EhLib 6.2 Build 6.2.150 Source » Developer.Team

EhLib 6.2 Build 6.2.150 Source

EhLib 6.2 Build 6.2.150 Source
EhLib 6.2 Build 6.2.150 Source | 9 Mb

X-Files Components package contains a full set of advanced visual components designed for Delphi 5, 6, 7, 8, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, XE, XE2, XE3, XE4 and C++Builder 5, 6, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, XE, XE2, XE3, XE4, XE5.

The components contained in the package allow to handle: array of TObject, TList of TObject, TObjectList, TStringList, TWideStringList, TCollection, TArray, TList, TObject-List and its descendants. By using data providers it is also possible to handle any indexed property like Fields, Controls, Components, Pages, Buttons, Forms, etc.

Each data set from the package supports all standard operations: read, write, insert, edit, delete, locate, lookup, filter, master-detail and DataSetField. The data set also supports bookmarks, blob stream and nested data set.

You can self define FieldDefs (TXDBData component) or create by data provider default FieldDefs based on the published properties of object. You can also create the persistent fields and define fkLookup and fkCalculated fields of any type. The default Fields Editor is available in design-time.

The default data providers support the published properties of types: Boolean, Enum, Byte, Word, LongWord, ShortInt, SmallInt, Integer, LargeInt, Single, Double, Extended, Currency, TDate, TTime, TDateTime, ShortString, AnsiString, WideString, UnicodeString, Interface, Variant.

The default data providers automatically create ftADT fields for properties derived from TPersistent class like Font, Margins, Constraints, Touch, etc. For properties derived from TGraphic class a ftGraphic field is created, for properties derived from TCollection, TStrings, TWideStrings a ftDataSet field is created automatically. You can handle the ftDataSet field by using separate nested data set.


ONLY for V.I.P