AxTools CodeSMART 10 with VS10x Extensions v10.50 » Developer.Team - Developers Paradise!

AxTools CodeSMART 10 with VS10x Extensions v10.50

AxTools CodeSMART 10 with VS10x Extensions v10.50
AxTools CodeSMART 10 with VS10x Extensions v10.50 | 12 Mb

CodeSMART is tightly integrated with Visual Studio - all its commands and tools are accessible through the main menu and four toolbars it adds to the environment, as well as from the code window popup menu. Other CodeSMART tools are hosted or display their results within special tool windows - for example, pictured below are the 'VS10x CodeMap' and the CodeSMART 'Find and Replace 1' windows.

Have a look at the small sample below. Notice the way nested types are represented, as well as the implemented interface. The region sub-container is prefixed with a # for an easier identification. Members have distinctive icons, with special overlays for constructors, public items (not pictured in the below example) and members belonging to implemented interfaces.

Containers can be collapsed in order to help you stay focused on items that are currently in development. What's worth to notice is that a collapse operation in CodeMap will also collapse the corresponding part in the code editor. Moreover, it works both ways, so if you for example collapse a class in the code editor, the corresponding container in CodeMap will get collapsed as well!

CodeMap is also a navigational tool - if you double-click an item, its position in code will be brought into view. That is something you should expect, of course, but CodeMap also makes returning to the last viewed/edited members a breeze by implementing a local history system i.e. highlighting the last 10 accessed or edited (C# only) items in various ways:

In CodeMap, with a distinctive background color (grey in this example, but configurable) or with a variable opacity clock image
In the editor, with a bluish background color for the entire member body (can be disabled)
On the Scroll Map (a special area added by CodeMap to the left of the vertical scrollbar), blue rectangles are added to represent the member position relative to the entire code file (you can align the scroll thumb with the blue marker to bring the item into view)

Now, highlighting recently accessed items may be good, but what if you have items you return to over and over? Well, you can apply special highlight colors in order to mark items. As with history, favorite items are emphasized in various ways:

In CodeMap, with a certain background color, as pre your choice
In the editor, with a sync background color for the entire member body (can be disabled)
On the Scroll Map red rectangles are added to represent the member position relative to the entire code file (you can align the scroll thumb with the marker in order to bring the item into view)

The Visual Studio code editor doesn't have tools to assist the developer in navigating inside a method body. When working with fairly simple methods browsing their code inside the code window is usually enough to grasp a general idea about the code logic, but trying to navigate complex methods with hundreds of code lines, nested conditional blocks and loops, can be a very tedious job.

The CodeSMART Code Flow Explorer can parse method code and output a tree representation thus offering instant access to the method's internal structure and logical code blocks.

With the CodeSMART Designer Explorer you can visualize a designer control hierarchy, select a control (which normally is not an easy job controls when controls overlap, are included in containers or simply are out of the visibility window) and benefit of several additional control-related operations and enhancements.

The CodeSMART Code Library Explorer represents a convenient way to quickly store and retrieve code pieces written in VB, C#, C++, HTML, XML etc, thus providing a valuable help in reusing, managing and sharing pre-written code. It can be seen as a code repository in which you can store and organize different code items, group them in logical folders and share them within a team.


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