Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX Q1 2015 SP1 (version 2015.1.401) Retail » Developer.Team

Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX Q1 2015 SP1 (version 2015.1.401) Retail

Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX Q1 2015 SP1 (version 2015.1.401) Retail
Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX Q1 2015 SP1 (version 2015.1.401) Retail | 84 Mb

Enjoy components for every need: navigation and layout, data management and visualization, editing, interactivity and more. In our 11 years of aggressive product development – including 3 major and up to 6 minor releases per year – we have implemented, tested and optimized over 4,000 features in Telerik ASP.NET controls.

Complete Set of Features and Controls
Enjoy components for every need: navigation and layout, data management and visualization, editing, interactivity and more. In our 11 years of aggressive product development – including 3 major and up to 6 minor releases per year – we have implemented, tested and optimized over 4,000 features in Telerik ASP.NET controls.

Mobile Support and Responsiveness
No need to build a mobile version of your project since the web sites and apps built with Telerik ASP.NET controls work equally well on desktop and mobile devices.

Use the Page Layout Framework to build responsive ASP.NET applications
Leverage the adaptive, fluid, elastic and responsive capabilities featured in most controls to offer user experiences tailored to each end-user's device
Gain productivity since touch events are handled in the same manner as those triggered by a keyboard or a mouse
Get a better user experience with the two mobile skins especially designed for touch devices that come included in the suite

20 Built-In Professional Grade Skins
Give your applications a sleek, professional look by setting a single property. By applying one of the 20 professionally-designed skins that come with Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX, including two engineered with mobile devices in mind, you save design and front-end development time. No need to be a CSS wizard to create or customize the Telerik skins with our web-based Visual Style Builder.

Exceptional Performance and User Experience

We constantly optimize the performance of UI for ASP.NET AJAX to meet your end users’ expectations. This is why the controls:

Produce minimal and clean HTML and CSS
Minimize j@vascript by loading only what’s needed
Reduce postbacks for a better user experience
Compress data transferred between browser and server (Pages, j@vascript, ViewState, JSON data, etc.)
Use built-in CDN support and CSS sprites to deliver content faster to end-users (Telerik covers all CDN costs for you)
Minimize memory usage and have robust code, free from memory leaks


Hyperlink property does not work in ExcelInfrastucture


Telerik.Web.IControl instances placed into the RadAjaxPanel fires twice its DescribeComponent method on postback.
RadAjaxManager with enabled PageHeadUpdate includes event the commented styles in the response.


Light-weight RadAsyncUpload - the file upload dialog could be opened from a bigger area.
Light-weight RadAsyncUpload - X icon is displayed as a rectangle in WebKit browsers
Remove button not working in Light-weight rendering
Light-weight AsyncUpload text is black and the input background is white in Glow skin


Light-weight RadAutoCompleteBox issues when there is a label
RadAutoComplete dropdown closes, when the scroll arrows are used (under original IE8)
When InputType=Text and SelectionMode=Single, the server-side Text property is returning the text with semicolon in the end


Added Focused State to RadButton


The text holder element should not be rendered when ContentTemplate is used
RadButton (Light-weight mode) rbIcon class should not have content property


RadPicker buttons have not background color in Bootstrap (Classic)
RadTimePciker CustomTimeValues issue
In RadCalendar the week headers have smaller height
When the RenderMode is set to Light-weight globally in the web.config and multiple RadMonthYearPicker are placed on the page they do not behave correctly.
Calendar AutoPostBack + TodayButtonselection=true, does not work correctly in Firefox.
DateFormat property of picker DateInput does not preserve slash '/' symbol after postback


RadColorPicker selected color appearance with Bootstrap skin


Light-weight RadComboBox with Checkboxes in IE9,10,11 - dropdown has vertical scrollbar in Bootstrap, Silk and Glow skins.
RadComboBox drop-down incorrect position in Light-weight RenderMode and rtl mode
RadComboBox DropDownAutoWidth expands the dropdown (X axis) till the boundary of the window in IE9
Right to Left RadComboBox in Bootstrap skin
RadComboBox - wrong cursor in Light-weight rendering mode (IE)
Light-weight RTL RadComboBox - label is displayed on the left side


RadDataPager PageIndexChanged event is not fired when paging to the first page and AllowSEOPaging is set to true
In RadDataPager in Bootstrap the rdpPagerLabel elements are not vertically centered (Classic Render Mode)


