Atozed Software IntraWeb Ultimate Edition v15.1.11 + Key

Atozed Software IntraWeb Ultimate Edition v15.1.11

Atozed Software IntraWeb Ultimate Edition v15.1.11
Atozed Software IntraWeb Ultimate Edition v15.1.11

IntraWeb supports RAD Studio / Delphi XE2, and in fact is included as a part of RAD Studio / Delphi XE2. If you have RAD Studio / Delphi XE2, you already have IntraWeb XII. RAD Studio 2009, 2010, XE, XE2, XE3, XE4, XE5, XE6, XE7, XE8, 10 Seattle, 10.1 Berlin, Delphi 10.2 Tokyo, Delphi 10.3 Rio.

Faster Template Processor
The template processor has been rewritten and is up to 3x faster. The template processor is a commonly used feature and will create faster applications and lower CPU usage.

Fastest zlib Library
We now have the fastest zlib in the Delphi world, 3x faster than std XE8 zlib x64.

Note: IntraWeb 15 requires a license key version 11 (starts with +0011). IW 14 license keys won’t work with IntraWeb 15.

A new IW 15 license has been automatically generated for all paid customers with active subscription. The new license can be obtained in our purchase point online:
Login using your registered e-mail and password and go to IntraWeb -> My Keys. Check the last key on your key list. It should start with +0011. This is your key for IntraWeb 15.
IntraWeb 15 is not a free upgrade for IntraWeb 14 bundled users
You can install IntraWeb 15 as evaluation for testing purposes. Evaluation version never expires. It can’t be installed with some older version of IntraWeb in the same IDE, though.

15.1.11 Version History (1/15/2020)

New HTML5 input types: color, Date, Time, Email, Month, Number, Password, Range, Tel, Url (all implemented in standard TIWEdit, TIWDBEdit). You can just set a few properties of all your existing TIWEdit controls and have it working in minutes. It is time to replace your old 3rd party input boxes with a new modern implementation!
New properties DataType and DataTypeOptions in TIWEdit and TIWDBEdit
New TIWButton.Image property. Buttons now can have images (custom or even from Web fonts like Font Awesome!)
New numeric input built-in in TIWEdit, TIWDBEdit with Currency, Float and Integer sub-types
RegionalSettings added to IWApplication/ServerController. Allow customization of currency string, decimal separator, messages used by new input types (mainly numeric ones).
New property SessionOptions.RequiresExplicitStart. When true, session can only be started using “/$/start” in URL, otherwise a 404 status is returned
New property SecurityOptions.AllowedStartParams (TStrings): User can list all parameters allowed to start a new session.
Trying to start a session using some parameter not explicitly allowed will not start a session and return 404 status instead
New property SessionOptions.HttpStatysForDeniedSessions (Integer, default 404). Allows easy configuration of http status code that should be returned when IW rejects a request for new session (because one of the various security settings)
DBLookupComboBox and DBLookupListBox new feature AutoSetListSourceCursor.
Allows automatic refresh/sync of DBLookupComboBoxes/ListBoxes when lookup datasets are part of Master/Detail relationship (some specific rules apply)
New Css property for IWForms. Theme property for IWServerController. New built in UI themes (styles).
Themes are global styles applied to most common elements like edit boxes, combo boxes, buttons and allow the user to modernize the UI with very little effort.


Increased LockSessionTimeout default value to 180000 ms (3 minutes)
IWCheckBox will render a label instead of span element (internal element which contains the check box text)
Hash code is added to JS and CSS internal files. Hash is calculated once during application start up using a very fast hash algorithm. This replaces the timestamp of session added to internal JS file names and guarantees that a modified JS or CSS file will be correctly retrieved, skipping the browser cache.

Bug fixes

Some regions rendered by CG components could be wrongly resized after Async events
Fixes AV when CheckMimeType is used in OnAsyncUploadCompleted event
Authentication wouldn’t occur before rendering a form if application main form doesn’t check for authentication
Http.sys could generate wrong response in response to an ajaxCall() request
Class of IWBS forms could be overwritten by IW ‘iw_default_submit_form’
When changing pages some Ajax calls could fail and display a message to the user (e.g. IWTimer)
Fix possible failure when setting URLBase
Cell controls changed during async calls can be moved to top/left of IWGrid
Font would not change when FontFamily/FontVariant properties changed
SessionOptions.LockSessionTimeout when set to zero will use 5 minutes by default
Other small fixes in IW jаvascript code

Only for V.I.P
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