DevExpressComponents for .NET » Developer.Team

DevExpressComponents for .NET

DevExpressComponents for .NET
DevExpressComponents for .NET | 249 Mb

From interactive Desktop applications, to immersive Web and Mobile solutions, tools to meet your needs today and ensure your continued success tomorrow. With over 120 optimized controls and libraries, the DevExpress WinForms Subscription helps you deliver compelling, easy-to-use business solutions fast. Emulate the look, feel and capabilities of Microsoft Office or replicate the dock based UI of Visual Studio or Adobe Photoshop and take your WinForms applications to an entirely new level with familiar features end-users have come to rely upon. It's everything you need to build your best in one integrated suite.

Newest WinForms Controls: And because technology never stands still, DevExpress continues to release innovative, high-impact controls specifically designed for the WinForms platform, including our new WinForms Spreadsheet, WinForms Map Control, WinForms PDF Viewer, Windows 8 Live Tile Manager and so much more. Yes, with DevExpress, your UI will always evolve to meet the diverse needs of your end-users without ever abandoning your existing codebase or the proven WinForms platform.

Deliver the solutions your customers expect today and leverage your existing WinForms skillset to build next generation applications for tomorrow.

The award-winning DevExpress WinForms product line allows you to create applications that emulate the touch-first experience that lies at the heart of Windows 8, without abandoning the most popular Windows application platform for the .NET framework.

Whether you need to create a tile based modern UI application for Vista, Windows 7 and 8, or need to quickly convert an existing application so that it’s touch-first for Microsoft Surface, the DevExpress WinForms Subscription will help you take your business solutions forward so you can deliver new, immersive experiences to delight your users. And with the release of the DevExpress Live Tile Manager, your WinForms desktop apps can even update Windows 8 Live Tiles with ease.

Fixed issues and enhancements:

WinExplorerView - MoveFirst, MoveLast, MoveLastVisible, MoveNext, MoveNextPage, MovePrev, MovePrevPage methods are not working
Grid - First click on a editor's button does not trigger the Buttonclick event
ComboBox doesn't load data if LoadDropDownOnDemand property is set to true in Large Data base mode
RichEdit freezes on removing columns from table
Parsing - Viewer crashes if a document contains lines with a negative width
ViewVariants - The "Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object" error may occur at CustomizeNavigationItemsController.GetVariants
Visual Studio 2013 hangs when starting a project with DevExpress references
A theme applied via the smart tag in designer may be applied to a wrong control
UI.Web - The Search field is not focused after opening the lookup editor's popup
Number value in a cell stored as text with currency formating is displayed as currency
ASPxGridView - ASPxMenu has incorrect width inside DataItemTemplate
Reminder Alert is not working with DevExpress.XtraScheduler.v12.1, Version=
ASPxGridView - The grid isn't correctly rendered in IE8 Compatibility mode if the horizontal scrollbar is used
A top row is not selected with right mouse click when a grid is filtered and the MultiSelect option is on
Export - XLSX files cannot be viewed on iOS and Android
The "\r\n" characters are removed from the grid caption during printing
The ArgumentException is raised when expanding detail records in the GridControl
An AV occurs when closing an application with a statically linked DLL file that contains one or more DevExpress controls if the native painting style is applied
MVC views editing is very slow in 13.2
CheckedComboBoxEdit's popup items are not located when playing back a test
WPF DXDocking: Panel goes to background when undocked
ASPxFormLayout- Content is printed with spaces in FireFox 26
Example Runner does not detect VS2013
RiaInstantFeedbackDataSource vs LoadOperation
NavBarControl - New groups are not shown when GroupDescription is in use
The XPaint.MultiColorDrawString method does not work in version 13.2.6
LayoutControl - The LayoutControlItem.ControlMinSize property is changed for CheckEdit when re-open a form at design time



[b] Only for V.I.P
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