When EnableVirtualScrolling is set to true and you type a letter of an item that is not visible a jаvascript error is observed
When a RadDropDownList is placed inside another control and the user expands/collapses the drop down via the keyboard the key press event bubbles up the chain.
Adding or Removing an item on the client doesn't update the SelectedIndex property, resulting in wrong selection


OnEntriesAdded and OnEntriesRemoved Server-side events added


DropDownTree - sometimes the normal and hover states of the clear button do not change by mouse over or mouse out


Improved DropDownTree in Light-weight render mode - replace clear button icon image with a font icon


Setting custom Localization text to any of Design, HTML, Preview buttons, breaks the button behavior in Light-weight mode
List items cannot be deleted when Track Changes is enabled
Incorrect positioning of RadEditor's dropdowns in fullscreen mode
RadEditor wrapper height with ToolbarMode=RibbonBarFloating or Floating
A jаvascript error is raised on postback when RadEditor is in UpdatePanel, ToolBarMode is Showonfocus and is created dynamically
JavaScritpt error is thrown when using SVG elements in editor under IE
Unable to scroll Light-weight Editor Content Area on iOS Safari and Chrome, when ContentAreaMode is set to Iframe
Font formatting is not preserved on the new lines in IE and Chrome


RadFormDecorator override of WebForm_AutoFocus is causing stack overflow error when using Ajax after several updates.


Setting the culture doesn't affect the date and number formats


Support for MultiColumn Headers with Frozen Columns


Applying aggregates on AutoGeneratedColumns is throwing exception.
When the RadGrid is bound to a RadClientDataSource the images in a GridImageColumn are not shown
The ItemCommand event is not fired when row was clicked and the grid is placed in NestedViewTemplate of another RadGrid.
Common style problems in RadGrid with Bootstrap skin (Mobile RenderMode)
RadGrid reordering does not work properly for detail tables
RadGrid FrozenColumns – unfreeze option should be removed from the context menu of hierarchy grids.
The RadComboBox in a GridDropDownColumn does not allow the first item to be selected in some scenarios
RadGrid - With enabled AJAX, when you drag a header (with disabled dragging), when you sort two times on column that was dragged, a JS error is thrown
In RadGrid's edit form the combo box text is not vertically aligned under IE8
Mobile RadGrid column titles and icons do not scale
In RadGrid with Mobile Rendering the pager does not scale automatically
The UploadControlType property of the Attachment Column does not work when the column is in GridTableView
When using a GridNumericColumnEditor and set DecimalSeparator to comma the value on BatchEditCommand is string and not decimal
PerformInsert command does not trigger Client-side validation
When an ItemTemplate is defined for the MasterTableView and an item is selected a jаvascript error is thrown.
RadGrid throws jаvascript error when frozen columns are enable and jQuery is not loaded on page
RadGrid with enabled grouping is not exported properly.
Clicking the Refresh button in a detail table causes rebind of the whole RadGrid
ExcelML rebind the grid twice when IgnorePaging is set to true
RadGrid CheckList filtering does not generate correct expression when EnableLinqExpressions=false
Next / Prev frozen columns buttons postback when used in ajaxified grid
Autogenerated columns share common state in hierarchy
Reordering autogenerated columns in hierarchy is not working
Bootstrap RadGrid – combos in the edit form are broken
The last Grid column cannot be increased when resizing feature is enabled and ResizeGridOnColumnResize is set to true


Added declaratively/programmatically null-able series items in the RadHtmlChart


OnClientImageChanging is not fired for Drawing tools
RadImageEditor drawing is not applied to the correct position when the page is scrolled


When a RadImageGallery is in a MasterPage that is in a subfolder of the root folder and the default content page is in the root folder the first image is rendered with incorrect path


set_cancel method of the args in RadTextBox OnValueChanging event is taking effect on the second blur
RadInputManager doesn't apply the correct height to the text box when Skin=Bootstrap and RenderMode=Classic
RadInput - After manually focusing the control with the focus method in Firefox and Chrome, the first click in the input selects all once again. In IE, the cursor is set correctly on the first click within the input.


When the RadMediaPlayer is placed inside a RadLightBox template its playlist buttons do not work.


jаvascript error in RadListbox when try to transfer back an item to a listbox that is loaded on demand


Not all elements in RadMediaPlayer scale properly in Mobile when changing the font-size
Get_volume() client method of MediaPlayer returns always 100 when the page is initially loaded.


