MIDA Converter Basic for RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo & Rio
MIDA Converter Basic for RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo & Rio
Total Conversion is a main feature of Mida Studio, allows you to convert single or groups of components. With the prior versions was possible to use Mida to convert projects from VCL to FireMonkey adding exceptions (custom conversion) but the structure VCL to FMX was an obligation.
But now there are no more limits , a total conversion.
For example, you can convert a project from VCL To IntraWeb, or change database, like dbIsam to EDB or AnyDac to FireDac or BDE To FireDac….
it is also possible to simply convert a group of components, such as TMS VCL Cloud component to TMS Cloud for FireMonkey , choosing to convert only the components or even the project from VCL to FMX.
Total Conversion - How does it work?
For each component you can indicate its replacement, the unit uses , are also managed properties you can tell, if they exist , property of origin and departure . you can also specify which unit of the original project ( used by the original component , will be eliminated) . This is done through script files that can be imported easily into Mida Studio, customizable by the customer, or distributed from a manufacturer of components. See in detail an example of these files, this is small section of VCL To IntraWeb :
Only for V.I.P
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