Telerik Kendo UI Q1 2016.1.112 Commercial Edition

Telerik Kendo UI Q1 2016.1.112 Commercial Edition | 54 Mb
Build apps that look-and-feel native on iOS, Android and BlackBerry. Target multiple phone and tablet platforms with a single UI codebase, using only HTML5, j@vascript, and Kendo UI Mobile. Present rich visual information on any browser and any device. Enjoy hardware-accelerated, touch-aware data visualization widgets, including animated charts, graphs and gauges. Quickly create awesome cross-platform HTML5 apps using an end-to-end framework, engineered for unmatched performance, minimal footprint and ease of use for j@vascript beginners.
Don't waste time assembling a вFrakenstein framework of j@vascript plug-ins. Kendo UI has it all: rich UI widgets, a simple and consistent programming interface, a rock-solid DataSource, validation, internationalization, a MVVM framework, themes, templates and the list goes on.
Kendo UI helps you build a modern, interactive user experience while still delivering broad support for all major browsers (new and old) and mobile devices like iOS, Android and BlackBerry.
Kendo UI Q1 2016
January 12, 2016
All components
Utilize browser `click` event for taps where appropriate
Add styles for indeterminate state of styled checkboxes
Default verticalAlign changed to bottom to match Excel behavior
New App Template: Dashboard
Popup widget re-positions incorrectly when anchor is near the page bottom
IE8: JS error when kendo is loaded
firstDay should be Sunday in en-US culture
The hierarchical demo for Mobile ListView is missing navbar
Editor will not print its contents in read-only mode
Combobox, DropDownList, DatePicker have incorrect styles when placed in PanelBar
Source maps point to the incorrect location in source code
ng-model binding honors autoBind:false configuration of the widget
Widget doesn't respect model clear/reset
Widget binds DataSource when value is null
Widget does not update ng-model accordingly
Widget selects the first item if k-ng-model value is not defined
AngularJS Autocomplete not working on second try
Widget does not reset custom option value when selection is cleared with value method
Not able to perform native scroll on Win Phone devices
Transitions in Kendo UI Mobile freeze the native scrollers in Android
Support re-binding when the widget popup is put in a hidden container
Hide loading animation when DataSource fires its error event
Popup is misplaced after device rotation
Improve data request throttling in AutoComplete/ComboBox/DropDownList/MultiSelect virtualization
autocomplete k-ng-model should accept object (in addition to an array)
Widget loses its popup height when UL overflow-x is forced
Virtualized widget focuses first item on filter incorrectly
Select method does not set the text in the input
Change event is triggered inconsistently when same value is set multiple times
AngularJS Autocomplete not working on second try
Scroll issue with virtualization
Autocomplete popup toggles between top and bottom.
AutoComplete styles .k-state-border-up/down do not update properly when filtering near an edge
Add styles for .k-today in Calendar
Implement disable dates functionalty
Calendar should not animate the view when the month doesn't change
DatePicker does not apply correctly max value when in Brasilian timezone (GMT-03)
Cannot select '1/1/1970' when UTC (Dublin) timezone is used
Calendar does not navigate accordingly
Category axis data items are unavailable if series are bound to date field
Funnel chart is not displayed correctly if there are zero values.
Incorrect value axis auto min and max values when the values difference is smaller than the axis rounding
Support re-binding when the widget popup is put in a hidden container
ng-model binding honors autoBind:false configuration of the widget
Widget does not cascade when the list is opened
Support setting the data source and selected value separately when list is virtualized
Hide loading animation when DataSource fires its error event
Clear existing filters when value is set or item is selected through the API
Popup is misplaced after device rotation
Trigger select event is on blur.
Improve data request throttling in AutoComplete/ComboBox/DropDownList/MultiSelect virtualization
Widget should trigger filtering event when parent widget filters on cascade
Widget doesn't respect model clear/reset
Widget loses its popup height when UL overflow-x is forced
Widget raises change event when value is defined through the configuration
Widget binds DataSource when value is null
sourceItem does not have get method (sourceItem is not an observable) in MVVM DropDownList
Virtualized widget does not update model correctly after scroll
Virtualized widget loses selected item when remove the applied filter
Change event is triggered inconsistently when same value is set multiple times
ComboBox select event ignoring e.preventDefault()
ComboBox value cannot be reset via the value() method if the text property is set to an empty string.
Cannot set custom value on cascading ComboBox before its dataSource is fetched
ComboBox does not select the correct item on blur when "text" option is used.
ComboBox should de-select item when search is initiated
Scroll issue with virtualization
text() method doesn't work when autoBind is set to false ( Q2 2015 )
MVVM the initial value is set and auto-bind is disabled (false) it will reset the value when the widget is bound to data
Autocomplete popup toggles between top and bottom.
