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Eziriz IntelliLock

Eziriz IntelliLock
Eziriz IntelliLock | 14 Mb

IntelliLock is an advanced 100% managed solution for licensing controls and applications. While .NET Reactor offers a licensing system based on native code protection, IntelliLock opts a 100% managed way to apply licensing and protection features. This way single files can be produced without the need of additional files. Its flexible managed concept allows you full licensing integration into any existing system. IntelliLock supports the .NET Framework 1.1, 2.0, 3.0, 3.5 and 4.x. There is also a comprehensive support for the Compact Framework 2.0 and 3.5. IntelliLock combines strong license security, highly adaptable licensing functionality/schema with reliable assembly protection. Its protection capabilities meet the needs you demand on a secure licensing system.

Its' main features are :

Create trial versions of your software
Set an expiration date
Limit use to a fixed number of days after installation
Limit by number of executions
Limit the use of each invocation to a set number of minutes
Limit the use of your software to a total number of minutes
Custom locks - Allows you to implement custom trial limitations
Easily turn your trial version into a fully licensed version using license files
Lock license files to a specific machine via Hardware ID
Lock license files to specific assembly attributes (company name, assembly version...)
Embedded license files. License files can be also stored as embedded resource in assemblies
Add custom license data to the license file (allows flexible license shema, modular licensing...)
Limit usage of the license files themselves to extend trial periods, accomplish subscription/time based license expiration...
Validate/Activate license files via your own License Server
Comprehensive license management
Manage your Products, Customers, Sales
License Tracker to track down license generations/requests
ASP.NET management interface generation - Manage your data on a ASP.NET server
Embedded database - No requirement for special databases (MS SQL, Oracle... )
Software development kit
100% managed SDK libraries
Integrate license checking into your assembly and extend licensing fuctionality
IntelliLock automatically merges the main SDK library (IntelliLock.Licensing.dll) with your assembly
Create license files - Automate license file generation
Generate Hardware IDs
Extend licensing functions
Deactivate/Reactivate license files (via license server or reactivation code)
Use your own dialog box to show messages
Helper class to encrypt/decrypt, sign/validate data to support custom licensing algorithms
License management classes to manage your data on a ASP.NET server (data is stored using an embedded database)
Declarative Obfuscation support
Military-Grade strong license encryption using transparent encryption techniques (strong RSA encryption)
Visual Studio 2005/2008/2010/2012/2013 integration via the IntelliLock automation Add-In
Assembly merging/packing functionality
Assembly Protection
Comprehensive Obfuscation features
String Encryption
Anti Tamper Protection
Suppress ILDASM
Strong Name Removal Protection
IL Code Encryption
Control Flow Obfuscation
Invalid Metadata Injection
Full 64bit assembly support
Includes protection and licensing support for ASP.NET, Compact Framework, Silverlight and Mono
Ability to lock/unlock/protect your assemblies without adding one single line of code
Command Line support
Intuitive graphical user interface
100% managed solution - No native code is used to lock/protect your software

By imposing locks on your software, you can freely distribute your product for trial or evaluation, and rely upon lock expiration to compel purchase of your wares when the evaluation period expires. When software locks expire, your prospective client must purchase a valid license.

You can also set Expiration Days, Expiration Date, Global Time and Executions limits an IntelliLock locked assembly. When license locks expire, your customer must acquire a further license to further use your product.

By combining trial locks with license locks (license files which are restricted itself) you can impose any limitations on software use you desire. Most importantly, without writing a line of code to do so, you can show off your wares to your market.

Supported Languages:
and many more..

Supported Platforms :
_Windows 98
_Windows ME
_Windows NT
_Windows 2000
_Windows XP
_Windows Server 2003, 2008
_Windows Vista
_Windows 7
_Windows 8

Supported Platforms (Mono) :
_Linux - SUSE, Novell, Red Hat
_Mac - OS X 10.3, 10.4
_Solaris 8
_BSD - OpenBSD, FreeBSD, NetBSD

IntelliLock [] *12-Jan-2015
- [+] Enhanced database to dynamically add or remove columns from tables
- [+] Enhanced database to dynamically create new new tables
- [+] Improved startup performance of locked assemblies
- [+] Improved Visual Studio Add-in. Now you can directly define the strong name or digital signature for the '' entry
- [+] Improved string encryption
- [+] Improved control flow obfuscation
- [+] Improved ASP.NET assembly protection
- [!] Fixed x64 protection issue causing Windows 8 to reject to run protected apps
- [!] Fixed issue affecting the combination 'New Period' and 'Asynchronous License Check' causing an incorrect license status update
- [!] Fixed "New Period" issue - sometimes didn't worked correctly if enabled using the IntelliLock GUI
- [!] Fixed 'Global Time' lock expiration issue
- [!] Fixed floating license issue causing an incorrect license status update (license file not found) in case floating license users are exceeded
- [!] Fixed cross obfuscation issue
- [!] Fixed merging issue affecting generic methods
- [!] Fixed minor bugs



[b] Only for V.I.P
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