Telerik UI for Silverlight Q1 2016 (version 2016.1.216) Retail » Developer.Team

Telerik UI for Silverlight Q1 2016 (version 2016.1.216) Retail

Telerik UI for Silverlight Q1 2016 (version 2016.1.216) Retail
Telerik UI for Silverlight Q1 2016 (version 2016.1.216) Retail | 47 Mb

Telerik UI for Silverlight includes a wide range of controls—from small UI components such as Rating to powerful data-driven controls like GridView. The suite provides a variety of data visualization tools which allow you to display and edit your data in many different ways. Manipulate your row data in a GridView or Spreadsheet and then visualize it through PivotGrid, or any of the other charting and diagramming tools. Choose from a number of components for daily or business planning such as ScheduleView where users can easily plan their day and GanttView which allows users to visualize and manage any project planning data. Telerik UI for Silverlight comes complete with customizable UI controls for a variety of needs and options, which makes it the ideal choice for any Line of Business Application.

Professional-Looking Themes
Give your applications the slick professional look by applying our built-in themes. Telerik UI for Silverlight ships with more than ten professionally designed themes. Windows8 and Windows8Touch, let you apply styling in real-time. While the new Office 2013 theme mimics the look and feel of Microsoft Office 2013.

Themes include:
Visual Studio 2013

Exceptional Performance and User Experience
Telerik UI for Silverlight enhance user experience by providing both UI and data virtualization. Use Telerik UI Controls to display large amounts of data, with virtually no performance trade-off. What you get is exceptional performance and a sleek end-user experience. Telerik UI Controls make your apps fast by:

Producing minimal and clean XAML
Allowing you to load only the data within the current viewport of the application
Implementing lazy loading – loading data only when it is requested
Minimizing memory usage, robust code free from memory leaks

Document Processing

Two new components enable you to process the most common spreadsheet and PDF file formats without having Microsoft Office or other third-party libraries installed. Your application users will be able to create, load and modify documents in a variety of formats including:


Enable your application to seamlessly export and import documents or convert them from one format to another. All thanks to the intuitive and easy-to-use APIs.

MVVM Support
Software development is made easier with the ability to drag-and-drop a complex control from our toolbox, wire up a few events, receive quick functionality, and then move on to the next work item. Those functionalities, however, do not guarantee that the software created is well structured, easily extensible, and unit testable. MVVM resolves those issues. Telerik UI for Silverlight fully supports MVVM, allowing you to create reliable, well-structured and easily maintainable applications.

Touch Support
The built-in touch support and the Windows8Touch theme make your Telerik UI for Silverlight powered applications run smoothly on a touch device.

Intuitive API
Telerik UI for Silverlight has a short learning curve and is easy to use. The suite provides for:

Seamless integration with your Visual Studio Toolbox for quick drag and drop usage
Feature configuration using Design-time Wizards
Easy to learn API
The Telerik UI Controls API is a close mirror of Microsoft. If you’ve worked with the Silverlight Framework and Microsoft’s XAML Controls, you’ll get up and running fast in Telerik UI Controls for Silverlight

Export Support
Export the data that different controls display with a functionality that enables your users to view and manipulate their data even after an application is closed. Telerik UI for Silverlight provides you out-of-the-box export functionalities and options. Most of the data-driven controls allow you to export data to a variety of formats.

UI for Silverlight Q1 2016

January 13, 2016
All Controls

    New public API (TouchManager) that will help you to introduce custom touch gestures in your Silverlight application.


    Security rules for the following assemblies are changed to used .NET Framework 4 rules (level 2 transparency rules): Telerik.Windows.Documents, Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed, Telerik.Windows.Controls.Spreadsheet, Telerik.Windows.Documents.Spreadsheet, Telerik.Windows.Zip, Telerik.Windows.Zip.Extensions.
    Telerik.Windows.Maths assembly removed. InterpolationExtensions and RVector classes removed.
    Removed Telerik.Windows.Documents.Flow assembly.


    Added BoxesItemTemplateSelector, BoxesItemStyle and BoxesItemStyleSelector properties.


    Background is not applied to AutoCompleteBoxItem in Expression_Dark, Office2013, VisualStudio2013, Windows8 and Windows8Touch themes.
    Foreground is not applied to AutoCompleteBoxItem in ExpressionDark theme if TemplateSelector and StyleSelector are both used.


