Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX Q3 2015 SP1 (version 2015.3.1111) with Source Code » Developer.Team

Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX Q3 2015 SP1 (version 2015.3.1111) with Source Code

Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX Q3 2015 SP1 (version 2015.3.1111) with Source Code
Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX Q3 2015 SP1 (version 2015.3.1111) with Source Code | 161 Mb

Enjoy components for every need: navigation and layout, data management and visualization, editing, interactivity and more. In our 11 years of aggressive product development – including 3 major and up to 6 minor releases per year – we have implemented, tested and optimized over 4,000 features in Telerik ASP.NET controls.

Complete Set of Features and Controls
Enjoy components for every need: navigation and layout, data management and visualization, editing, interactivity and more. In our 11 years of aggressive product development – including 3 major and up to 6 minor releases per year – we have implemented, tested and optimized over 4,000 features in Telerik ASP.NET controls.

Mobile Support and Responsiveness
No need to build a mobile version of your project since the web sites and apps built with Telerik ASP.NET controls work equally well on desktop and mobile devices.

Use the Page Layout Framework to build responsive ASP.NET applications
Leverage the adaptive, fluid, elastic and responsive capabilities featured in most controls to offer user experiences tailored to each end-user's device
Gain productivity since touch events are handled in the same manner as those triggered by a keyboard or a mouse
Get a better user experience with the two mobile skins especially designed for touch devices that come included in the suite

20 Built-In Professional Grade Skins
Give your applications a sleek, professional look by setting a single property. By applying one of the 20 professionally-designed skins that come with Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX, including two engineered with mobile devices in mind, you save design and front-end development time. No need to be a CSS wizard to create or customize the Telerik skins with our web-based Visual Style Builder.

Exceptional Performance and User Experience

We constantly optimize the performance of UI for ASP.NET AJAX to meet your end users’ expectations. This is why the controls:

Produce minimal and clean HTML and CSS
Minimize j@vascript by loading only what’s needed
Reduce postbacks for a better user experience
Compress data transferred between browser and server (Pages, j@vascript, ViewState, JSON data, etc.)
Use built-in CDN support and CSS sprites to deliver content faster to end-users (Telerik covers all CDN costs for you)
Minimize memory usage and have robust code, free from memory leaks

UI for ASP.NET AJAX Q3 2015 SP1 (version 2015.3.1111)

November 11, 2015

    RadAjax throws exception in combination with Google Maps


    Unable to scroll content of control which uses TouchScrollExtender, if another control using TouchScrollExtender with no scrollable content is touched on iOS and Android


    Unexpected RadAsyncUpload Select button rounded corners in Bootstrap, Metro, MetroTouch, BlackMetroTouch and Simple skins on iOS Safari and Chrome


    WAI-ARIA support for RadAutoCompleteBox
    Updated keyboard support of AutoCompleteBox


    RadDatePicker cannot set different date than the current one in Win10 (IE11 and Edge) when Finnish and Norwegian culture is used
    MonthYearPicker generates wrong ID for the inner table of FastNavigation popup when RenderMode=Lightweight


    HSV palette visual appearance looks broken in IE8


    RadComboBox navigates to next selected item instead of first item in IE browser when MarkFirstMatch="true"
    RadComboBox MarkFirstMatch does not work correctly in load on demand scenario
    Blank space is appended for the items of the checkboxes enabled RadComboBox under Chrome
    RadComboBox does not scroll down to the correct item with EnableCheckAllItemsCheckBox=true
    JAWS does not announce when the RadComboBoxItems has checkboxes (RadComboBox has its Checkboxes feature enabled)
    Disabled RadComboBox EmptyMessage is illegible in iOS Safari and Chrome
    Vertical scrollbar appears on the drop down when DropDownAutoWidth is Enabled
    RadComboBox returns the empty message after a postback when MarkFirstMatch is on and all text is cleared with backspace and space is hit
    RadComboBox with AllowCustomText=false, SelectedIndexChanged is fired after postback


    RadDataPager rendering breaks when RenderMode=Lightweight and SEO paging is enabled
    RadDataPager inconsistence between the current page and the query value when using SEO paging
    RadDataPager and RadGrid styles break when RenderMode=Lightweight and SEO paging is enabled


    RadDiagram throws an exception when it is declaratively data bound and it is placed in the ItemTemplate of a data bound control
    RadDiagram throws an exception when it has data bound connections to an ASP.NET data source control and it is in the ItemTemplate of a data bound control


    javascript error when a RadDock is cloned after its content container element is set to be a drag handle
    Fixed a problem with setting the Width, Height, Top, Left properties of RadDock with comma-separated values


