Teterik UI for ASP.NET AJAX Q2 2015 SP1 (version 2015.2.729)

Teterik UI for ASP.NET AJAX Q2 2015 SP1 (version 2015.2.729) | 82 Mb
Enjoy components for every need: navigation and layout, data management and visualization, editing, interactivity and more. In our 11 years of aggressive product development – including 3 major and up to 6 minor releases per year – we have implemented, tested and optimized over 4,000 features in Telerik ASP.NET controls.
Complete Set of Features and Controls
Enjoy components for every need: navigation and layout, data management and visualization, editing, interactivity and more. In our 11 years of aggressive product development – including 3 major and up to 6 minor releases per year – we have implemented, tested and optimized over 4,000 features in Telerik ASP.NET controls.
Mobile Support and Responsiveness
No need to build a mobile version of your project since the web sites and apps built with Telerik ASP.NET controls work equally well on desktop and mobile devices.
Use the Page Layout Framework to build responsive ASP.NET applications
Leverage the adaptive, fluid, elastic and responsive capabilities featured in most controls to offer user experiences tailored to each end-user's device
Gain productivity since touch events are handled in the same manner as those triggered by a keyboard or a mouse
Get a better user experience with the two mobile skins especially designed for touch devices that come included in the suite
20 Built-In Professional Grade Skins
Give your applications a sleek, professional look by setting a single property. By applying one of the 20 professionally-designed skins that come with Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX, including two engineered with mobile devices in mind, you save design and front-end development time. No need to be a CSS wizard to create or customize the Telerik skins with our web-based Visual Style Builder.
Exceptional Performance and User Experience
We constantly optimize the performance of UI for ASP.NET AJAX to meet your end users’ expectations. This is why the controls:
Produce minimal and clean HTML and CSS
Minimize j@vascript by loading only what’s needed
Reduce postbacks for a better user experience
Compress data transferred between browser and server (Pages, j@vascript, ViewState, JSON data, etc.)
Use built-in CDN support and CSS sprites to deliver content faster to end-users (Telerik covers all CDN costs for you)
Minimize memory usage and have robust code, free from memory leaks
UI for ASP.NET AJAX Q2 2015 SP1 (version 2015.2.729)
July 29, 2015
RadGrid with ClientDataSource and ajax throws javascript error after postback
RadAjaxManager call $create of the updated controls in RadToolTip twice
Incorrect background color of AjaxLoadingPanel
The Text property is occasionally not evaluated properly, when the AllowCustomEntry is True and the user types the Text of a certain item in the input
RadAutoCompleteBox input width is not properly set to 100% when an entry is added and the control is not visible at this moment
RadAutoComplete does not return updated custom text when EnableClientFiltering is true
Improve the width of the RadButton with an Icon in Classic render mode for all button types
RadButton with ButtonType=LinkButton and Target=_blank opens two windows
If a control bound to RadClientDataSource is with enabled AJAX, a javascript error is thrown after an AJAX request
ExpandDelay/CollapseDelay properties do not work for RadComboBox
RadComboBox serialize all items data during LoD, thus incorrect values are mapped if an item is hidden on the server
First available item selection should take into account the item's visibility
RadComboBox htmlDecode is improved
RadComboBox scroll bar jumps to the top, when a new portion of items is requested in a VirtualScrolling scenario and when the Height is set.
