Telerik UI for Silverlight Q1 SP1 2015.1.0401 » Developer.Team

Telerik UI for Silverlight Q1 SP1 2015.1.0401

Telerik UI for Silverlight Q1 SP1 2015.1.0401
Telerik UI for Silverlight Q1 SP1 2015.1.0401 | 51 Mb

Telerik UI for Silverlight includes a wide range of controls—from small UI components such as Rating to powerful data-driven controls like GridView. The suite provides a variety of data visualization tools which allow you to display and edit your data in many different ways. Manipulate your row data in a GridView or Spreadsheet and then visualize it through PivotGrid, or any of the other charting and diagramming tools. Choose from a number of components for daily or business planning such as ScheduleView where users can easily plan their day and GanttView which allows users to visualize and manage any project planning data. Telerik UI for Silverlight comes complete with customizable UI controls for a variety of needs and options, which makes it the ideal choice for any Line of Business Application.

Professional-Looking Themes
Give your applications the slick professional look by applying our built-in themes. Telerik UI for Silverlight ships with more than ten professionally designed themes. Windows8 and Windows8Touch, let you apply styling in real-time. While the new Office 2013 theme mimics the look and feel of Microsoft Office 2013.

Themes include:
Visual Studio 2013

Intuitive API
Telerik UI for Silverlight has a short learning curve and is easy to use. The suite provides for:

Seamless integration with your Visual Studio Toolbox for quick drag and drop usage
Feature configuration using Design-time Wizards
Easy to learn API
The Telerik UI Controls API is a close mirror of Microsoft. If you’ve worked with the Silverlight Framework and Microsoft’s XAML Controls, you’ll get up and running fast in Telerik UI Controls for Silverlight

Export Support
Export the data that different controls display with a functionality that enables your users to view and manipulate their data even after an application is closed. Telerik UI for Silverlight provides you out-of-the-box export functionalities and options. Most of the data-driven controls allow you to export data to a variety of formats.

All Controls

    Cannot set IsTouchHitTestVisible through implicit style.


    NullReferenceException is thrown when IsDropDownOpen property is set in Xaml.


    Clicking on the RadSplitButton in XAML opens the designer unexpectedly.


    Introduced MinZoom property of the chart so that it is possible to specify the minimum a chart can be zoomed out.


    Inconsistency in the IsInRangeInclusive method of the ValueRange where the argument was of type double and now is of type T.
    The bubbles in BubbleSeries are clipped when the Stroke and StrokeThickness are set through the DefaultVisualStyle.
    Axis title gets clipped when changing the FontSize in Office2013 theme.
    An exception occurs in the VS designer when a RadPieChart is placed in a RadDocking's RadPane.


    TemplateBinding for PaletteItemsTemplate is missing in RadColorPaletteView for recent colors.


    Improve Disabled state of Editable ComboBox in Windows8 and Office2013 themes.


    Selectionchanged is fired two times when control is reloaded in the visual tree.


    Manipulation Adorner crashes if its template is empty and Shape is clicked.
    InformationTip gets faded when a diagram item is moved fast.
    ContainerShape is resized wrong after collapse /expand if there are connections in it and Routing is enabled.
    ContainerShapes change their size when expanded in scenario with OrgTree router and RouteConnections set to True.


    Improve Disabled visual state for Docking Control for Office 2013 theme.


    After reordering RadPanes in a RadPaneGroup the EnumeratePanes() method doesn't return them in the new order.
    Order of the RadPanes is not persisted after using drag reorder of panes.
    Moving a ToolWindow when the DPI of the OS is higher then 100% causes incorrect offset to the mouse pointer to by applied.
    The layout of the DocumentHost is incorrectly saved (the TabStripPlacement shouldn't be saved if not set).
    ToolWindows' FontFamily does not change trough VisualStudio 2013 palette.
    If unpinned Pane is clicked it doesn't hide when control outside the Docking is clicked.