    BusyIndicator is visible, but IsBusy = False when DisplayAfter != 0.
    Content of the BusyIndicator is disabled even if DisplayAfter is set.


    Calendar buttons do not clear the Selection state in single mode when clicking fast.


    Implemented TypeConverter property for the ChartSeriesProvider which eliminates the need of the series view models to know about chart specific types.
    Empty values support for ChartDataSource.
    MVVM support for dynamic annotations creation (ChartAnnotationsProvider).
    Ability for any type of ChartSeries to be created via a series provider.
    Exposed a UIUpdated event that notifies when the UI of the chart is updated.
    Exposed a PlotAreaClipChanged event that notifies when the PlotAreaClip of the chart changes.
    Implemented OriginValue property for bar and area series that allows the origin to be set at a number different than zero.
    Implement a SeriesCreated event for the ChartSeriesProvider to allow a more flexible series creation and set up.
    Support for DefaultVisuals by all series.


    Improved MVVM support by adding command provider support.


    Pad arrows' size is inconsistent in all themes.
    Luminance Pad shows incorrect color if the alpha channel is not 100 %.


    Added IsDropDownTabNavigationEnabled property which provides an option to disable the Tab navigation in the dropdown of non editable ComboBox.


    DataField's description indicator does not display a tooltip in the area around the question mark path.
    RadDataForm does not display correct property value when CurrentItem is set to ExpandoObject and pane is re-shown in RadDocking.


    Implemented IsInputRestrictedToSelectableDates property in order to allow only selecting dates by input in the selectable range (when SelectableDateStart/SelectableDateEnd/BlackoutDates are used).
    Added TodayButtonVisibility and TodayButtonContent properties for showing/hiding a button that selects current date and time.


    Changed height of footer panel and Close button in Windows8Touch for the DateTimePicker. 


    Calling the LogicalTreeHelper.GetChildren() does not include the DocumentHost and its contents.


    Implemented a new property that allows you to apply a custom style on the expander ToggleButton (HeaderButtonStyle).


    The cue is wrong when dragging a GanttTask which Start is not visible in the Viewport.


    Changed BorderBrush value of GanttPresenterHeaderSplitter style in Office2013 theme.
    The WidthProperty is moved from ColumnDefinition to ColumnDefinitionBase class.


    ClipboardCopyMode exposes new member - SkipEmptyRows. Once it is set, if a copied row has only null or empty values, it will not be copied and reflected on pasting. The same rule applies if SelectionUnit is Cell/Mixed.
    Introduce ExportToWorkbook() and ExportToRadFixedDocument() extension methods that return Workbook and RadFixedDocument objects , so they can be manipulated directly.
    Creating a collection of control panel items as a resource would enable them to be reused in many RadGridView instances.
    Introduced DataTemplate support for ButtonContent and Content properties of the ControlPanelItem.
    FrozenColumnsChanged event fired whenever columns are frozen or unfrozen. Via the FrozenColumnsChangedEventArgs you can get AddedFrozenColumns, RemovedFrozenColumns and AllFrozenColumns.
    Introduced ShouldRespectIEditableObject property. Setting it would either prevent RadGridView from invoking the interface's methods, when the respective data operation occur, or allow it.


    The first character is lost on typing in column with CellEditTemplate having RadMaskedDateTimeInput.
    If GroupRenderMode is Flat, there are BindingExpressionPath errors when using DataTrigger for GridViewRow.
    Pasting is possible when there is/are no selected cell/s or row/s in the GridView.
    Rows are not correctly rendered when SortDescriptors are applied and items are added to the SelectedItems collection on ItemsSource.Collectionchanged.
    Row's style is not updated when the SelectStyle method of RowStyleSelector returns null.
    Custom GridView FilteringControl does not close when a date is selected from the RadDateTimePicker inside.
    Committing correct values after receiving row-level validation errors, does not update the row's tooltip.
    When the HorizontalContentAlignment of the GridViewCheckBoxColumn's CellStyle setting to Center, the checkboxes in the columns remain on the left side in VisualStudio2013 theme.
    Mask property of GridViewMaskedInputColumn is not respected when the bound property is of nullable DateTime type.
    DateTime values are not localized properly in FilteringControl.
    DateTimePicker in FilteringControl is closed unexpectedly when clicking on its navigation buttons.
    The object is not being locked in the Equals method, thus a NullReferenceException is being raised in a multithreading environment.
    Tap and Swipe gestures are not working in RadGridView when it is placed in Popup.
    GridViewAlwaysVisibleNewRow translation is not correct in French.
    InvalidOperationException is raised when a nested property of type DynamicObject with null value is used.
    SelectionDrag ScrollViewerAdjusted event handler can result in a memory leak. Undisposed event handler keeps reference to RadGridView.
    GridViewNewRow is not in the view port when it is added by tabbing through the cells of the previous row and NewRowPosition="Bottom".

