Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC 2014.2 716 (Jul 16, 2014) Retail » Developer.Team - Developers Paradise!

Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC 2014.2 716 (Jul 16, 2014) Retail

Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC 2014.2 716 (Jul 16, 2014) Retail
Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC 2014 Q1 SP2 Retail | 63 Mb

Cut development time, while delivering rich, powerful and modern websites and apps. UI for ASP.NET MVC offers 70+ ready-to-use widgets—including mobile ones—built in themes, templates, MVVM framework and more. Leverage the additional 18 mobile widgets and framework components to quickly build mobile apps with ASP.NET MVC.

The ASP.NET MVC widgets are powered by the award-winning Telerik HTML5 framework, Kendo UI. Being modular, they enable you to use the client and server pieces independently or together and still benefit from all the richness and performance of HTML5.

The ASP.NET MVC server wrappers generate the jаvascript and HTML rendered by the view engine in the browser, facilitating communication between the Views, Models and Controllers. They also make use of MVC features such as Data Annotations, server binding, etc.

Although based on HTM5, UI for ASP.NET MVC makes sure your sites and apps look and work flawlessly across all browsers, while maximizing performance. It uses HTML5 features when available, adds support for them when necessary and provides fine-tuned graceful degradation for others. The widgets support all major browsers, including: Internet Explorer 7+, Firefox ESR, Chrome, Safari 5+ (OSX) and Opera 15+.

Web sites and apps built with UI for ASP.NET MVC work equally well on desktop and mobile devices. The widgets:

Feature responsive capabilities to offer user experience tailored to the end-user's device
Handle touch events in the same manner as those triggered by a keyboard or a mouse
Are fully compatible the Bootstrap responsive layout framework

For mobile-centric experiences you can employ the mobile widgets which automatically adapt to the mobile platform they are run on, thus delivering native-like look and feel.


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