Download DevJet CodeInsightPlus v1.0.11.28 for Delphi XE7 - 10.3 Rio + Key

DevJet CodeInsightPlus v1.0.11.28 for Delphi XE7 - 10.3 Rio

DevJet CodeInsightPlus v1.0.11.28 for Delphi XE7 - 10.3 Rio
DevJet CodeInsightPlus v1.0.11.28 for Delphi XE7 - 10.3 Rio

Make CodeInsight Intelligent

Smart Pattern Match
Suggest symbols by relevance
Sync edit type arguments (NOTE: Click the following images to play the GIF)
Suggest type arguments for generic types/methods
Postfix Code Completion (60+ Templates)
Generate local variable via Postfix Completion or Smart Completion (Ctrl+Alt+Space)
Generate anonymous method expression
Powerful for/forr/forin Postfix Completion Templates (Auto-Infer element type)
Import symbols from external units (Alt+Shift+Space Experimental for packages)

Reveal missing symbols in many cases (Press Ctrl+Space again to get more suggestions)
Customize Commit Behavior: Insert/Replace (Enter/Tab Key)
Auto Popup
Auto Parenthesis/Brackets
Auto Semicolon
Auto Peposition Code Parameters Tooltip
Auto Escape identifiers such as ‘For’
Suggest scoped enums
Hide inaccessible static members
Hide inaccessible Helper members
Hide nested type members when accessing via instance
Show Class Property Symbols
Show static members declared in helper type
e.g. TGuidHelper.NewGuid => TGuid.NewGuid
Show non-instance members in static class methods
Show non-instance members in class constructor/class destructor
Improve display of generic symbols
Show both generic and non-generic method overloads

Only for V.I.P
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