    Add EnableDirectionDetection property for controls using DropDown widget


    ClearClass of block elements with collapsed selection


    Unable to remove body class using Css Classes dropdown inside the Page Properties dialog
    RadEditor is stripping
    from inside
    Insertion of a list in an empty table cell
    Self closing tags are stripped by the ConvertWordList option when pasting from MS Word
    Localization of Adaptive Editor ColorPicker buttons
    Multiple symbols are inserted in RadEditor in Lightweight render mode
    LinkManager is converting double quotes to single ones in the tooltip of the anchor elements
    Table Wizard dialog counts incorrectly the table header elements when a nested table is inserted
    Pasting functionality and inserting of tables is tracked via the Track Changes when disabled


    Not so common files cannot be uploaded via drag-and-drop, but available for upload via the upload dialog


    Bootstrap - RadFilter field editors the “Remove” text of the anchor located in the rfTools is not properly aligned


    Integration of RadFormDecorator and RadGrid with GridDateTimeColumn
    Scroll position in Chrome is reset after Ajax request is performed for a decorated element inside ContentPage


    Gantt is misaligned when inside RadWindow
    Confirmation popup for Dependency deletion disappears if OnDependencyDelete event is handled.
    Input and pickers are not properly RTL when in RTL Bootstrap Gantt
    On small devices Add Task text is overlapping with add task + icon
    Wrong rounded corners position in RTL Gantt
    Not visible dragging clue images in Web20 skin


    Lightweight RadGrid - Context menu replace sprite with font icons


    .resizeToFit() method does not resize the columns properly when ShowHeaders=false
    It is not possible to drag to group a field in IE on touch device(RenderMode=Mobile)
    Unexpected action triggered on adaptive RadGrid Column settings menu scrolling on mobile devices
    RadGrid Export to CSV shows a space for an empty column
    Modal popup in RadGrid issue in Chrome
    When grouping is used the column order in the exported Excel file is not correct
    The batch editing manager hasChanges method throws a javascript error in some cases
    Excel-like filtering is not working properly when column of type GridDateTimeColumn is used
    Object reference exception is thrown when FilterType is set to HeaderContext and GridNumericColumn is added in the Grid
    Filter item is not removed from header context menu when AllowFiltering is set to false for the column
    javascript error with WAI-ARIA support enabled in RadGrid
    RadGrid with Frozen Columns has misalignment when hiding columns and scrolling to the right
    Export buttons in mobile grid have a wrong glow effect
    Empty space appears in the grid when hiding a column in grid with TableLayout=Fixed and column resizing is enabled
    In Lightweight Grid misalignment occurs when hide a single column
    Inconsistent colspan when exporting grouped RadGrid to ExcelML
    If the items in RadGrid are grouped and the value for the grouped field is null the group is not exported in ExcelML format
    When a field contains a null values and RadGrid is grouped by this field, the entire groups data is missing from the Excel document when using ExcelML format
    RadGrid - When exporting to XLSX, column with DataFormatString {0:C} is exported as C
    The header text is shift with one cell when exporting to PDF with enabled grouping and multi column headers
    A server error is thrown when put an item of master and detail table in edit mode at the same time and perform a postback
    RadGrid footer and group footer has wrong styling (Classic render mode)
    Inputs in RadGrid InPlace edit mode have inconsistent look in Bootstrap skin


    The Selection Range of RadHtmlChart is not visible if the runat=server is omitted from tag
    Series tooltips are not visible in a data navigation scenario when the same series are added to the PlotArea and the Navigator
    Axes and Series Items are not preserved after postback for a programmatically created RadHtmlChart


    Fixed incorrect initial positions of handles of drawing shapes in ImageEditor
    Incorrect height of SplitButton in Bootstrap and Lightweight


    ImageGallery - Paging is not possible in case Mode=Images and Position=Left are set


    When the RadTextBox InputType property is set to Number a javascript error is thrown on focus
    New line at the beginning of the Multi-Line RadTextBox appears when AntiXssLibrary is used in the project
    RadTextBox in MultiLine mode is smaller than expected in some scenarios


    RadListBox OnClientTransferred event is not triggered on Transfer All items if there is a disabled item in the SourceListBox
    Exception: TransferToID is not set when use key left to transfer back an item


    In IE8 the buttons in toolbar are not vertically centered


    Lightweight ContextMenu parent div is not animated and has no border-radius in Bootstrap skin
    RadMenu child items dropdown go behind the root items of a second menu below it in IE 8 and 9
    Wrong position of Lightweight RadMenu left scroll button of horizontal subitems group in Chrome and Opera
    RadMenu screen boundary functionality does not work in RTL mode
    Setting Width for RadMenu causes a design-time appearance issue


    RadNavigation in Bootstrap skin - missing border of rnvMore button


    The div with CSS class 'rnContentWrapper' is two pixels thinner, which interrupts the border between the titlebar and the content of RadNotification


