Ext.NET Pro Web Forms 3.2.0 Retail

Ext.NET Pro Web Forms 3.2.0 Retail | 38 Mb
EXT.NET is an ASP.NET component framework built with Sencha Ext JS. Focus on your software’s business logic and take advantage of 100+ components and 600+ examples in the Examples Explorer! Ext.NET boosts your productivity! We offer 100+ components and 600+ examples. Browse the examples using the sidebar menu on the left, check their source code, open in a separate window if you like. Ext.NET is an advanced ASP.NET (WebForms + MVC) component framework integrating the cross-browser Sencha Ext JS jаvascript Library.
If you are looking to build a rich, modern web application with cutting edge web technologies, unparalleled cross-browser compatibility and an advanced MVC architecture then Ext.NET is for you!
<%@ Page Language="C#" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Threading" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Collections.Generic" %>
<script runat="server">
protected void UpdateTimeStamp(object sender, DirectEventArgs e)
X.Msg.Notify("The Server Time is: ", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()).Show();
<!DOCTYPE html>
<head runat="server">
<title>DirectEvents Summary - Ext.NET Examples</title>
<link href="/resources/css/examples.css" rel="stylesheet" />
.box, .box-wihtout-event {
width : 100px;
height : 50px;
border : 1px solid #000;
cursor : pointer;
text-align : center;
margin-bottom : 4px;
background-color : white;
.red {
color : #fff;
cursor : default;
background-color : red;
.blue {
color : #fff;
background-color : blue;
<form runat="server">
<ext:ResourceManager ID="ResourceManager1" runat="server">
<ext:DirectEvent Target="Button2" OnEvent="UpdateTimeStamp" />
<ext:DirectEvent Target="Button3" OnEvent="UpdateTimeStamp" />
<ext:DirectEvent Target="Span1" OnEvent="UpdateTimeStamp" />
<ext:DirectEvent Target="Ext.select('div.box', true)" OnEvent="UpdateTimeStamp" />
<h1>Summary of DirectEvents</h1>
<p>The action of each of the following samples will trigger a DirectEvent Ajax request to the server and return a Notification Window to the browser.</p>
<h2>Add a <Click> DirectEvent to <ext:Button></h2>
<ext:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Click Me" OnDirectClick="UpdateTimeStamp" />
<h2>Add a <Click> DirectEvent with confirmation to <ext:Button></h2>
<ext:Button ID="Button4" runat="server" Text="Click Me">
<Click OnEvent="UpdateTimeStamp">
<Confirmation ConfirmRequest="true" Title="Title" Message="Sample Confirmation Message..." />
<h2>Add a Click DirectEvent to <asp:Button></h2>
<asp:Button ID="Button2" runat="server" Text="Click Me" />
<h2>Add a Click DirectEvent to a standard html <input> button</h2>
<input id="Button3" type="button" value="Click Me" />
<h2>Add a Click DirectEvent to html <span> element</h2>
<span id="Span1" style="cursor: pointer;">*Click Me*</span>
<h2>Add a Click DirectEvent to several html <div> elements by using a Target Query</h2>
<p>By using a Target Query we can attach the same DirectEvent (or Listener) to several html elements or Controls and fire a server-side event.</p>
<p>The target(s) do not require an "id" and do not need a runat="server" attribute. The elements can be any html element available on the Page.</p>
<p>The following Target Query will select all <div> elements on the Page that contain the css class "box", but do not contain the css class "red".</p>
<div class="box">Click Me</div>
<div class="box-wihtout-event red">Not Me</div>
<div class="box blue">Click Me too!</div>
[r6480] [#835] Breadcrumb: Node's QTip didn't work.
[r6382] [#682] Various fixes in WebForms examples.
[r6383] [#682] Various fixes in the Examples Explorers.
[r6384] [#733] GridPanel with local paging + filter + reload caused duplicate records.
[r6388] [#673] Reviews the 'Draw/Logos' example for both WebForms(#682.23) and MVC (#673.9) examples. Now the SVG paths are scaled and translated manually, window no longer resizable.
