
TVrMeter: meter control with needle and scale control
TVrPowerMeter: temperature/progress meter
TVrCompass: base class needle component
TVrTank: multi shaped tank control
TVrTubeMeter: tube meter control with various tube shape settings

Sliders & Bars
TVrSlider: smooth slider control
TVrProgressBar: enhanced progress bar
TVrIndicator: horizontal or vertical row of LEDs
TVrTrackBar: trackbar component
TVrLevelBar: progress bar with various fill styles
TVrGauge: gauge in LCD style

Led Styles
TVrBlinkLed: sizeable multi color led with blink capability
TVrCheckLed: checkbox with led
TVrDigit: 7 segment LED
TVrImageLed: standard LED control
TVrLights: row of green / yellow / red leds
TVrLed: small light bulb control
TVrArrow: arrow shaped button control
TVrJoyPad: arrow control with customizable direction
TVrUserLed: user definable LED control
TVrRaster: raster of led cells

TVrCounter: counter display with customizable number bitmaps
TVrNum: displays numeric values in LCD style
TVrNumLEDS: free configurable 7 segment LED display that can display characters 0..9, . , : and - in any order
TVrFloatNum: 7 segment LED display to display floating point numbers with control over nr. of decimals and negative sign

Multi colored Matrix
TVrMatrixGroup: multi line dot matrix control to display text
TVrMatrix: single line dot matrix control to display text

TVrAniButton: animated button using a bitmap filmstrip for animation
TVrBitmapButton: button using bitmap shape
TVrDemoButton: 3D push button with various additional features
TVrHyperButton: web link styled button component
TVrMediaButton: push button control with 3D effect
TVrPowerButton : Windows button control with embedded LED
TVrShadowButton: button with extra shadow effect
TVrShapeBtn: transforms a bitmap in a 3D rendered image
TVrUpDown: updown push button control
TVrRocker: light switch styled switch control
TVrRotarySwitch: sizeable rotary switch with switch position labels
TVrWheel: rounded progress indicator or knob
TVrSwitch: switch component
TVrSpinner: up/down control
TVrKeyPad: numeric keypad for touchscreen applications
TVrNavigator: multimedia navigator control

TVrPieGraph: 2D / 3D percentage pie graph
TVrPercentPie: percent pie chart graph
TVrPercentBar: percent bar graph
TVrHotImage: image with bitmaps for hot and normal state
TVrLabel: 3D label with rotation and various effects
TVrBanner: scrolling bitmap with speed & direction control
TVrDisplay: LCD panel styled control that can contain child controls
TVrAnimate: animated image using a bitmap filmstrip for animation
TVrGradient: component for creating multi colored backgrounds
TVrBorder: beveled outline
TVrDeskTop: form background
TVrHyperLink: web link styled label component
TVrWebLabel: automatic codeless internet link
TVrBitmapDial: dial control using bitmap filmstrip for position display
TVrBitmapImage: pattern bitmap image with various settings
TVrBitmapList: container component for holding bitmaps
TVrBlotter: container control with child control placement management
TVrSlideShow: bitmap transition component

Non-visual controls
TVrDirScan: non visual component for locating files on local or network drives
TVrFormShape: gives your form the shape of a bitmap
TVrRunOnce: disable multiple instances of the application
TVrThread: wrapper for making multithreaded applications easier
TVrCopyFile: wrapper for file copy
TVrStringList: stringlist container component
TVrTrayGauge: component to add progress indicator in system tray
TVrTrayIcon: component to add icon in tray
TVrKeyStatus: provides Num Lock, Caps Lock and Scroll Lock state
TVrWave: wave player component

Only for V.I.P
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