Image Editor

    Drawing tools do not work with stylus device.


    "Image Preview" label aligned with the top item of the left-hand tools menu in Office 2013 theme.
    Left Border of the ToolSettingsPanel is visible when the panel is collapsed in Office2013 and Windows8 themes.
    "Image Preview" scroll bars are not aligned with the image when it is scaled in Office2013 theme.


    The first item is not selected if navigated to it via the keyboard when the control has the focus and is in Single or Extended SelectionMode.


    Cluster is not expanded when single item is left in the cluster.


    Support for entering minus symbol when the Value is Null or Zero in no-masked scenarios.


    Minus sign cannot be removed with Add / OemPlus keys when the Value is null.
    ArgumentException is thrown when pressing Alt + Key in RadGridViewCell with RadMaskedDateTimeInput in CellEditTemplate.


    Menu group headers foreground is not the correct color in Windows8Touch.

MS Controls

    When the MS ListBox is disabled in VS2013 theme the selected item is not readable.
    Changing Scrollbars' Width or Height through implicit style was not possible. 


    Arrows' size wasn't the same in horizontal and vertical Scrollbars in Windows8 theme.
    Changed ScrollBar size in ExpressionDark and Windows7 themes.


    IsReadOnly property of NumericUpDown doesn't work in ExpressionDark theme.


    XAMLParseException is thrown when you have a style based on MinimizeButtonStyle and use OutlookBar together with RibbonView.


    Several OutlookBar styles and templates are renamed due to inconsistency or too generic names which may lead to exceptions:  - DefaultMinimizedButtonContentTemplate renamed to OutlookBarMinimizedButtonContentTemplate. - DropDownStyle renamed to OutlookBarDropDownStyle.  - MinimizeButtonStyle renamed to OutlookBarMinimizeButtonStyle.  - MinimizedContentButtonStyle renamed to OutlookBarMinimizedContentButtonStyle. - MenuItemStyle renamed to OutlookBarMenuItemStyle  - OutlookBarHorizontalSplitter renamed to OutlookBarHorizontalSplitterStyle.  - OutlookMenuItemTemplate renamed to OutlookBarMenuItemTemplate. - OutlookFooterToggleButton renamed to OutlookBarDropDownButtonStyle.

PDF Viewer

    DefineFont operator throws InvalidCastException when reading font key string.
    Improved the performance when touch-panning over a page content.


    Implemented support for transparent images.
    Implemented import and export of Type1 fonts.
    Implemented support for Grayscale colorspace in JpegEncoder.
    Added support for import and export for Lab, CalRgb and CalGray color spaces.
    Optimized image quality and import/export performance by introducing API for inserting JPEG and JPEG2000 images from stream without decoding and re-encoding the image.
    Implemented support for import and export of all SimpleFont properties.
    Implemented support for import and export of TrueTypeFont with FontFile3.
    Implemented support for import and export of Type0Font properties.
    Implemented support for import and export of all CidFont properties.
    Implemented support for import and export of all FontDescriptor properties.
    Implemented support for import and export of CidFontDescriptor properties.
    Implemented support for Import and Export of CIDFontType0.
    If font information cannot be created from the data, it is preserved without changes on import/export.


    Font Widths are not imported correctly, which leads to overlapped glyphs in the exported document.
    OpenTypeFontSource ItalicAngle property throws NullReferenceException when exporting some imported fonts.
    Importing page with empty content causes EndOfStreamException.
    Importing TrueTypeFont that is not embedded results in creating CidFontType2 with incorrect glyphs charcodes mapping.
    Pdf stream object DecodeParms is ignored on import which causes images to disappear.
    PdfStream is not read correctly when the stream length does not point to endstream keyword.