The expand direction of the RadComboBox is not affected after using set_expandDirection()
Incorrect checked items after postback when list contains Server-side invisible items
RadComboBox the rcbSeparator class has no longer background-color
Lightweight: Item with no text has collapsed height
RadDataPager - ViewState of controls inside PagerTemplate is not properly loaded
Using the FireCommand method to change the current page index on page load does not work
Esc key should behave the same way disregarding whether the drop-down of the RadDropDownList is opened or not
FIX the expand direction of the RadDropDownList is not affected after using set_expandDirection()
RadDropDownList VirtualScrolling functionality does not work as expected in Ajax scenario when used in RadGrid FormTemplate
RadDropDownTree does not encode HTML tags in the text when a node is set to selected from the Server-side
Implement Remove link command in RadEditor
Integrate lightweight RibbonBar into RadEditor
When HTML content with comments is set into the editor, href and src attributes are modified from relative to absolute under IE7
Aligning of selected text in table does not work correct and consistent across the major browsers
Unwanted page scrolling is caused when the Paste Plain Text dialog is opened
Multiple jQuery attributes appear in the content after post back under IE7 and IE8
Inconsistent behavior when editing text inside text area elements in the RadEditor under Chrome and Firefox
Selection returns incorrect results when focused an input element placed right after plain text, under IE11
RadEditor Selection throws exception when typing inside a textbox under IE10
Content is always returned with an additional when all content is deleted
Showing RadEditor with Lightweight rendering via AJAX request leads to insufficient content area
Max Snippet Width input width is not sufficient in Format Code Block dialog
RadEditor's content element height is not correct when the editor is loaded in Preview Mode in IE7
Cursor jumps to an incorrect position when spacebar is pressed after a single white space under IE7 and 8
Shift+Tab does not focus the toolbar when the cursor is in the content area under Chrome
Web page hangs down when Foreground color of table content is cleared in IE11
Root folder is selected when modifying items in nested folder in FileBrowser dialogs
The built-in Paste tools does not work in IE when browser's setting Allow Programmatic clipboard access is disabled
Cannot configure RibbonBar toolbar in RadEditor markup
TreeNodes get collapsed after certain operations in a sibling node
Fix ContextMenu shortcut for Thumbnails view in FileExplorer
Checkbox for Boolean fields in RadFilter has wrong position
Lightweight Filter inputs have white background in Black and BlackMetroTouch skins
Incorrect RadFilter font-size scaling in Metro and Sunset skins
In RadFilter an additional line is displayed after the last node (Classic render mode)
Broken image in RadFilter in IE (Classic Render mode)
RadFilter throws an exception on the server when setting EnableEmbeddedSkins=false and setting custom skin name
RadFormDecorator doesn't style scrollbars in Chrome
javascript error is thrown when try to page and EnableCurrentPageScrollOnly=true and PageSize
ImageUrl could not be set to RadGrid ImageButton on ItemDataBound event
RadGrid throws exception when paging is enabled and the page run in PageInspector and IIS Express
RadNumericTextBox events set inside GridNumericColumnEditor declaration do no fire
When AllowColumnsReorder property is enabled the HeaderTooltip of the columns is not applied
When the HierarchyLoadMode is set to Client the detail table columns are not displayed in the HeaderContextMenu
It is not possible to sort and filter RadGrid via ContextMenu when the grid is bound via ClientDataSource.
When the exported FileName contains characters that are non-ASCII they are escaped incorrectly in IE.
When switching between keyboard and mouse for selecting items in RadGrid the selection is not consistent
In Batch Edit mode when Tab is pressed validation is not fired for a cell
BatchEditOpening event is not triggered in some scenarios
RadGrid - When the pager Mode is set to NextPrevNumericAndAdvanced, holding the SHIFT key and pressing any key within the PageIndex and PageSize inputs, does not indicate the input (does not show the error image)
RadSearchBox in RadGrid's form template is incorrectly initialized with input field width: 5px
The NoRecordsTemplate gets rendered if the EnableNoRecordsTemplate property is set to false
Get_isItemInserted() property returns false when RadGrid is in insert mode and EditMode is Batch.
RadGrid in Lightweight RenderMode : hierarchy expand/collapse image causes OnRowClick event to fire in Chrome
Sorting using the header context menu does not behave as expected when the grid is empty
The column drop indicator is not displayed when the RenderMode is set to LightWeight
Grid checkbox column does not create checkboxes correctly after sorting with client-side databinding
ShowFilterIcon property of grid column set to false does not apply for mobile devices
The GridButtonColumn loses its image after the columns are reordered and the grid is rebound on the client
Insert/Update button is not visible when EditMode=Inplace and RenderMode=Mobile.
Expand/Collapse icon does not have the correct style in normal and hover state when Dir=RTL
Fix appearance issues in RadGrid in edit mode (Bootstrap skin)
RadGrid in Batch edit mode - When the CssClass property is set for the ItemStyle and AlternatingItemStyle for a nested GridTableView, the editing does not work
iOS virtual keyboard does not pop up on a single tap over a cell in RadGrid Batch edit mode
Update Command is fired instead of Insert in some scenarios when Batch Editing is enabled
Calling column.set_selected(false) fires Deselected event for the cells even if they are not selected.
The last grid's column cannot be increased when resizing feature is enabled and ResizeGridOnColumnResize is set to true
RadGrid`s context menu should hide always when reorder columns.
Selecting Item does not work correctly if the previous selected item was just deleted
Multiple Selection with Shift Key does not work correctly in Client-side bound grid with grouped data
Grid hidden column does not persist correctly after sorting with client-side binding
UseItemStyles property is not working for the DetailTables in Hierarchical grid.