    Performance improvements when exporting to xlsx and pdf.
    AutoFitWidth option can be turned off by setting AutoFitColumnWidth property of GridViewDocumentExportOptions. When set to false, exporting performance is slightly improved.
    Telerik.Windows.Controls.GridView.Export.dll - It contains logic for exporting RadGridView to xlsx and pdf formats eliminating the dependency of Telerik.Windows.Controls.GridView.dll to all SpreadProcessing logic. The two methods ExportToXlsx and ExportToPdf are located here and if used, a reference to the new binary should be included.
    Overload for AsyncExport that enables passing an Action delegate to work as a finished callback for the export operation. Thus users would get notified about the completion and would be able to execute custom logic then.


    RadGridView doesn't remove columns with ShowColumnWhenGrouped="False" when resetting GroupDescriptors collection.
    New row in Bottom position is not visible in the child grid when the grid has no items.
    New row is not scrolled into view after calling BeginInsert() when NewRowPosition=Bottom.
    GridViewNewRow is not displayed if NewRowPosition is set to Bottom,RadGridView is placed in a container measuring its children with infinity and there are no items.
    No specific AutomationID for StringFilterEditor when FilteringMode="FilterRow".
    Can not select a cell after a row is deleted when SelectionMode="Extended" and SelectionUnit="Mixed".
    Pressing key Home after selecting a cell, when all columns are frozen, results in exception.
    Scrollbars get out of GridView/TreeListView borders in Office2013 theme.
    Commands defined in a custom KeyboardCommandProvider are cleared after CommitEdit if NewRowPosition is set.
    NullReferenceException in ExportHelper.AddFooterRow and ExportHelper.GetFooterCellStyle.


    ExportAsync's shouldDisposeString parameter is renamed to shouldDisposeStream.


    Can set SelectedItemsSource to collection of different type then the ItemsSource of the ListBox.


    VisualizationLayer throws NullReferenceException when a Map hosted in RadPane is unloaded.


    BorderThickness property of DisabledVisual is not template-bound.
    No visual change when IsEnabled property is set to False for Windows8Touch theme.


    Top level RadMenuItems don't display underline for access keys.


    TemplateBinding for HeaderBackground is missing. 

PDF Viewer

    Implemented support for Masked Images with separate image XObject used as explicit mask.


    RadPdfViewer does not import correctly annotations with null page value.
    Exception is thrown if one of the objects in a document has an empty stream.


    Image class Width and Height properties have incomplete XML documentation.
    Table with cell width set as percentage is not exported correctly to PDF.


    Exception is thrown when open shared RadialMenu while it is closing.
    RadialMenu not closing when the ItemsSource is null and set to new collection.
    RadialMenuItem is not disabling/enabling whenever the CanExecute method of its Command is changed.
    Resetting the ItemsSource causes binding exceptions in the output.
    RadRadialMenuItem.IsEnabled=false is not taken into account if CanExecute of the RadRadialMenuItem Command is true.
    Exception is thrown if the RadialMenu ItemsSource is reset on touch device.
    NullReferenceException is thrown when the RadialMenuItems don't have Header set.
    RadialMenu command parameter is set after the command if using ItemsSource.


    Setting IsSelected to True on tab whilst the ribbon is minimized causes the ribbon popup to float if window is moved.
    DialogLauncherButton of the RibbonGroup is clipped in Windows8Touch theme.
    RibbonComboBox font size cannot be changed through Windows8Touch palette.
    When the RibbonWindow is maximized the auto-hidden task bar cannot be visualized.


    Enabled merging a paragraph and a table, after deleting the paragraph symbol or section break before a table.


