Telerik UI for WPF Q2 2015 (version 2015.2.623) Retail » Developer.Team

Telerik UI for WPF Q2 2015 (version 2015.2.623) Retail

Telerik UI for WPF Q2 2015 (version 2015.2.623) Retail
Telerik UI for WPF Q2 2015 (version 2015.2.623) Retail | 83 Mb

Telerik UI for WPF includes a wide range of controls – from small UI components like Rating to powerful data-driven controls like GridView. The suite provides a variety of data visualization tools to allow you to display and edit your data. Manipulate your row data in a GridView or Spreadsheet and then visualize it through PivotGrid, our charting or diagramming tools. Discover multiple components for daily or business planning such as ScheduleView where users can easily plan their day and GanttView which allows users to visualize and manage any project planning data. Telerik UI for WPF comes complete with customizable UI controls for a variety of needs and options, which makes it the ideal choice for any Windows desktop application.

Professional-Looking Themes

Give your applications the professional look by applying our built-in themes. Telerik UI for WPF ships with more than ten professionally designed themes. Windows8 and Windows8Touch let you apply styling in real-time. While the new Visual Studio 2013 theme mimics the look and feel of VS 2013.Themes include:

Visual Studio 2013

Exceptional Performance and User Experience

Telerik UI for WPF enhances user experience by providing both UI and data virtualization. Use Telerik’s controls to display large amounts of data with virtually no performance trade-off. What you get is exceptional performance and a sleek end-user experience. Telerik UI makes your apps fast by:

Producing minimal and clean XAML
Allowing you to load only the data within the current viewport of the application
Implementing lazy loading – loading data only when it is requested
Minimizing memory usage, robust code free from memory leaks.

Intuitive API
Telerik UI for WPF has a short learning curve and is easy to use. The suite provides for:

Seamless integration with your Visual Studio Toolbox for quick drag-and-drop usage.
Feature configuration using Design-time Wizards.
Easy to learn API. The API is a close mirror of Microsoft. If you’ve worked with the WPF Framework and Microsoft’s XAML Controls, you’ll get up and running fast in Telerik UI for WPF.

Document Processing

Three components enable you to process the most common text, spreadsheet, and PDF file formats without having Microsoft Office or other third-party libraries installed. Your application users will be able to create, load and modify documents in a variety of formats including:


Enable your application to seamlessly export and import documents or convert them from one format to another. All thanks to the intuitive and easy-to-use APIs.

MVVM Support

The ability to drag-and-drop a complex control from our toolbox, wire up a few events, receive quick functionality, then move on to the next work item makes your software development easier. Those functionalities, however, do not guarantee that the software created is well structured, easily extensible, and unit testable. MVVM resolves those issues. Telerik UI for WPF fully supports MVVM, allowing you to create reliable, well-structured and easily maintainable applications.

Coded UI Tests
All components in Telerik UI for WPF support Level 1 Coded UI tests and most of the controls already support Level 3 Coded UI tests, making Telerik UI Controls easily maintainable within any test-driven development process.

Touch Support
The built-in touch support and the Windows8Touch theme make your Telerik UI for WPF powered applications run smoothly on a touch device.

Drag and Drop Support
Many Telerik UI for WPF controls come with built-in drag and drop support. The suite also provides a DragDropManager which easily integrates within your solution to implement any drag and drop scenario.

UI for WPF Q2 2015

June 23, 2015
New Controls

     DesktopAlert (Beta)
        The new addition to the UI for WPF will display a small pop-up window in the application to notify the user that a specific event has occurred.
    RadWizard(Official Release)
        RadWizard helps you to differentiate a complex process into separate steps through intuitive UI. It is useful for facilitating installations, registrations and other types of step-by-step processes.​

All Controls

    Added new WPF Visual Studio templates projects:
        Outlook-Inspired Template: This template in Visual Studio will help you if you need to start an application that mimics the whole functionality of MS Outlook.
        Outlook-Inspired Mail Template: This template in Visual Studio will help you if you need to start an application that mimics the mail functionality of MS Outlook.
        Outlook-Inspired Calendar Template: This template in Visual Studio will help you if you need to start an application that mimics the calendar functionality of MS Outlook.


    Improvements in Disabled states among all controls in Office2013 theme.


    The Autocomplete looks too light when disabled in Windows8 theme.


    Overflow button and its dropdown content have double border in MouseOver state in VisualStudio2013 theme.
    There is 1px gap between the Breadcrumb control and the history drop down. 


    Height of Breadcrumb was changed to be 26px in Office2013 theme and 22px in VisualStudio2013 theme. 


    Setting CornerRadius to DropDownButton and SplitButton affects Popup CornerRadius. 


    Introduced Touch Support.


    Added support for automatic step recalculation for the chart's axes based on the axis size, so that labels do not overlap.