When setting FilterDelay property to the grid the arguments of the OnCommand event does not contains NoFilter filter function.
The filter values are not persisted when using CheckListFiltering with AutoGenerated columns
Setting FieldAlias for GridGroupByExpression of RadGrid table view clears the group continues and continued messages
It is not possible to ungroup RadGrid with ClientDataSource using context menu
When you try to ungroup RadGrid using context menu server error is thrown.
RadGrid's SEO paging feature does not work as expected when it is enabled on the master table level.
Go button of RadGrid pager is not styled correctly when EnableSEOPaging=True
RadGrid resizing leads to column reorder/swap in case you prolong the resize action.
When RadGrid has enabled AJAX, Virtualization, Paging and Sorting, the AJAX will stop working after moving to the last page and sorting
RadGrid HideStructureColumns doesn't work for Row Indicator column
Error is thrown when client OnCommand is handled and Model Biding is used for RadGrid
RadGrid repaint on initial load throws javascript error
RadGrid ungroup button does not work correctly with client-side databinding and Ajax
RadGrid does not render text in span on the numeric buttons in the pager after expand / collapse from hierarchy
Hierarchical RadGrid throws error when EditMode is InPlace
The drag icon in the GridDragDropColumn is not displayed with Bootstrap skin
In RadGrid the sorted header cell gets bigger in Lightweight render mode
When custom CSS class is defined in HeaderStyle-CssClass for a column in RadGrid the rgSorted class is not applied
Fix the decimal parsing of string data source fields bound to the RadHtmlChart
RadHtmlChart is not rendered inside wrapper with style="display:none"
Implement ImageEditor's AddText functionality when multiple lines of text are added in CanvasMode
ColorPicker picker button is not showing the correct default color in the drawing dialogs
javascript error thrown when switching display area modes while slideshow is playing in DisplayAreaMode Thumbnails
When multiple ImageGalleryTemplateItem are present a Server-side error is thrown in some scenarios
RadImageGallery pager does not work correctly
When RadImageGallery changes the images the page scrolls on mobile
Disabling Autocorrect in RadDateInput
Lightweight RadTimePicker with TimePopupButton Visible property set to False throws an Invalid javascriptON primitive error on postback
DateInput display a warning with some date format strings when smart parsing is disabled
input selection disabled when inside listbox header template in IE
ListBox with LoadOnDemand inside AjaxPanel doesn't show items after partial postback
Control throws a 'TypeError: this._dragSelector is null' error when node is dragged with the right button of the mouse
Visual appearance issue in RadComboBox placed in RadListView
SocialShare bar has two Google entries.
RadMediaPalyer does not play .flv files in IE11
When a YouTube playlist has deleted video, the MediaPlayer throws server error: The given key was not present in the dictionary
RadMenu does not fire asp:Link button event in ItemTemplate when subscribed for ItemClick under iOS
Mobile RadMenu OnClientItemClicking and OnClientItemClicked events are triggered, if menu items are scrolled on iOS and Android
Unable to navigate through a link nested in RadMenuItem ContentTemplate on iOS and Android
RadMenu, RadContextMenu if the last remaining RadMenuItem is removed on the client it is still visible until the next postback
Unable to type in a textbox nested in RadMenuItem ContentTemplate on iOS and Android
RadMenu RepeatColumns does not consider whether the RadMenuItem is visible (item.Visible=false). It includes hidden items in calculations for each column, but they are not rendered on the client.
Lightweight RadMenu disabled items do not look as disabled in IE8
RadNavigation Nodes in the Sandwich button, which are selected in the markup or in the code-behind are not visually marked as selected
Navigation persists its selected state when a node is set as selected from the markup and you click other node one time
Navigation - losing selected state of an item when you open the sandwich icon or click on the document
RadOrgChart items do not expand/collapse on expand/collapse arrow first tap in iOS Safari
Drill Down, Go to Parent and Go to Root icons do not appear if expand/collapse group button has been tapped on iOS and Android
PanelBar in Lightweight render mode is not applying focus CSS class when an item is clicked
RadPanelBar in Lightweight render mode does not fire OnClientItemFocus and OnClientItemBlur client-side events.
