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WPCubed WPViewPDF v4.4.4

WPCubed WPViewPDF v4.4.4
WPCubed WPViewPDF v4.4.4

Applications without powerful PDF support are unthinkable today, so many companies already relay on our powerful PDF creation engines wPDF and wPDFControl. With WPViewPDF we provide a powerful component to view and print, and the with the “PLUS” edition also modify PDF files. With our WPViewPDF you can license a powerful tool (for .NET and as VCL for Delphi in one package!) to display and manipulate PDFs right in your application! Since the main PDF engine was compiled into a DLL (32 bit and 64bit are provided) it is also possible to call some DLL functions directly, such as pdfPrint and pdfMerge. This also works from C++ and VB6. To support old VB6 application even further we also included an ActiveX interface into the WPViewPDF package.
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TMS ImageControls Pack v2.5.1.2 D7-D10.2 Tokyo

TMS ImageControls Pack v2.5.1.2 D7-D10.2 Tokyo
TMS ImageControls Pack v2.5.1.2 D7-D10.2 Tokyo

Image with definable hotspots with many capabilities. The TMS THotSpotImage component is designed to allow indication, selection, handling of clicks on arbitrary shapes (hotspots) within an image. Such a arbitrary shape or hotspot can be displayed in a different color or with a different superimposed image for mouse hover, click and blink state. A HotSpotEditor component is available with which hotspots can be graphically edited both at runtime and designtime.
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MiTeC System Information Component Suite 12.5.0

MiTeC System Information Component Suite 12.5.0
MiTeC System Information Component Suite 12.5.0

The most complex system information probe in Delphi world.


Browser History Analyzers
TFAC_Chrome_History - Google Chrome history analyzer
TFAC_Firefox_History - Mozilla Firefox history analyzer
TFAC_IE_History - Internet Explorer history analyzer
TFAC_Opera_History - Opera history analyzer
TFAC_Safari_History - Apple Safari history analyzer
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SmartInspect Professional v3.3.3.72 Tokyo 10.2.2

SmartInspect Professional v3.3.3.72 Tokyo 10.2.2
SmartInspect Professional v3.3.3.72 Tokyo 10.2.2

Find out why thousands of organizations around the world choose SmartInspect to build rock-solid software applications every day. SmartInspect is an advanced .NET logging, Java logging and Delphi logging tool for debugging and monitoring software applications. It helps you identify bugs, find solutions to user-reported issues and gives you a precise picture of how your software performs in different environments. Whether you need logging in the development phase, on production systems or at customer sites, SmartInspect is the perfect choice.
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Add-in Express v8.1.1432 for Tokyo 10.2.2

Add-in Express v8.1.1432 for Tokyo 10.2.2
Add-in Express v8.1.1432 for Tokyo 10.2.2

Add-in Express for Office and Delphi VCL is the first visual tool for writing a COM add-in, smart tag and RTD server in Delphi. It completely supports these technologies and makes them very comfortable for programming extensions for all available Microsoft Office versions across 2000 through Microsoft Office 2013 and Office 2016 32-bit and 64-bit.
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Almediadev StyleControls 3.91 for 10.2 Tokyo

Almediadev StyleControls 3.91 for 10.2 Tokyo
Almediadev StyleControls 3.91 for 10.2 Tokyo

StyleControls is a stable, powerfull package (more than 100 components), which uses Classic drawing, system Themes, GDI+ and VCL Styles. This package contains the unique solutions to extend standard VCL controls and also has many unique, advanced controls to create modern applications (UWP design). Also with this package you can really improve applying and using of VCL Styles in your application.
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RiverSoftAVG IMPACT 1.1.2 Delphi XE4-Tokyo

RiverSoftAVG IMPACT 1.1.2 Delphi XE4-Tokyo
RiverSoftAVG IMPACT 1.1.2 Delphi XE4-Tokyo

RiverSoftAVG IMPACT is a multimedia instrument package add-on for our RiverSoftAVG SVG Component Library (RSCL) and provides high quality, resolution independent, and easily customizable instrument multimedia components. IMPACT supports Delphi XE4 through 10.1 Berlin, VCL and FMX, and is for Windows, Mac OSX, iOS and Android. IMPACT comes with a large suite of gauges and gadgets, including clocks, compasses, batteries, speedometers, lights, an altimeter, barometer, and more. Easily add IMPACT to your applications with this new addon from RiverSoftAVG.
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TMS Web Controls Pack D7-D10.2 Tokyo

TMS Web Controls Pack D7-D10.2 Tokyo
TMS Web Controls Pack D7-D10.2 Tokyo

Makes building and uploading updates easy, reliable and fast UpdateBuilder is a timesaving tool to make building updates for the TWebUpdate component easier. UpdateBuilder can generate the correct .INF file that contains the specification of what parts of the application need to be downloaded and how. It will also compress files if specified or build complete CAB files that contain the updated application. On top of that, it can automatically upload the update to the server.
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