    A NullReferenceException is thrown when removing pie series on mouse click.


    TemplateBinding for BorderThickness in MouseOver state is missing in NonEditableComboBox for VisualStudio2013, Office2013 and Windows8 themes.
    Shift + Tab keyboard navigation escapes RadComboBox when it's not editable.
    The background of non editable ComboBox is changed to be the same as the ToggleButton in Office2013 theme.
    LostFocus event is raised when editable RadComboBox is clicked.


    ValidationSummary.HasErrors property always returns false.


    DataFormValidationSummary Errors and HasErrors properties are now read-only. Errors still support modifications of its items (add/remove), but it no longer has a public setter.


    Using RadDateTimePicker with Implicit Styles and there is a BasedOn Style for it, is not visible in the designer and throws designer error.
    DateTimePicker ignores padding in Windows8, Office2013 and VisualStudio2013 themes.


    Diagram Layout is not correct when IgnoreContainers of the TreelayoutSettings or SugiyamaSettings is True.


    Added three different modes for retaining the Pane sizes while docking/undocking (via the new RetainPaneSizeMode property). 


    When dragging a pane, the generated ТoolWindow is shown at top left for a short duration.
    When RadDocking is in Deferred DradDropMode, any panes added at run time cannot be dragged.


    Introduced validation tooltip to InvalidEditableIndicator of a row.
    Introduced new virtualization mechanism for ColumnGroups. A property EnableColumnGroupsVirtualization is exposed with default value True for enabled virtualization. Setting it to False will enable the old logic.


    Current cell and selected row are losing sync when navigating in RadGridView.
    Linq Operations are not working with DataTable which GetRowType and NewRowFromBuilder methods are overridden.
    Exporting to Xlsx with empty cell causes error in excel file.
    GridView instance remains alive after unloading the control in case there is GridViewSelectColumn defined.
    Memory leak when there is a ControlPanelItem with a custom content or custom button content.
    TextTrimming, TextAlignment and TextWrappingProperty properties set through an implicit style targeting TextBlock is not applied on scrolling.
    CellBorders are not applied when setting with Style in GridViewDocumentVisualExportParameters.
    When there are frozen columns with ColumnGroups, all UI operations' performance is degraded.
    ColumnGroups get misaligned after scrolling horizontally.
    Memory leak with touch-draggable elements (GridViewHeaderCell, FrozenColumnSplitter).
    Double borders appear when a cell is validated In Windows8Touch theme.
    Application hangs when changing column's visibility and there are ColumnGroups defined.
    The content of "ShowRowsWithValue" label within FilteringControl is truncated with localization in Windows8Touch theme.


    GridViewToggleButtonAutomationPeer now implements TogglePattern.
    A new visual element that is used in the virtualization layout is introduced - GridViewColumnGroupRow. Styles and templates that are related to it should be added to any existent custom themes.
    Based on feedback from clients, we introduced a few behavioral changes (only when EnableColumnVirtualization is True), aiming to improve visual presentation:
        When scrolling horizontally, the first CommonColumnHeader's content is aligned to be visible until it gets scrolled off viewport.
        Empty cells that display the lack of ColumnGroup on a certain level are now merged.
        No empty rows are displayed for ColumnGroup hierarchy levels that are initialized, but never used.
        Freezing some of the columns that are related to a CommonColumnHeader, now splits the header in two identical headers to emphasize that those columns that were not frozen belong to the same ColumnGroup.


    Added Label support for HeatMap's cells.

Image Editor

    Introduced Shape tool for drawing different shapes over an image.


    The selected item is not changed when the "Current" of the bound ICollectionView is moved if the control was reloaded.
    The click event of a RadButton placed in a RadListBoxItem is not fired using touch.


    Scale and MouseLocationIndicator do not respect changing FontSize through the palette in Windows8, Windows8Touch, Office2013 and VisualStudio2013 themes. 

MS Controls

    Default background of Microsoft Button and RepeatButton is changed in Office2013 theme.


    Text content of minimized OutlookBarItem is not visible in DropDownPopup's content in Office2013 theme.
    Setting HeaderBackground property does not change the MinimizedButton's background in Windows8, Office2013 and VisualStudio2013 themes.
    Title Foreground, FontFamily and FontWeight gets lost when you have TitleTemplate set and change themes runtime with implicit styles theming mechanism.

PDF Viewer

    [SL] Provided ability to set OpacityThreshold in PrintSettings.
    Implemented Progressive DCT for JpegDecoder.


