Download LMD VCL Complete v2020 D2010 - DX10.3 Rio Full Source + Crack

LMD VCL Complete v2020 D2010 - DX10.3 Rio Full Source

LMD VCL Complete v2020 D2010 - DX10.3 Rio Full Source
LMD VCL Complete v2020 D2010 - DX10.3 Rio Full Source

LMD VCL Complete includes all current LMD Innovative VCL main products including all standalone packs. To review a list of included packages check the feature matrix page.

Actually all features of the following main products are included:

LMD ElPack
NG Complete

Since LMD VCL 2016 platform release 1-year Subsciption Package is always included with each product. This package contains all features of the standard LMD VCL Complete package plus free major updates (and all completely new VCL packages) released within the subscription period. LMD VCL Complete user with valid subscription can optionally purchase additional access data to the LMD VCL source repository (based on SVN) and use our own utilities to download/create daily builds (check description of LMD DevUtil for more info). Accessing our SVN and using LMD DevUtil a very fast and flexible way of creating packages from the LMD VCL source is possible - anytime with the most current available source.

More than 740 native components for any kind of task.
Full sourcecode of all controls included
All features of the most current platform release: LMD-Tools, ElPack and LMD IDE-Tools.
Includes free license of NG Complete!
New in 2017 release: Improved VCL Styles support in major packages (LMD-Tools, ElPack etc.). Full source code of the AnyLogger client available which allows the creation of customized logging clients.
New in 2016 release: NG Drag&DropPack! VCL Styles support in DockingPack, more LMD-Tools controls etc.
New in 2015 release: NG ConnectionPack!
New in 2014 release: LMD DialogPack, LMD GridPack, LMD InspectorPack and enhanced LMD DockingPack!
Extensive demo projects with sourcecode
1-year subscription period included with each purchase (full version or update)
A Site License covers unlimited number of developers in same organization at one location
Free technical support via public form (, e-mail, fax or mail
Following additional benefits are available for LMD VCL Complete:

(Optional as paid add-on): SVN access (connect directly to LMD source version control system to get latest updates) and DevUtil support (use automatic compilation system to generate/install any custom package combination

Fast label component providing 3D-effects and extended layout settings. Since version 3.5 this component supports additional hyperjump properties (jump to Internet URL, start email client, execute applications or custom actions).

Extended label control allowing free rotation, 3D-effects, bevel and extended alignment settings compared to the standard label.

Descendant of TLMDSimpleLabel which is dockable to any TWinControl-component (e.g. TEdit - movement and sizes changes affect both controls).

Fast label component providing 3D-effects and extended layout settings. In addition TLMDGlyphLabel is linkable to Image- and BitmapList components for displaying graphics beside the caption.

Fast label component providing 3D-effects and extended layout settings. In addition one of more than two dozens of system information settings can be displayed by setting simply one property (e.g. current username, state of NUM/CAPS/SCROLL keys, memory settings, customizable date/time formats). Besides special tab settings, support for different measurement units and a full featured Bevel object are available.

Extended replacement for TSpeedButton. Among other features additional texteffects (3D, rotation, free positionining, multiline text) and display of popup-menus were added. Supports several different styles (e.g. Win31, Win40, Office97, flat display). Button is linkable to Image- and BitmapList components as well (for sharing bitmap resources with other button components).

All features+é-á of TLMDSpeedButton. In addition 8 predefined glyphs (e.g. ellipsis, select directory, select font etc.) are provided and the button is "dockable" to other TWinControl descendants (e.g. TEdit - movement and size changes affect both controls+é-á at design- and runtime).

Extended replacement for TButton. Among other features additional texteffects (3D, rotation, free positionining, multiline text) and display of popup-menus were added. Besides repeated button clicks are supported. Button is linkable to Image- and BitmapList components as well (for sharing bitmap resources with other button components).

All features of TLMDButton. In addition 8 predefined glyphs (e.g. ellipsis, select directory, select font etc.) are provided and the button is "dockable" to other TWinControl descendants (e.g. TEdit - movement and size changes affect both controls at design- and runtime).

Fast panel (including full Bevel object) without caption with special support for LMD button classes. Besides a Transparent property is available when component is placed on TLMDBackPanel or TLMDGroupBox components.

Descendant of TLMDSimplePanel which is specialized on fast display of background images and support of real transparent LMD controls (e.g. TLMDSpeedButton, TLMDAniCtrl) or rather semitransparent controls. 'Transparent' display supported. Must be linked to an Image- or BitmapList component.

Draw 3D- lines, boxes and diagonals using the fast Win32-API-function DrawEdge. Also available for 16bit-platforms!

Replaces TLMDMeter, adds 3D-effects and extended properties.

Improved replacement of TGroupBox. This component supports a full Bevel object, free positioning of caption (even vertical!) and transparent display (e.g. when placed on TLMDBackPanel)

Improved replacement of TCheckBox. Supports various 3D-font and layout settings. Customizable picture settings for all states (checkbox may be a two- or three state one). Transparent display possible.

Improved replacement of TRadioButton. Supports various 3D-font and layout settings. Customizable picture settings for both states. Transparent display possible.

Like TLMDRadioGroup but supporting TLMDCheckBox components instead of TLMDRadioButtons. The component supports up to 32 different entries. All entries can be retrieved or set by a single LongInt property.

Improved replacement of TRadioGroup. This component supports a full Bevel object, free positioning of caption (even vertical!) and transparent display. Customizable picture settings available.

Replacement for TScrollBar. Supports customizable background (including transparency), values larger than 65535 and autosized thumb.

This component is a TWinControl descendant label with many different possibilities.

TLMDHTMLLabel represents a label control with simple HTML rendering capabilities (mainly font faces and standard font attributes). However the control uses a very lean and fast internal parser.

TLMDFaceController is used to specify bevel-/font- and color properties at a central place. All LMD components with FaceController property can linked to a FaceController control and share same settings. If settings are changed, all linked controls will be automatically updated.

TLMDHeaderControl is a header control that supports LMD native theme mode. Helps to organize some other control's content in several resizable columns.

In addition to standard actions of TActionList, TLMDActionList implements a number of unicode-enabled actions.