Widget does not reset custom option value when selection is cleared with value method
Change event not fired on cascaded ddl with MVVM
Implement disable dates functionalty
ng-model does not update after parsing the date
DatePicker, TimePicker, DateTimePicker icons are incorrect when placed in a TabScript in Nova theme
DatePicker does not apply correctly max value when in Brasilian timezone (GMT-03)
Cannot select '1/1/1970' when UTC (Dublin) timezone is used
Implement disable dates functionalty
Popup is misplaced after device rotation
Widget closes on scroll when placed in Kendo Mobile View
DatePicker, TimePicker, DateTimePicker icons are incorrect when placed in a TabScript in Nova theme
TimeView scrollbar mousedown closes the TimeView in IE
Selecting time generates wrong date if the OS date has changed
DatePicker does not apply correctly max value when in Brasilian timezone (GMT-03)
Cannot select '1/1/1970' when UTC (Dublin) timezone is used
If a time is necessarily set, clearing the widget's value and selecting a new date will not reset the time to 12:00 AM
Drag event is not fired while autoScrolling
The Layout does not refresh the elements if the shape already has transformation
Support re-binding when the widget popup is put in a hidden container
ng-model binding honors autoBind:false configuration of the widget
Copy element placeholder to the filterInput element
Widget does not cascade when the list is opened
Throw an exception when optionLabel does not match the valueTemplate structure
Support setting the data source and selected value separately when list is virtualized
Hide loading animation when DataSource fires its error event
Clear existing filters when value is set or item is selected through the API
Popup is misplaced after device rotation
Fire the select event while user selects items through their first letter
Improve "item search" functionality of the widget
Widget de-selects the item if it has been deleted
Improve data request throttling in AutoComplete/ComboBox/DropDownList/MultiSelect virtualization
Support for custom fields when show empty value in ValueTemplate
Widget should trigger filtering event when parent widget filters on cascade
Widget doesn't respect model clear/reset
Cannot navigate to previous items by typing letter after navigating to last item if there is option label
DropDownList filter icon not shown in mobile application
DropDownList rendering is broken when used inside a label with "km-label-above" class in Nova theme
Widget loses its popup height when UL overflow-x is forced
Cannot select 'Option label' with keyboard when filtering and virtualization are enabled
Widget raises change event when value is defined through the configuration
Widget binds DataSource when value is null
sourceItem does not have get method (sourceItem is not an observable) in MVVM DropDownList
Virtualized widget does not update model correctly after scroll
Widget passes 'null' when optionLabel is focused with keyboard
Change event is triggered inconsistently when same value is set multiple times
Widget selects the first item if k-ng-model value is not defined
Virtual DropDownList does not fire change event if the value() method is called twice
Widget requires additional keypress when search quickly with the keyboard
DropDownList loses focus on ESC key press
Autocomplete popup toggles between top and bottom.
DropDownList keyboard navigation does not work in IE.
Change event not fired on cascaded ddl with MVVM
Prevent thumbnail caching when replacing image with the same name
JS error in IE after hitting backspace at end of text
Excel content is pasted as image
Context menu copy command copies BOM symbols
Editor generates extra script tags when two script elements are already present
JS error when pasting in inline editor when it is not focused
IE11: JS error on Backspace
Backspace in empty list item with font style removes all list formatting
Fix 'Object expected' error triggered in Edge browser when destroying a TabStrip with a an Editor inside
Editor iframe should assume the tabIndex value of the textarea
Base64 image is stripped from content when opening the ViewHtml dialog
Empty content initially renders bogus line break in FF
Excel Export
Add support for exporting borders
Export to Excel not working in Edge
Dates in exported Excel file can be offset by 1 hour during DST transition
Gantt column sorting does not restore initial state.
Gantt widget does not visualize zero values in its cells.
Dependency dragging does not work when there is more than one gantt widget on the page.
Remove support for Globalization 0.1
Support for '2' digit group separator
kendo.parseDate parses 'milliseconds' value incorrectly
kendo.toString() does not return correct value for group separator
Dramatic performance when first time collapsing group
Support for Null/NotNull and IsEmpty/IsNotEmpty(string only) filtering
Fix Scaffolder WebAPI routing
Search box for the values in the multi-checkbox filter
Content is not scrolled correctly when adding new record with locked columns and createAt bottom
Grid destroy doesn't clear locked* state
Edge browser may scroll the page on Grid focus if the widget is only partially visible.