    OrgChart in lightweight render mode - missing border on groups of nodes


    The Lightweight RadPanelBar does not transfer correctly the text of an item that exceeds its width


    Font that is not embedded and does not have FontFamily cannot be imported.
    MediaBox, Rotate and Resources properties are not inherited from the parent Pages node
    Dash character is not exported when using standard fonts


    ConfigurationPanel of PivotGrid is not styled correctly when skin=MetroTouch
    RadPivotGrid does not calculate the column widths correctly
    When PivotGrid has a single item NoRecordTempale is shown
    In Bootstrap skin the PivotGrid pager has too small font-size for the values of both submit buttons
    PivotGrid shows ? instead of the expand/collapse icons in Lightweight


    Switching between RadRibbonBar tabs does not close a RadDatePicker’s pop-up placed in one of the tabs
    RadRibbonBar - empty groups to be as wide as their titles
    RadRibbonBar in BlackMetroTouch skin keeps its height when minimized
    Missing RadRibbonBarNumericTextBox upward spin button in MetroTouch and BlackMetroTouch skins
    RadRibbonBar no hover effect when hovering over RibbonBarApplicationMenuItems with some skins
    RadRibbonBar Buttons do not show in QuickAccessToolBar when Buttons are placed in a tab of ContextualTabGroups


    Add YearView to the VS Configuration Wizard


    RadScheduler recurrence rule does not synchronize other properties when there is an offset
    Appointments show wrong day in Agenda view when time zones are used
    Selected view is not clearly outlined from the others in Black, Vista, Web20 skins in Lightweight Scheduler
    javascript error thrown on multiple timeslots selection through keyboard if no timeslot has been selected
    Header date in Timeline view displays wrong end date when NumberOfSlots=1 and SlotDuration is set to more than one day
    On AppointmentUpdate server event, AppointmentUpdateEventArgs's ModifiedAppointment does not contain the correct RecurrenceRule when moving a recurring series


    Script references duplication if a property is changed in Visual Studio Design view and the view is switched back to Source or if asp:ScriptManager is replaced with RadScriptManager through smart tag option


    Add to the RadSkinManager the ability to set the EnableEmbeddedSkins and EnableEmbeddedBaseStylesheet properties


    The wrong item is marked as selected when you set small width to a RadSlider with Classic render mode and MetroTouch skin


    Implemented public API for retrieving the used cell range for a specific property


    SetValue(DateTime value) overload resets previously set format
    Visibility property value is not respected and hiding/unhiding sheets does not work
    Cells without style id are not imported correctly which may lead to incorrect formatting
    Setting empty string using SetValueAsText creates document which can not be imported using Excel
    KeyNotFoundException is thrown when importing number formats with id 41, 42, 43 or 44
    Text in rows with zero height is rendered as dots when exporting to PDF
    Importing or creating formatCode string "General" is interpreted as text instead of General number format


    Added EnableSelectorLimitCheck property to the RadStyleSheetManager


    Stylesheet rendered in the middle of a comment if containing a tag
    RadStyleSheetManager does not expose RenderMode property


    RadTabStrip does not absorb the focus, when previous control is blurred, while a click on the RadTabStrip is performed
    When ContentUrl is set to RadPageView a frameborder=0 renders on the page - some validation tools interpret the frameborder as an obsolete property and suggest that css styles are used instead
    Wrong arrow icons of a scrollable vertical RadTabStrip in MetroTouch, BlackMetroTouch, Bootstrap skins


    The position of a dragged tile is incorrect when RadTileList is in responsive mode and in a parent with position: absolute that is scrolled down


    Do not decorate the expand/collapse cell if the button is hidden when exporting to Excel and Word in RadTreeList


    RadTreeList does not export the styles if they are directly set to the item, the same works for the cells
    In Bootstrap skin the TreeList pager has too small font-size for the values of both submit buttons


    Disabled nodes of RadTreeView are not visible when Metro skin is used
    Inconsistent appearance of disabled RadTreeViewNode toggle arrow


    Making a maximized RadWindow modal with javascript makes it stay behind the modal background once restored
    Mouse event is passed to the Close handlers when the [x] button is clicked in Q3 2015 when RenderMode=Lightweight
    The client-side API for displaying the shadows of RadWindow does not work properly


    Mobile RadWizard step text content is not wrapped if it does not fit on screen
    RadWizard in Bootstrap skin - when the NavigationBar position is Right, navigation buttons style is broken


    Block.Measure throws exception when exporting to PDF paragraph with negative left and/or right indents
    Styles in a document are not imported when css class contains dashes


    NullReferenceException when creating ZIP archive bigger than 4 GB


[b] Only for V.I.P
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