    SimpleFont MissingWidth value is calculated as zero instead of fractional double value.
    Glyph font size is not included in glyph stroke thickness calculations.
    RadPdfViewer does not show the context menu on TapAndHold gesture.
    Some Jpeg images are not rendered correctly in PdfViewer.
    Binding to an instance of FixedDocumentViewerCommands or FixedDocumentViewerCommandDescriptors causes memory leak.
    Added the ability to make UI elements in custom UI layers focusable.
    JpegDecoder cannot handle FFFF marker during ScanDecode.
    JpegDecoder does not interpret DRI marker correctly in Baseline DCT.


    Introduced API for merging PDF documents.
    Implemented loading ImageSource on demand when importing PDF documents.
    Introduced API for accessing image data.
    Implemented support for import and export of TrueType fonts.
    Implemented support for import and export of text showing content stream operators.
    Implemented support for import and export of text positioning content stream operators.
    Optimized performance when Image objects are imported and exported by not decoding and encoding the image data.
    Provided API for inserting and retrieving images as encoded image data.


    Image is not imported correctly if the stream position is not at the beginning of the stream.
    Exception is thrown on import when there is no carriage return symbol after stream keyword.


    System.IO.FileNotFoundException is thrown by the IsolatedStoragetProvider when calling its SaveToStorage() method and CLR exceptions are enabled.
    The GetIsolatedStoreOverride method returns a wrong Isolated storage file.


    The "More fields" FieldTree item is not localized.
    Max aggregate function calculates wrong results for decimal values.


    Tabbing out of SingleEditMode PropertyGridFields raises EditEnded with wrong arguments.
    MemoryLeak when updating the Item property. 


    RadialMenuItem command is executed before MouseUp.


    Backstage now supports keyboard navigation.


    When the RibbonWindow is in maximized state, a black bar appears around its content.
    RibbonWindow doesn't respect the OS taskbar location, when it is different than bottom.
    MinHeight and MinWidth properties of the RibbonWindow are not respected.
    RibbonWindow maximize state is not correct when it is used on two monitors with different resolutions.
    The RibbonWindow buttons are not displayed when ShowInTaskbar is set to false.
    The title of the RadRibbonWindow overlaps the window buttons.
    RibbonView buttons are not consistent on MouseOver in Windows8 theme.
    Path and Border of RibbonComboBox in NonEditable variant do not respect Disabled state in Office2013 theme.
    ViewportWidth of RadGallery is bigger than ItemWidth in Windows8Touch theme.
    RibbonGallery's buttons are clipped and DropDownButton's Path is not centered in Windows8Touch theme.


    Application Button, ApplicationMenu and QAT FontSize default value is changed to 15 px in Windows8Touch and Office2013 themes.
    Application Menu and ApplicationDropDown button look and feel improvements for all themes.
    The Backstage FontSize and FontFamily properties in Windows8, Windows8Touch, Office2013 and VisualStudio2013 themes are now set in the default style.
    RibbonWindow Background changed to match the Background of other controls in ExpressionDark theme.


    Exposed API in SelectionRange to identify if the selected element is table, row or cell.
    Implemented pasting of new table with the respective number of rows and cells when copying and pasting a table column.
    Introduced command for unmerging table cells.
    Exposed API for registering custom fields which need paginated document to work correctly.


    StreamFromUriResolving event is not raised on the main document when an InsertPictureField is included in header/footer.
    Going into header/ footer mode does not raise CommandExecuting/Executed event when double-clicking.
    FooterBottomMargin or HeaderTopMargin properties are not properly respected when the document is created from code.
    Memory leak when a style in the main document refers to document elements in header and footer.
    Changing fields display mode of the main editor does not affect the fields in header/footer.
    Copy-paste of two adjoining tables with different column count results in a broken layout of the second table.
    Docx Format Provider: Exporting non committed IME text's decoration underline throws exception.
    Watermark is not drawn behind headers and footers content when exported to PDF.
    RadRichTextBox does not show the context menu on TapAndHold gesture.
    When UpdateAllFields is called all PageReferenceFields and PageFields are updated to 1.
    When linked style is applied over а paragraph, only its paragraph part should be applied. When linked style is applied over selection of words, only its character part should be applied.
    Field code and result fragments do nоt inherit style properties from its parent if they are not locally set when importing RTF document.
    Importing XAML documents which contains multiple line or page breaks in a single Span and are exported with past versions of the provider causes loss of text.


    Deprecated FieldsUpdateManager.RegisterFieldUpdatePriority method. Use FieldsUpdateManager.RegisterFieldUpdateInfo instead.


    NullReferenceException is thrown when DaysOfMonth property of the RecurrencePattern is changed to null.
    Incorrect recurrence dialog localization strings in French.
    When importing custom Appointment with custom Resources, CalendarImporterBase throws exception.


    Words in Hebrew or other languages which do not have capital letters are not spell checked.


    Introduced support for setting style properties of rows and columns.
    Introduced "Summary Rows Below Detail" and "Summary Columns to Right of Detail" properties to control the position of grouping's summary row/column.
    Import of the content of macro-enabled workbooks.


