Download RAD Studio 10.3.3 Indy Server SSL Certificate Patch

RAD Studio 10.3.3 Indy Server SSL Certificate Patch

RAD Studio 10.3.3 Indy Server SSL Certificate Patch
RAD Studio 10.3.3 Indy Server SSL Certificate Patch

Embarcadero just released a patch for RAD Studio 10.3.3 for a problem caused by a regression in our copy of the Indy library and related to Indy servers on the Windows platform as they load SSL certificates. The issue was reported on Quality Portal as RSP-27144.

The patch includes source code and compiled artifacts (DCU, packages) and can be installed unzipping its content in the RAD Studio main folder, as explained in the readme file included in the patch ZIP file.

Issue: Web Server applications built with the Indy library (for Windows) are unable to load a SSL certificate

The issue was reported on Quality Portal as

After applying the patch, the expected behavior should be restored. Notice the issue report above already includes a patch that can be applied in code.


To install the patch:
1. Stop RAD Studio
2. Backup files per filelist below
3. Unzip the file
4. Copy the fileset to the RAD Studio main folder (usually c:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\20.0)

* bin\EMSDevServer.exe
* bin\EMSDevServerCommand.exe
* bin\IndyProtocols260.bpl
* bin64\EMSDevServer.exe
* bin64\EMSDevServerCommand.exe
* bin64\IndyProtocols260.bpl
* lib\win32\debug\IdSSLOpenSSL.dcu
* lib\win32\release\IdSSLOpenSSL.dcu
* lib\win64\debug\IdSSLOpenSSL.dcu
* lib\win64\release\IdSSLOpenSSL.dcu
* source\Indy10\Protocols\IdSSLOpenSSL.pas