Delphi » Page 489

LibXL for Windows 3.7.2 Retail

LibXL for Windows 3.7.2 Retail
LibXL for Windows 3.7.2 Retail | 16 Mb

LibXL is a library that can read and write Excel files. It doesn't require Microsoft Excel and .NET framework, combines an easy to use and powerful features. Library can be used to

Generate a new spreadsheet from scratch
Extract data from an existing spreadsheet
Edit an existing spreadsheet
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Luxand FaceSDK 4.0 with C# samples

Luxand FaceSDK 4.0 with C# samples
Luxand FaceSDK 4.0 with C# samples | 44 Mb

FaceSDK is used in hundreds of applications for authenticating users with webcams, looking up matching faces on multiple photos, automatically recognizing facial features in graphic editors, and locating faces on still images and animated video streams in real time. Get a sample application implementing webcam authentication to see what FaceSDK can do for you!
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Konopka Signature VCL Controls (Raize Components 6.2.2) Full Source

Konopka Signature VCL Controls is a solution for creating user interfaces in RAD Studio, Delphi and C ++ Builder. Its central location is a set of more than 125 native VCL components. These high-quality components give a programmer unique capabilities and flexibility when creating easy-to-use and intuitive applications. In addition to the main set of controls, set Konopka Signature VCL Controls contains more than 100 additional editors of components allowing for easier programming of graphical interfaces. Konopka Signature VCL Controls allows you to create advanced and complete interfaces in less time and with less effort.
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ReportBuilder Enterprise 18.0 for D7-D10.1 Berlin

ReportBuilder Enterprise 18.0 for D7-D10.1 Berlin
ReportBuilder Enterprise 18.0 for D7-D10.1 Berlin | 504 Mb

With ReportBuilder Enterprise, you get everything included in ReportBuilder Professional, plus the RAP language, which allows developers and end users to code calculations and complex event handlers at run-time. RAP enables the entire report definition (data, calculations, and layout) to be stored outside of the application executable.
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AlphaControls v11.24 (D5-D10.1/BCB6-BCB10.1) Retail

AlphaControls v11.24 (D5-D10.1/BCB6-BCB10.1) Retail
AlphaControls v11.24 (D5-D10.1/BCB6-BCB10.1) Retail | 25 Mb

AlphaControls - a set of common and some unique components that support skins (AlphaSkins), as well as having some additional features. All skin elements can have their own properties for advanced drawing the gradient, realistic framework, semi-transparent and blurry shadows. Graphics functions produce all the calculations and drawing in real-time. Added property BoundLabel for editing elements. Handled various mouse events, which gives some additional features components. Manager prompts controls the tips in the application and gives them a beautiful view with a lot of settings that can be changed by a special designer. Analogs of standard components provide all the functionality and add a lot of new solutions to improve software quality and their appearance.
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RosiComp 11.3 Full Source

RosiComp 11.3 Full Source
RosiComp 11.3 Full Source | 4 Mb

Rosinsky software provides many VCL components, dialogs and prepared solutions which help you to create professional application very quickly and efficiently. All components support 64bit target and are compatible with Embarcadero Delphi and C++ Builder from version 2010 to the last version 10.1 Berlin.
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IEVision 3.0.6 Retail

IEVision 3.0.6 Retail
IEVision 3.0.6 Retail | 6 Mb

IEVision is an optional plugin for ImageEn which adds advanced vision features:

- Face detection (even parts of the face, such as "eye", "eye glasses", "full body", "lower body", "upper body", "face profile", "eye pair", "mouth", "nose")
- Face and objects tracking
- Basic OCR
- Bar code reading (EAN-13/UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN-8, Code 128, Code 39, Interleaved 2 of 5 and QR Code)
- Inpainting/Image patching (to hide blemishes and copy content)
- Several new image processing algorithms
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IFoerster FoxBurner SDK for Win, Linux, Mac

IFoerster FoxBurner SDK for Win, Linux, Mac
IFoerster FoxBurner SDK for Win, Linux, Mac | 28 Mb

FoxBurner SDK is a premier CD, DVD and Blu-ray burning and recording software development kit. FoxBurner SDK is cross-platform, and offers a well-rounded and flexible API for fast and easy implementation of different burning and recording solutions. The FoxBurner SDK is the first choice of the leading cloud data centers world wide.
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