IE scrollbar is disabled when all of the non locked columns are hidden and have more than two locked columns
Cannot edit cell in IE when there a lot of cells
minScreenWidth should also work for nested columns in multi-column-header scenarios
Multi-column header height in a locked column is wrong when Grid is initialized in a hidden container
Export to Excel not working in Edge
Header cells should render a scope="col" attribute for better accessibility
Header cell buttons for filter and column menus should render text for screen readers
Error is raised during column reorder when grid is empty
Keyboard navigation causes scrolling to top of Grid table in Edge browser method expands selection to other grids, not just the instance
Dates in exported Excel file can be offset by 1 hour during DST transition
FireFox: Header left-padding misaligned
Grid with grouping and frozen columns applies incorrect height to the headers
The ForeignColumn filter menu should support values with object that has an empty text string field
Textbox in DropDownList with filter "contains" in Grid overflows
Column reordering triggers a javascript error when mouse is over the arrow marker
Distorted texts of Grid content with "text-overflow: ellipsis;" in PDF exported from IE
Click on the loading animation triggers ListView change event
Entey keypress in a password textbox should work the same way as in a plain textbox during editing
Edge tiles in Bing tile layer might not always load
BingLayer.imagerySet method positions layer incorrectly
Masked textbox is not correct in Bootstrap theme
Support re-binding when the widget popup is put in a hidden container
ng-model binding honors autoBind:false configuration of the widget
Support setting the data source and selected value separately when list is virtualized
MultiSelect. Loading new data when using Virtualization and scrolling on the Open Dialog
Hide loading animation when DataSource fires its error event
Clear existing filters when value is set or item is selected through the API
Popup is misplaced after device rotation
Improve data request throttling in AutoComplete/ComboBox/DropDownList/MultiSelect virtualization
Widget doesn't respect model clear/reset
Widget loses its popup height when UL overflow-x is forced
MultiSelect tag duplication when trying to deselect an item from the popup list
Virtualized MultiSelect does not fire its change event if there are no initially selected values
Widget loses its pre-selected value when autoBind: false and options.value are defined
Change event is triggered inconsistently when same value is set multiple times
Scroll issue with virtualization
Autocomplete popup toggles between top and bottom.
MVVM source binding fails when the object specified in the expression is null or undefined
Virtualized widget does not update model correctly after scroll
Widget loses its pre-selected value when autoBind: false and options.value are defined
Visualization issue in Kendo Pager with Bootstrap theme
PanelBar nested items should not be compiled when dataSource is not present
PDF Export
Default PDF Creator field now includes Kendo UI version information
Widget displaces the events during PDF export
DejaVu emoticons are not embedded in PDF
PivotGrid doesn't export non-numeric values
Export to Excel not working in Edge
Widget does not merge data correctly when expand second dimension of column root tuple
Responsivepanel should close when browser window is resized
Fix Scaffolder WebAPI routing
Widget displaces the events during PDF export
Agenda and Month view names can not be overridden
Widget does not update ng-model accordingly
Support R1C1-style references in spreadsheet formulas
Add SUBTOTAL function
Expose default number formats through `kendo.spreadsheet.formats`
Range verticalAlign method now accepts "center" instead of "middle"
Implement import/export of filters from/to DPL
Client-side Export to PDF
Client-side Excel Import (.xlsx)
Implement SheetsBar scroll to selected slot
Add IFERROR function
Client-side export now includes borders
Implement default Data Validation message
Add an option to disable cell/range
Implement search field for filter by value TreeView
ColorPicker must have an option to revert to "Default color" (set color to null)
Restrict user input based on the type of selected filter operator in the filter by condition menu
Restrict filtering ranges that contain merged cells
Use cursor: cell instead of arrow in spreadsheet pane
Spreadsheet localization
Suppress default action of undo/redo buttons
Clearing cell content is not propagated to the DataSource
Merging cells loses formulas, only keeps value
Support whitespace in sheet name in formula references
Sort command does not work on ranges other than complete sheet range
Spreadsheet cannot import xlsx file created with client export
SheetsBar is not scrollable
Auto-fill of boolean values triggers JS error
Retina sprite images overlap with KendoUIGlyphs font icons
Dialog handlers leak for the lifetime of the widget
Request to the server is not sent on Drad&Drop/Autofill
Datasource binding does not persist pasted content
Filter menu values are populated from wrong column after freezing columns
Validation does not compare values correctly when the Ignore Blank is set to true
Validation does not parse Date values
Validation hint title is not loaded from the validation object
Validation Ignore blank option is not loaded from the validation object
Sheets name method incorrectly allows setting values
Cannot add cell borders to a merge cell
FilterMenu cannot be opened if sheet is scrolled
Completion handler in formula input remains active after the popup has closed
Bad rendering of wrapped text
Leading white space is trimmed when loading from JSON
JS error when the grid consists of only one column
Filtering blanks rows breaks the layout
Time Picker enables the popup scrolling on a mobile device without the Kendo MobileScroller
Popup is misplaced after device rotation
Widget closes on scroll when placed in Kendo Mobile View
DatePicker, TimePicker, DateTimePicker icons are incorrect when placed in a TabScript in Nova theme
TimeView scrollbar mousedown closes the TimeView in IE
Provide ability to hide menuButtons of the SplitButton through the API
Single togglable button in kendo.ui.Toolbar does not display with correct border radius
Arrows of overflow icon, nested tools, and split-buttons are misaligned in Material
Export to Excel not working in Edge
Missing editor option from TreeList column TypeScript definition
Headers are misaligned in RTL mode
TreeMap highlight sets gradient to the tiles
templates are not compiled via angular
Improve performance when bound to many root nodes
Default checkboxes are in page tab order
Drop over collapsed node in different TreeView does not expand correctly
SetDataSource does not respect autoBind option
Wrong success color for uploaded files in Bootstrap theme
Upload button text is not visible in IE 8
Add validation styles to Kendo UI Mobile themes
Window title() method gets and sets the title inconsistently with regard to HTML entity encoding
For previous versions please refer to the Kendo UI Web, DataViz and Mobile release history

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