    Cannot import document with "NoList" style on Mac with Norwegian region.
    Docx Format Provider: Style properties are not imported for merge fields when the field is in result mode.
    Normal style should be default style when importing DOCX document regardless of the number of default styles in the document.
    OutOfMemoryException is thrown when Html format provider loads document with multiple instances of @font-face.
    HTML Format provider: Inner list levels are exported in additional list element styled with List style type - none.
    Rtf Format Provider: Span FontSize is not exported when its value source is from parent paragraph.
    Instead of containing single selection range when a table/row is selected, document selection contains selection ranges for each row or cell.
    When table cells have background, white lines are rendered.
    When a paragraph between two tables is deleted and cells from upper and lower tables are selected "OutOfMemoryException" is thrown.
    When two tables with different columns count are copy-pasted, the layout of the second table gets broken.
    When a table is copy-pasted, empty paragraph is inserted before the table.
    Paragraph Background is not applied to the last column of a table.
    Table layout is not updated after Undo actions if table font size was increased or decreased before that.
    TOC field is updated with incorrect layout when some of its entries are positioned in a table cell or paragraph alignments are set.


    KeyNotFoundException is throw when AllowCustomAppointmentSize is set to True.
    Exception when clicking on MonthView Day GroupHeader in Windows8Touch theme.


    Introduced API for creating and setting CellValues directly into the cells.
    Implemented support for conversion from Workbook to RadFixedDocument as an extension to the PdfFormatProvider.


    Custom format strings are not transferred to current culture when imported.
    Incorrect calculation of columns width in import and export.
    Leading and trailing spaces of strings are lost when the file is exported and opened in Excel.
    Importing files with missing cell and row references in the xml throws an exception.
    Importing file with a row/column break with max value above the max column/row count throws an exception.
    Cells with multiline text are not exported correctly to PDF.
    Name converter throws exception if invalid column name is converted to index.


    Introduced API for creating and setting CellValues directly into the cells.
    Implemented support for conversion from Workbook to RadFixedDocument as an extension to the PdfFormatProvider.


    Custom format strings are not transferred to current culture when imported.
    Values smaller than 0.0001 are displayed formatted with scientific notation.
    Implement the ability of user to insert or delete rows or columns in protected sheet when inserting and deleting rows or columns is allowed.
    Sorting buttons in the filtering popup do not work on protected sheet even when sorting is enabled through the protection options.
    Incorrect calculation of columns width in import and export.
    Some alert and confirm dialogs have no title.
    Leading and trailing spaces of strings are lost when the file is exported and opened in Excel.
    When the active cell is below the filtering area and some values are filtered the document is scrolled so there is nothing visible.
    Importing files with missing cell and row references in the xml throws an exception.
    Ranges containing absolute ranges or sheet names are not colored when formula selection is used.
    Cell editor size and positioning is wrong when editing a right-aligned input.
    Insert Column with undo and redo causes RadSpreadsheet to crash in some cases.
    Freezed panes are changed when a filter is cleared.
    Importing file with a row/column break with max value above the max column/row count throws an exception.
    When "Show input message" or "Show error message" checkboxes in DataValidation dialog are unchecked the text boxes are not disabled.
    Cells with multiline text are not exported correctly to PDF.
    Name converter throws exception if invalid column name is converted to index.
    Memory leak when opening and closing a window containing RadSpreadsheet.


    In PRISM Activating view does not select the respective view.


    Runtime added tiles do not get cleared after clearing groups and adding new tiles.


    Selection title is clipped when the FontSize is changed in VisualStudio2013 theme.
    Selection title is shorter than Selection thumb in VisualStudio2013 theme.


    (CodedUI) AutomationProperties.Name cannot be customized.
    When adding item from inherited type in the source ICollectionView for the first time, it does not appear.


    The size of an item is not updated when changing the value of the underlying object and when the ValuePath and TooltipPath are set to the same property name.


    Pressing HomeKey can make the Vertical ScrollViewer freeze.
    Localization setters are missing in TreeView style for Windows8Touch theme. 


    An exception is thrown when using RestrictedAreaMargin property.


    Completed event is fired when Completing is cancelled if the action is Finish.
    Last page Finish button remains enabled when AllowFinish is set to false.

Zip Library

    When files with filenames containing special characters are zipped, the filename is displayed with wrong encoding after unzipping.


[b] Only for V.I.P
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