RadPanelBar incorrect height of expanded items with ExpandMode=FullExpandedItem
Persistence Framework
Fix loading RadGrid settings with RadPersistenceManager when grouping is not enabled
Not visualized Context menu and Filtering window sprites in RadPivotGrid with MetroTouch skin
RadPivotGrid - DataFields or UniqueNames of Fields containing only non-valid XHTML characters leads to empty ID
RadPivotGrid - The auto-generated fields in the Configuration Panel for a DateTime objects do not work properly when they are added as a row/column fields
RadPivotGrid GroupInterval property does not apply correctly if set through the FieldCreated event
RadPivotGrid throws an exception if a filtered PivotGridColumnField is dropped in the filter zone
The filtering does not work in RadPivorGrid with OLAP binding.
The GetDescriptionsDataCompleted event is not fired when OLAP binding is used.
Fix some visual glitches in RadPivotGrid
The buttons in the field items in configuration panel are not always visible when field name text is too long
A regression problem has been found in this build. It is related to the PivotGrid horizontal scrolling and you can fix it using this class:
.RadPivotGrid .rpgContentZoneDiv {overflow: hidden;}
See more here
RadRibbonBar control does not apply disabled styles to the RibbonBarButton and the RibbonBarTab when the following property is set Enabled=false
RibbonBarMenu does not close all of its child items when focus is changed to any non-direct parent item
Invalid XHTML or HTML caused by RadRibbonBar rendering disabled=disabled for anchor elements
RadRibbonBar disabled item within a RibbonBarContextualTabGroup on the Client-side causes a Server-side error
RadRibbonBar - hovering over a disabled RibbonBarButton does not always show its ToolTip
RadRibbonBar the text of a RibbonBarSplitButton is set incorrectly with the set_text() method
ToolTip of the RibbonBarSplitButton does not appear on hover
javascript error when using RadRibbonbar with ScriptManager with LoadScriptsBeforeUI=false
SplitButton - subitems identation is wrong
RibbonBar - Tabs are clickable when Enabled=false
Disabling the RadRibbonBarButton on the Client-side does not disable its corresponding QATButton
RadRibbonBarToggleButton has incorrect value when there is an invisible button in the toogle list
RadRibbonBar enable boundary detection of the EnhancedToolTip when the tooltip appears very near to the browser's edge
RadRibbonBar when width is set to Button and button is used in the QuickAccessTollBar it has the same width
RadRibbonBar image for menu does not change to the small one when resizing the ribbon (in contrast the RibbonBarButton does)
RibbonBarTab.Groups.AddRange does not work.
RadRibbonBar control when a RibbonBarGroup has Enabled=false property, the group still can be hovered
Tapping on an appointment selects the time slot below it, if a time slot was tapped before - Android and iOS
New date is not updated in the date bar, when selected through the Android native calendar in RadScheduler with RenderMode=Mobile
If an appointment is created dynamically the description field value is not persisted.
EnableResourceEditing=false doesn't work in Lightweight RenderMode
EnableRecurrenceSupport=false doesn't hide recurrence options from Advanced form
WebService binding: Saturday and Sunday columns are not colored correctly when FirstDayOfWeek is different than Sunday
WebService binding: initially hidden views don't have correct non-working slots color
The link more... overlaps the adjacent cell to its own cell in RadScheduler Calendar Grouping
Improve: AdvancedForm Modal maxheight should adapt to smaller windows
Inline Form not properly resizing when browser window is resized
Custom attributes of appointment are not passed when using the insertAppointment client method
get_editSeries() in OnClientRecurrenceActionDialogClosed event returns always false when the appointment is dragged, resized or deleted
NewStartTime field of the event arguments in OnClientAppointmentMoveEnd event handler is incorrect when appointment is dragged in Timeline view.
RadScheduler in Web Service binding the RadCalendar picker shows the selected date only initially, if the selected date is changed from RadScheduler it shows the old date.