Menu in Light-weight - multicolumn wraps in specific scenario
Postback is not cancelled after item click, even though the item's postback property is set to false.
ASP ImageMap in menu item template does not navigate or throw the Click event


RadNotification overrides RadMenu styles when the RadMenu's RenderMode is set to Light-weight


Light-weight OrgChart - in IE groups have a bigger right padding.
OrgChart in Light-weight render mode - missing dotted lines when item template is applied; wrong appearance of horizontal OrgChart with item templates


RadPanelBar control does not show child items that were previously not expanded (when parentItem is a separator) when PersistStateInCookie=true
RadPanelBar jаvascript error in FullExpandedItem mode, Item containing ContentTemplate with Expanded=true, no Text set


PivotGrid throws jаvascript error when try to reorder fields in Filter Zone.
In RadPivotGrid with Bootstrap skin the Label Filters and Value Filters context menu is pushed to right and is not visible


RibbonBarClickableItem has not specified UrlProperty attribute for DisabledImageUrl and DisabledImageUrlLarge properties


Header of the RadScheduler does not load nice looking sprite image in IE9 and below with Silk skin
RadScheduler when DisplayRecurrenceActionDialogOnMove = True moving an occurrence appointment will throw jаvascript runtime error: Object doesn't support property or method 'get_owner'
'There was an error rendering the control' exception is thrown in RadScheduler designTime under .NET 3.5


Facebook standard buttons in RadSocialShare do not render when there is more than once instance of the control on the page


ToolBar - missing gradient in IE7 for Silk and Glow skins


RadToolTip throws a jаvascript error when RelativeTo=Mouse and IE is zoomed


Dynamically added node cannot be instantiated correctly


Incorrect (larger) size of a RadWindow with AutoSize=true and an external page with small content dimensions


Mobile RadWizard Complete step is counted as a step in the pager
RadWizard flickers to the next step when Server-side validation is used
If CSS class is set to the WizardStep this class should be added to the step's navigation bar element as well
Mobile RadWizard NavigationBar scrolls back from first step to the selected one, if RadWizard is subscribed for the OnActiveStepChanged event


Incorrect layout of the Image Editor and Image Map Editor dialogs in IE7


Image class Width and Height properties have incomplete XML documentation
Table with cell width set as percentage is not exported correctly to PDF


Introduced API for creating and setting CellValues directly into the cells
Implemented support for conversion from Workbook to RadFixedDocument as an extension to the PdfFormatProvider


Custom format strings are not transferred to current culture when imported
Incorrect calculation of columns width in import and export
Leading and trailing spaces of strings are lost when the file is exported and opened in Excel
Importing files with missing cell and row references in the xml throws an exception
Importing file with a row/column break with max value above the max column/row count throws an exception
Cells with multiline text are not exported correctly to PDF
Name converter throws exception if invalid column name is converted to index


Implemented support for conversion from RadFlowDocument to RadFixedDocument as an extension to the PdfFormatProvider
Section.Rotate() method introduced in order to change the layout of a page


Image class Width and Height properties have incomplete XML documentation
Table with cell width set as percentage is not exported correctly to PDF
Section properties are not retained if the last block in the section is not a paragraph
ParagraphMarkerProperties property value is not exported.
Docx Format Provider: BookmarkEnd can't be paired with BookmarkStart on import
Document containing Field element with missing field separator character cannot be imported
When default style properties in a DOCX document are missing or empty, importing does not respect this and sets default values
HTML Format Provider: Incorrect list level is assigned when new paragraph is added between different list levels when exporting.
Paragraph containing only non-breaking space is not imported from HTML.
Some table attributes are not respected when importing HTML.
Html format provider: If length type attribute unit identifier is not defined, its value is not respected when importing.
Images with Size.Empty are exported incorrectly to HTML and Docx.
When importing from HTML document the border style is not interpreted when the order of the style properties is changed.
Exporting table style to HTML with only table cell vertical alignment defined throws exception.
Table with a single cell on the first row is exported with incorrect cell widths.
When files with filenames containing special characters are zipped, the filename is displayed with wrong encoding after unzipping.


When files with filenames containing special characters are zipped, the filename is displayed with wrong encoding after unzipping


[b] Only for V.I.P
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