[r6389] [#682] Reviews the 'Draw/Tiger' example on WebForms (#682.26) explorer. Fixed DrawContainer w/h, fixed SVG position, and added overrides to disable DD's 'ghost' proxy.
[r6390] [#735] Listener: using Fn and Handler at the same time should throw an Exception.
[r6391] [#737] ResponsiveConfig threw a javascript error if IDMode="Predictable" is used (at least).
[r6392] [#739] Very old override of Ext.dom.Element.is() was breaking ExtJS 5.x in several situations. Removed override so current ExtJS method is executed.
[r6393] [#740] GridPanel missed the GroupChange event.
[r6394] [#728] Corrected the initial Ext.dom.Element.is() override.
[r6395] [#741] Ext.button.Button.setScale() was not effectively re-scaling the button.
[r6396] [#742] ResourceManager's WindowScroll didn't work.
[r6398] [#747] GridPanel: added a missed MultiColumnSort option.
[r6400] [#753] MultiUpload broke a page if no flash in a browser.
[r6401] [#754] Removed a trailed comma in DirectObservable.js
[r6404] [#765] HyperlinkButton didn't honor the Href property.
[r6406] [#769] CDN path should not cache "http" or "https" of first request, because it might change in next requests.
[r6408] [#769] Revised the initial fix applying the performance optimizations suggested by @RCN and @michaeld on the forums.
[r6412] [#775] PasswordMask HideAll: removal of characters was not handled correctly.
[r6413] [#777] HyperlinkButton inside a container with FitLayout threw a javascript error.
[r6414] [#779] ComponentLoader.ToConfig(new Window()) produced a script with a show call.
[r6415] [#783] ComboBox's ForceSelection="false" didn't render to client.
[r6418] [#784] ImageButton ignored its X and Y settings.
[r6421] [#788] ImageButton's setDisabled failed on a non-rendered button.
[r6422] [#790] GridPanel with ComponentColumn with OverOnly broke on sorting.
[r6423] [#791] CheckboxSelectionModel with Multi mode didn't fire Selectionchange and Deselect events on deselect.
[r6424] [#793] Missed server side properties to set a component's Width and Height in a CSS value (e.g. in percents). Added the WidthSpec and HeightSpec properties.
[r6425] [#717] ItemSelector threw a javascript error.
[r6426] [#690] RightButtons and LeftButtons inside TextFields triggers errors on destroying.
[r6427] Minor corrections in a couple of examples.
[r6430] [#811] Chrome 43 broke TextField and TextArea layout.
[r6431] [#796] OData functionality was broken.
[r6432] [#791] CheckboxSelectionModel didn't fire Selectionchange and Deselect events on deselect. Removed the temporary fix - it has been fixed in ExtJS 5.1.1.
[r6433] [#814] Returning false from ComboBox's BeforeSelect didn't prevent selecting.
[r6434] [#657] GridPanel: unable to use home/end/arrow navigation keys inside data views & grid editors. Removed the temporary fix, because it has been fixed in ExtJS 5.1.1.
[r6435] [#656] GridPanel: couldn't select a new added record. Removed the temporary fix, because it has been fixed in ExtJS 5.1.1.
[r6436] [#637] TabPanel in FireFox: click on tab might not active that tab. Removed the temporary fix since it has been fixed in ExtJS 5.1.1.
[r6437] [#633] A non-floating menu hid on focus leave. Removed the temporary fix since it has been fixed in ExtJS 5.1.1.
[r6438] [#621] InfoPanel Modal="true" didn't work. The initial fix required a correction after upgrading to ExtJS 5.1.1.
[r6439] [#622] Modal window or message box forced the horizontal and vertical scroll bars. Removed the temporary fix - no longer reproducible with ExtJS 5.1.1.
[r6440] [#817] CalendarCombo is broken in ExtJS 5.1.1.
[r6441] [#809] Various bug fixes in the WebForm Examples Explorer.
[r6442] [#717] ItemSelector threw a javascript error. Corrected the initial fix after update to ExtJS 5.1.1.
