InfoPower XE5 Complete » Developer.Team

InfoPower XE5 Complete

InfoPower XE5 Complete
InfoPower XE5 Complete | 13.70 Mb

InfoPower also includes the highly flexible TwwLayoutGrid, which allows you to drop controls into a panel that are repeated vertically, horizontally, or both. This is particularly useful for the mobile space where a more open layout allows the developer to express the user-interface more intuitively. The standard vertical grid may not always be the ideal interface for multi-record display.

Other components included in our InfoPower FMX suite are the TwwLookupComboEdit, TwwComboEdit, TwwCalendarEdit, TwwCheckbox, TwwEdit, TwwFilterDialog and searching components. Each has similar capabilities to its InfoPower VCL suite counterpart, including incremental searching, filtering, validation constraints for input including picture masks and regular expression masks.

Our exciting new InfoPower FireMonkey (FMX) components allow you to develop applications for Win32, Win64, Mac (OSX32), Android, and iOS devices and simulators using Embarcadero's RAD Studio XE4 or XE5. In addition new platforms will be added as Embarcadero enhances Rad Studio/Delphi.

Central to our component suite design for FireMonkey is our greatly enhanced data-aware grid. Our FireMonkey grid component is designed to be incredibly fast, efficient, powerful, and flexible. It is also designed to be aesthetically pleasing to the end-user in style, performance, and ease of use. Here are some of the capabilities of this grid.

Embed custom controls such as buttons, combos, checkboxes, lookupcombos, datepickers, and images into the grid. Absolutely no coding required for this. Also you can dynamically determine when custom controls are displayed based on the value of data for that record.
Performance: Data is buffered so that the grid only loads records that it needs to display. This allows for fast grid display that is not crippled by the number of records or columns in the dataset. In fact, our FMX grid rivals in performance to our super-fast VCL grid.
Clickable column headers with built-in support for sorting (ascending or descending). The buttons for the column headers are automatically painted in the native style.
Fixed column support, including editable fixed columns.
Codeless Validation constraints: Supports InfoPower’s robust validation languages for enforcing data constraints. The developer can use either picture validation masks or regular expression validation masks.
Flexible design time columns editor: Our columns designer is significantly enhanced over our VCL counterpart and you’ll be able to accomplish even more tasks without any coding.
Integrate styles seamlessly with no effort on your part. Just change the style and the grid recognizes the changes. You can still override the grid’s fonts and colors when needed.
Flexible painting : Customize colors/fonts based on a record or cell basis. Can display custom controls on a record by record basis instead of for every record.
Filtering - Use the grid with our new TwwSearchBox to get seamless filtering You can automatically allow the text to be searched on one or multiple fields and have the grid highlight the cells that match the text.


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