RadScheduler Export to PDF when the RadScheduler Width property is set to 100%
Keyboard support doesn't work in IE
Keyboard support not working correctly when there are two Scheduler controls on the page
Error when reminders from a recurring appointment in WebService binding are dismissed one by one
RadScheduler with lots appointments ( ~160) and set RowHeight property set to high value (~200px) throws an exception in TimelineView
RadScheduler TimelineView dragging appointment scrolls to the end of the scheduler if appointment is long (let’s say 7 timeslots) and most part of the appointment is not in the RadScheduler visible area
RadSchedulerRecurrenceEditor is not working properly, i.,e. calendar pop up is not showing at End by option in IE,Mozilla and Chrome
LocalizationPath can't be set to RecurrenceEditor
Recurrence rule not working correctly when set to occur every two weeks on Sunday, when LastDayOfWeek is set to Sunday
RecurrenceRule class does not validate SetEffectiveRange method
RadSchedulerRecurrenceEditor with Visible set to False in AdvancedFormTemplate scenario throws a server error on postback
RadScheduler: SlotSelection : Custom TimeSlotContextMenu: TimeSlotContextMenuItemClicked event doesn't have both the slots (first and last) of the selection in the arguments of it's handler
NullReference exception when trying to access 'RadScheduler.GetTimeSlotFromIndex(n).Control' during PreRender
Exporting to iCalendar format returns wrong recurrence appointment count, if the first occurrence is deleted
RadScheduler e.SelectedDate in NavigationCommand Server-side event handler returns 1.1.0001 value when user navigates to next/previous period
RadScheduler is not showing appointments on the next slots when VisibleAppointmentsPerDay is set
All day text spans on two rows and the AllDayRow header cell is higher than the rest of the row in RenderMode Mobile with MetroTouch, BlackMetroTouch, Silk, Glow and Bootstrap skins on small screen devices
Inconsistently small RadScheduler View buttons text in MetroTouch and BlackMetroTouch skins
RadSearchBox the property values of SearchItems added in code behind are lost after postback
RadSearchBox does not size its content correctly if the control is added via Ajax request.
When there is no collapse animation and an item is selected under touch device, the touch is applied on the element (e.g. link) underneath the item.
Unexpected SearchContextItem selection when scrolling items in SearchContext dropdown on iOS and Android
RadSiteMap does not order the nodes on the Level0 when RepeatDirection=Vertical
Not properly rendered tabs of SlidingPanes containing nested Splitters
ScrollChildren on child tabs does not work, when you resize the browser and the tabs are dynamically added.
TabStrip in classic render mode - the CSS class rtsAfter is applied to a wrong tab after removing no selected tab on Client-side
Chrome reports scroll position as floating point causing RadTabStrip to throw exception during client state deserialization.
The default button is not triggered inside a PageView with IE11
The DataBindings.Target field value is ignored for data bound tiles
Keyboard navigation in RadToolBar is broken when disabled item is focused
Modal ToolTip is always shown behind the modal layer under IE7
Calling show() after set_targetControl() requires a timeout in IE
TreeList sorting does not work when the DataSource is an array of DataRow.
CollapseAllItems does not work with load on demand.
javascript error is thrown when you resize the browser window and TreeList has scrolling enabled
RadTreeList throw exception when resizing the browser window.
RadTreeList buttons do to work in Lightweight rendering in Chrome when we have AllowPostBackOnItemClick=True
Spaces are not inserted properly in editable DIV inside TreeView in iOS and the div is not focusable on desktop
RadTreeView CheckNodes count on the server is different in IE and other browsers when the RadTreeView is disabled.
Setting Enabled false to RadTreeView control does not apply disabled state to the nodes
Links are still functional under IE8 when tree is disabled
RadWindow in Lightweight RenderMode doesn't set value for the name attribute of the iframe element
Mobile RadWizard's Complete step has Previous/Finish/Cancel buttons shown
RadWizard when added to a page with no WizardSteps a javascript error is returned
RadWizard client functions set_activeIndex/set_activeWizardStep do not change the step and do not trigger the server event OnActiveStepChanged
RadWizard does not return correct e.NextStepIndex in NextButtonclicked event when the next step is disabled
Exporting document with encryption occasionally throws FormatException
Single and Double Quotes are not recognized as valid keyword start characters
ShowTextArray operator interprets number values with opposite direction
When negative sign is right after array start the number is parsed as positive number
Importing RadFixedDocument from byte array causes ObjectDisposedException on export
TextLead parameter should be interpreted with opposite sign when used by MoveToNextLine content stream operator
When StrokeLineThickness is not set during path import the path geometry is later exported with thickness 0 instead of 1
BitmapSource created with GetBitmapSource method cannot be used to encode image because of ObjectDisposedException
Introduced PdfSettings property in PdfExportSettings class which is used to specify settings when a workbook is exported to PDF
PictureElement that does not have SizeElement is imported with zero size
Setting style name that does not exist in the style repository throws null reference exception, which is not correct type of exception
Text in Headers and Footers is not replaced
Fixed Open XML SDK validation errors related to invalid child elements
Html format provider fails to export more than 9 paragraphs associated with one list level
Fields in headers and footer are not updated when UpdateFields() method is invoked
Mail merge does not preserve the style properties of the merge field
Mail merge doesn't respect document variables

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