[r6443] [#809] Various bugs fixes in Examples Explorer.
[r6444] [#816] Enables fallover static iconCls for MVC examples. Uses Areas/config.xml for the static settings.
[r6445] [#819] GridPanel with RowExpander with inner GridPanel: layout of inner GridPanel was broken in IE and Firefox. Removed the old CSS styles for RowExpander (since v1).
[r6447] [#809, #816] HTML Editor's toolbar buttons shifted in Crisp theme.
[r6448] [#816] Desktop's System Status CPU Load graph distortion over time.
[r6449] [#816] Disabled animation on Desktop System Status' CPU Load chart, as in other Desktop examples.
[r6450] [#816.5] Fixes drag-and-drop issues since 3.0, revisiting the whole example.
[r6451] [#823] Fixes setting debug mode on MVC examples explorer.
[r6452] [#824] Fixes JS error when pressing 'del' or 'backspace' when editing ComponentColumn's ComboBoxes.
[r6453] [#816.8] Adds support for 'yes/no' filter on the FilterHeader overview sample.
[r6454] [#816.9] Removes column sorting for Buffered Scrolling and Remote Filter MVC infinite scrolling samples.
[r6455] [#816.9] Update text on examples to reflect that the features are not new to Ext.NET v3.
[r6456] [#816.10] Update text to reflect features of Ext.NET v2 and disable sorting on MVC infinite scrolling overview example.
[r6457] [#809] DisplayTimeField was broken (item 44).
[r6458] [#827] "Cannot read property 'focus' of undefined" javascript error.
[r6459] [#809] Various bug fixes.
[r6460] [#809] Undos WebForms' Desktop example fix from r6441 and applies r6448 from MVC Desktop sample into it.
[r6461] [#816.19] Applies the same fix for Rotate_Image from svn revision 6459 (github #809.43).
[r6462] [#816.26] Applies the same fix for VBoxLayout Basic example from svn revision 6441 (github #809.57).
[r6463] [#809.21, #816.13] Clarifies issue about store-logic filtering on TreePanel's advanced filter example.
[r6465] [#826] RowExpander: GridPanels inside RowExpander misforwarded clicks on CellEdit components.
[r6466] [#829] GridPanel GridFilters remote: ticking the filter checkbox caused a load request without a filter's value.
[r6467] [#816.21] Fixes panel width on example so missing button is revealed.
[r6468] [#809.6] Applies changes from revision 6450 to the WebForms corresponding example (plus cosmetic CSS fixes).
[r6469] [#816.5] Cosmetic CSS fixes after changes of revision 6450.
[r6471] [#832] Changes RowExpander's SingleExpand behavior to avoid issues.
[r6472] [#830] "Plants" data service from examples may trigger Date Format Exception in some situations.
[r6473] [#834] TagField didn't add a new tag to its picker's store on .addTag() call.
[r6474] [#692] Grouped GridPanel's grouping summary didn't work with Count summary type. Changed the initial fix to cover another scenario as well.
[r6475] Examples: minor theme-related corrections in a few examples. Some sizes had to be increased to fit well for the Crisp theme.
[r6397] [#745] Image: added a Title config option that sets an img's title attribute.
[r6470] [#831] Added the new ARIA theme.
[r6479] A small clean-up in the Ext.Net.csproj file.
[r6386] Minor revision on inline code styles
[r6399] Removed the Just_For-Fun examples as outdated.
[r6402] [#757] ResourceManager's Locale is now rendered to client to be able easily determine the current locale in javascript as Ext.net.ResourceMgr.locale.
[r6419] [#785] InputMask: support of DateField and NumberField.
[r6420] [#786] Vtype="daterange": got rid of requirement to set up onkeyup handler for DateFields.
[r6428] Initial update to ExtJS 5.1.1.
[r6464] [FIX] [#809.65, #816.17] Fixes visual toggling effect on Hyperlink Buttons.
[r6476] BaseControl's VersionName property contained a "Pro" reference. Removed. The "Pro" version disappeared at some point.