    The SetValue method that takes ICellValue as parameter should throw exception if null is passed as parameter.
    RadSpreadsheet crashes when a document with merged columns is imported or exported.
    Column style is not properly applied.


    Removed obsolete API. For more information and detailed list of removed API, please check the following link.


    Added CellEditorBase.Insert method to insert text at the current caret position.
    Introduced support for setting style properties of rows and columns.
    Introduced UI for hidden rows and columns.
    Import of the content of macro-enabled workbooks.


    Fill tab in Format Cells Dialog is not aligned in VisualStudio2013 theme.
    The pattern color dropdown button has wrong size in Office2013 theme.
    The style name textbox in cell style dialog is resizing on typing in Windows8Touch theme.
    Up and down buttons in Sort dialog are too small in VisualStudio2013 theme.
    Inconsistences in font size of Protect Sheet and Protect Workbook buttons in Office2013 theme.
    Border tab in FormatCell is not aligned properly.
    The SetValue method that takes ICellValue as parameter should throw exception if null is passed as parameter.
    [WPF] The method GetBoundsRelativeTo throws InvalidOperationException when RadSpreadsheet is shown.
    RadSpreadsheet crashes when a document with merged columns is imported or exported.
    Column style is not properly applied.
    Gallery Headers have black foreground instead of white foreground in Windows8Touch theme.
    Border presets are clipped in Border tab of Format Cell dialog in Office2013 theme.
    PageSetup dialog has different width in different tabs in Windows8Touch theme.
    SheetSelector crashes on close when there are more sheet tab items than available space.


    Removed obsolete API. For more information and detailed list of removed API, please check the following link.


    Tile exposes Command, CommandTarget and CommandParameter dependency properties. 


    Groups' display indices are not initialized if they are added in code behind one by one.
    Incorrect calculation of available rows when there are more instances of RadTileList in one view.
    RadTileList is hold by TilesPlacementLocator when the control is unloaded, thus causing a memory leak.
    A tile belongs to two groups when reordering between multiple groups.
    Groups having equal items count are overlapped when they are being resized.


    SelectionRange Title FontSize can not be changed dynamically in Windows8, Windows8Touch and Office2013 themes.


    ItemControl and GroupControl's FontSize default values are changed to 12px and 20px respectively in VisualStudio2013 theme. 


    ToolTipTemplate is not applied when the tooltip is set on a RadTimeline's ItemControl and the timeline is zoomed out while tooltip is open.
    ToolTipService shows tooltips for elements that are not hovered if their parent element also has set ToolTipContent.

Touch Manager

    TouchIndicator is now represented by a single circle.
    The type of the attached property TouchManager.IsTouchHitTestVisible is changed from bool? with default value Null to bool with default value True.


    Connecting lines are not rendered correctly when filtering TreeListView.
    Connecting lines are not rendered correctly when sort.
    Left validation border disappears while scrolling RadTreeListView and RadGridView in VS2013 theme.


    Improved DragDrop on Touch Devices. Drag Drop is now possible with holding the finger on TreeViewItem and then moving it.
    Added a protected virtual CreateDragVisualContent method for customizing the Content of the DragVisual.
    MouseOver state on Expand/Collapse ToggleButton is added for all themes.


    When RadWindow is maximized and the DPI is higher than 100%, the header buttons are not visible.
    The Textbox in the Prompt Window doesn't get the focus with ExpressionDark theme.
    RadWindow dialog doesn't block the UI in the background in XBAP application.

Wizard(Official Release)

    Level 2 and level 3 CodedUI automation support.


    WizardPage.ButtonVisibilityMode = "None" is not respected if set initially.
    Welcome and Completion pages ButtonsVisibilityMode is not respected when Wizard is in a DataTemplate.


    Swapped the positions of the Cancel and Finish buttons in order to be consistent with other types of Wizard controls.


    Introduced a way to obtain the image size automatically when it is not specified. Image can be Size.Empty.
    Introduced support for cloning Style, List and ListLevel classes.
    Introduced support for value types inch, cm, mm in HtmlFormatProvider.
    Introduced support for text direction for table cells.
    Introduced right-to-left property of Run and CharacterProperties.
    Introduced Replace Text and Replace Styling API.
    Introduced watermark support.
    Introduced document protection support.
    Introduced tab stops support.


    Paragraph formatting symbol styling is not exported to HTML list items.
    Paragraph alignment types (Left and Right) are incorrectly exported to Docx as "start" and "end".
    PageBreakBefore property inserts page break before the first paragraph in the document when exported to PDF.
    Importing a document which contains a style without type or style ID causes an exception.
    When exporting document with TOC, the tab leader is not visible.
    If FontSize element's value in a DOCX document is a decimal fraction, an exception is thrown and the document cannot be imported.

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