Allround Automations Direct Oracle Access v4.13 for Alexandria Full Source

Allround Automations Direct Oracle Access v4.13 for Alexandria Full Source
If you are using Embarcadero Delphi or C++Builder to develop Oracle applications, then the Direct Oracle Access component set can help you to make a seamless integration between this great development tool and database system. Not only will your application take maximum advantage of both products, your application development process will also benefit from the following key features.
Array Fetching allows you to specify the number of records that will be fetched from the server in one network roundtrip. You can optimize this separately for each select statement that you execute, thereby minimizing the number of network roundtrips.
Array DML provides the possibility to insert, update or delete many records with just one statement. This minimizes network traffic and the number of statement executions, and is primarily useful in batch applications.
PL/SQL Blocks can execute several SQL and PL/SQL statements at once, again reducing the number of network roundtrips and statement executions.
PL/SQL Tables are array structures that can be passed to a stored procedure, or more generally, to a PL/SQL Block, providing a way to process a lot of information at once
The StatementCache feature provides and manages a cache of statements for the session. On the server cursors are ready to be used without the need to parse the statement again, even if these cursors are closed by the application on the client. The StatementCacheSize property determines the maximum number of cached statements. The least recently used statements will be removed from the cache when this maximum is reached. This ensures that only the most frequently used statements remain in the cache, and also ensures that the database will have a minimal number of open cursors.
The Direct Path Load Engine is encapsulated in the TOracleDirectPathLoader component, and requires Net8 8.1 (the Oracle8i client). It uses the same mechanism as SQL*Loader to write data directly into the physical database blocks without using SQL Insert statements.
Your application directly calls the Oracle Call Interface, without the need of any additional DLL’s. All database access code is linked straight into your application’s executable.
Direct Oracle Access will automatically find the most recent version of the Oracle Client in the primary oracle home on the Client PC. Therefore your application does not require any configuration to connect to an Oracle database.
The Package Wizard allows you generate classes for Oracle packages in a few simple steps. Connect to the database, select one or more packages, specify generation options, and you’re done:
You can now use the generated package classes like any other class, and benefit from the IDE’s code completion, and the assurance that if your code compiles it can also run. Complex parameter types such as PL/SQL Tables, PL/SQL Records, LOB Locators, Cursors, Objects and References are translated to appropriate Direct Oracle Access classes, which makes them easy to use.

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