AXWReports 2.00.17/AXWWriter 1.03.15/DOCXReadWrite 2.00.36 Source Code for Delphi 10.4 Sydney

AXWReports 2.00.17/AXWWriter 1.03.15/DOCXReadWrite 2.00.36 Source Code for Delphi 10.4 Sydney
Instead of using a special report editor when creating reports, AXWReports uses MS Word documents as templates for the reports.
This gives you several advantages:
You don't have to learn how to use a report editor. At least not if you are familiar with MS Word.
As the report template is a MS Word document, it is easy to distribute and easy for other users to change.
You can use the features of MS Word, such as text formatting, tables, text boxes and much more.
A report can easily be merged into another MS Word document.
AXWReports uses DOCXReadWrite for creating the report files. This means that you can use DOCXReadWrite to post process the reports.
AXWReports uses the familiar band oriented concept. The following type of bands are supported:
DataSet. The default band type. Used to iterate trough te records of a data set. DataSet bands can have childs to any depth in order to create master-detail relations.
SubReports. Bands that are executed after another band is executed.
SubPages. Bands that are on a separate page, as for building table of contents.
ReportHeader. A header that is written once for the report.
ReportFooter. A footer that is written once for the report.
PageHeader. A header that is on top of every report page.
Pagefooter. A footer that is on bottom of every report page.
GroupHeader. A band that is executed if a condition is met.
GroupFooter. Footer band of a GroupHeader.
Other features:
Bands can be executed when the result of an expression is met.
Tables can be used in reports by defining a row as a band. When using tables, the band row will repeat and extend the table with new rows for each database recors. There is also a FillTable mode, where a fixed size table will be filled out, and the execution stops when the table is full.
Use conditions and expressions to control if a band is executed. When using an expression, the band is executed if the expression evaluates to true. On a condition, the band is executed if the return value of the conditions changes, such as a database field.
Formula fields are supported. All functions available in MS Excel are supported as long as they are relevant (You can't use worksheet and other Excel specefic formulas as there are no worksheets in a report).
Aggregate values, Count, Sum, Min and Max in formulas are supported
Bar codes, including QR-codes can be used.
AXWWriter is a Word Processing component designet to be compatible with MS Word. The component don't need any other software or libraries to be installed.
AXWWriter works togheter with DOCXReadWrite, which also is included. Please take a look at DOCXReadWrite for more features. AXWWriter is easy to use. If you are familiar with DOCXReadWrite, you allready have the knowledge that's needed, as all control of the Word data is trough the DOCXReadWrite object of AXWWriter.
AXWWriter also comes with components for printing and print preview. A set of Actions is included for easy assigning to menus.
On the Download page can you download a demo applicarion with AXWWriter that you can test your Word files with.
AXWWriter works with all Delphi versions, from 7 up to the current.
VCL and Firemonkey are supported.
No runtime fees for the component.
Full source code included.
DOCXReadWrite is a native Delphi component for reading, writing and editing MS Word DOCX files.
The component uses MS Word 2007 DOCX file format as default and is designed to be compatible with MS Word.
Documents can be viewed and printed.
The component is available for VCL and Firemonkey and comes with full source code.
The compnent comes with several samples, including an application that creates documentation from pascal files by extracting comments and source code to build the documentation.

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