Delphi » Page 538

Audio Component Suite 1.9 Full Source

Audio Component Suite 1.9 Full Source
Audio Component Suite 1.9 Full Source | 867 kB

Delphi and C++ Builder components for playing and recording waveform audio.


uses standard Windows Waveform Audio API
supports raw PCM audio data and PCM wav files
available for Delphi/C++ Builder 5 - 10 and Lazarus 1.4.2
source code included in full version
royalty free distribution in applications
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Devart dbFusion for Oracle Professional 3.7.12

Devart dbFusion for Oracle Professional 3.7.12
Devart dbFusion for Oracle 3.7.12 | 49 Mb

dbForge Fusion for Oracle is a useful Visual Studio plugin designed to enhance productivity of Oracle database development and simplify data management process. Due to the full integration with Microsoft Visual Studio dbForge Fusion for Oracle allows developers to explore and maintain existing databases, design compound SQL statements and queries, and manipulate data in different ways.
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Cindy components for Delphi 7.02 Full Source

Cindy components for Delphi 7.02 Full Source
Cindy components for Delphi 7.02 Full Source

Package with more than 40 components for all delphi versions: gradient controls (buttons, speedbuttons, panels), dbgrids with lot of features, db controls, cyResizer allows resizing controls as Delphi 2009 IDE does, web browser etc ...

Packages with 82 components for all delphi versions (since D7) to build Windows 32/64 bit applications:
VCL controls (labels, buttons, panels, Edits, TabControls, StaticText) with features like background gradient, colored bevels, wallpaper, shadowText, caption orientation etc...
TcyCommunicate and TcyCommRoomConnector allows communication between applications running in same computer session.
TcySearchFiles and TcyCopyfiles allow respectively search and copy files with pause/resume/abort features.
TcyResizer allow move and resize components at run-time like delphi 2009 does.
Advanced DB Express components (tested with mySQL) for easy table data handling (tcyDbxTable or TcyDbxSimpleTable), schema modifications (TcyDbxUpdateSql), reconcile handling (TcyDBXReconcileError) and table creation (cyDbxImportDataset1).
TcyMathParser can parse matematical expressions.
TcyWebBrowser allows view/edit html documents.
TcyDbAdvGrid is a DBGrid with advanced feature etc ...
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IBObjects 5.7.7 Build 2340 Full Source

IBObjects 5.7.7 Build 2340 Full Source
IBObjects 5.7.7 Build 2340 Full Source | 3 Mb

IB Objects is the most powerful toolbox available for developing client and service applications for InterBase/Firebird in Delphi and Borland C++Builder without the BDE, ODBC or any other middleware. IB Objects provides more than 80 components for use with 32bit Delphi and C++Builder. The "native IBO" classes require only a Desktop Developer edition. Professional editions of these products are required only if you need to develop with the TDataset-compatible classes.

Version 5.7.7 [Build 2340]
I added support for Delphi 10 Seattle.
I fixed an issue when in some cases using the OLD_ prefix on a parameter name could cause a parameter type mismatch.
Added ability to define a character set for the admin services components. I also fixed how it generates exceptions so that more information can be gleaned out of the exceptions it raises.
I fixed a painting bug in the TIB_Edit control when using buttons.
I fixed an issue in the TIB_Grid inplace edit onkeypress handling logic with FormatSettings and numeric entry.
Added ability to do OnTranslateString event more uniformly in the TIB_Export component.
Fixed problem when using EXECUTE PROCEDURE statement with the TIB_Import component. Also fixed an issue where it was possible to fail to import the last record if it wasn't terminated with a CRLF or an EOF marker.
I fixed an issue in TIBODataset that had the Bookmark property behaving differently when an insert or an append were cancelled. I also fixed a bug in how input parameters are handled. In a rare case it would give an exception of index out of range.
Started working on supporting the new InterBase XE7 change views feature. It isn't quite finished yet.
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AlphaControls 10.18 (D5-D10/BCB6-BCB10) Retail

AlphaControls 10.18 (D5-D10/BCB6-BCB10) Retail
AlphaControls 10.18 (D5-D10/BCB6-BCB10) Retail | 21 Mb

AlphaControls - a set of common and some unique components that support skins (AlphaSkins), as well as having some additional features. All skin elements can have their own properties for advanced drawing the gradient, realistic framework, semi-transparent and blurry shadows. Graphics functions produce all the calculations and drawing in real-time. Added property BoundLabel for editing elements. Handled various mouse events, which gives some additional features components. Manager prompts controls the tips in the application and gives them a beautiful view with a lot of settings that can be changed by a special designer. Analogs of standard components provide all the functionality and add a lot of new solutions to improve software quality and their appearance.
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Berg Soft Next Developer Next Suite6 10.2015 VCL Full Source

Berg Soft Next Developer Next Suite6 10.2015 VCL Full Source
Berg Soft Next Developer Next Suite6 10.2015 VCL Full Source | 3 Mb

NextGrid is a powerful Delphi/CBuilder Grid. It is very easy to use it in design-time (with using intuitive Columns Editor) and in run-time. NextGrid have much more features than standard Grid, attractive look (Windows Vista & XP themes support), it is extremely fast (quick sorting, data manipulation, drawing...).

Component versions:
NextSuite 6.0.0
- NextGrid 6.0.0 released.
- NextDBGrid 6.0.0 released.
- NextInspector 6.0.0 released.
- Next Collection 6.0.0 released.
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SimpleMAPI Component Suite 2.9 Full Source

SimpleMAPI Component Suite 2.9 Full Source
SimpleMAPI Component Suite 2.9 Full Source | 879 kB

Delphi and C++ Builder components you can use
to add messaging functionality to your applications.

Uses standard Windows SimpleMAPI
Compatible with MS Outlook, Outlook Express and other email clients
Available for Delphi/C++ Builder 5 - 10 and Lazarus 1.4.2
Source code is included in full version
Royalty free distribution
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ComPort 5.3 Full Source

ComPort 5.3 Full Source
ComPort 5.3 Full Source | 1.2 Mb

Component for serial communication for Windows.


Communication with devices connected to serial port
Easy of use and very powerful
Uses multithreading and overlapping for maximum performance
Supports Delphi/C++ Builder 5 - 10 and Lazarus 1.4.4
Source code included in full version
Royalty free distribution in applications
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WinInet Component Suite 3.5

WinInet Component Suite 3.5
WinInet Component Suite 3.5 | 1 Mb

Delphi and C++ Builder components to enable applications interact
with FTP, and HTTP/HTTPS protocols to access Internet resources.


FTP, HTTP and HTTPS protocols supported
well suited for accessing REST services
uses standard Microsoft WinINet API
available for Delphi/C++ Builder 5 - 10 and Lazarus 1.4.2
source code included in full version
royalty free distribution
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