    The description panel of RadPropertyGrid is now re-sizable.
    Improved MVVM support by adding command provider support for CollectionEditor and CollectionEditorPicker.


    Incorrect value is set after selecting the None value in FlagEnumEditor.
    Incorrect value is present in FlagEnumEditor when deselecting all values.
    Creating a PropertyDefinition with the ComboBox inside its EditorTemplate and setting IsReadOnly of the current PropertyDefinition in Selectionchanged of the ComboBox throws StackOverFlowException.
    Cannot edit a property of type Thickness.


    SelectedField property and SelectedFieldChanged event are removed after having been obsoleted for 2,5 years. SelectedPropertyDefinition property and Selectionchanged event should be used instead.


    Items in RadCollapsiblePanel are not rendered correctly on Windows7 with DPI 125%/150% and UseLayoutRounding set to true.
    ArgumentException is thrown if the AccessText of the Backstage contains more than one characters.


    Implemented "Repeat Table Header Row" feature which allows repeating table header rows on every page the table spans.
    Implemented Row options tab in Table Properties dialog.


    Nested table as first element in a cell is crashing the application when it is split between two pages.
    RichTextBox's touch doesn't work with stylus device.
    Font family combo box updates incorrectly the value of font size combo box and prevents applying the font size of the selected text.
    DocxFormatProvider: If run content () contains multiple breaks and text elements, the inlines are imported disordered.
    A memory leak occurs when scrolling.
    Improved touch gestures performance.
    Selecting table from table adorner doesn't work with touch.


    DayStartTime/DayEndTime properties are applied for each day in TimelineView.
    Added ResizeCursor property of the AppointmentItem and ScheduleViewDragDropBehavior in order to be able to change the resize cursor initially as well as during the resize operation).


    Setting an appointment with monthly recurrence pattern for 14 months resets it to 12 months.
    EditAppointmentDialog is shown when a slot is selected in DayViewDefinition, the ViewDefinition changes and the day header in MonthViewDefinition is clicked.
    The first click after changing a view via GroupHeader is not registered.


    Added the ability to copy worksheets from a workbook and insert it to the same or different workbook.
    Implemented mechanism for invalidating formula expressions by the returning expression.
    Added the ability to access the properties of CellReferenceRangeExpressions.
    Added support for "INDIRECT" function.


    ListDataValidationRule doesn't respect culture specific list separator.
    StackOverflowException is thrown when cyclic reference error is caused by CellReferenceRangeExpression.


    Added support for "INDIRECT" function.


    Memory leak when changing the Workbook in binding scenario.
    ListDataValidationRule doesn't respect culture specific list separator.
    Some borders are not applied using BordersMenu from the Ribbon.
    Memory leak when opening documents.
    StackOverflowException is thrown when cyclic reference error is caused by CellReferenceRangeExpression.
    Improved touch gestures performance.


    RadTileList supports multiple selection. It exposes SelectionMode property that can be set to Single (default one), Multiple or Extended. In case one of the last two is set, SelectedItems collection will be filled.
    Support for custom offset between the groups. RadTileList exposes a new dependency property - GroupOffset of type double. Once it is set, the space between the groups will be that value.
    ItemContainerStyleSelector is now respected and the styles are applied to the corresponding tiles.


    StackOverflowException is thrown when updating SelectedIndex/SelectedItem in Selectionchanged event handler.


    SelectionThumb handles are not centered in Office2013 and VisualStudio2013 themes.

Touch Manager

    Touch is not registered if stylus is used instead of finger.


    Obsoleted the IsTouchHitTestVisible property. Use TouchMode instead.


    TransitionControl throws an exception if you change the content too frequently.
    TransitionControl animation issue when FlowDirection="RightToLeft".


    ToggleButtons' background in the ExpanderStyle could not be customized through the palette in Windows8Touch theme.
    ArgumentException is thrown when Windows Display Size is Larger (150%).
    Disabled state of TreeViewItem's expander button is not consistent in Vista, ExpressionDark, Windows7 and Windows8 themes.


    ArgumentOutOfRangeException in VirtualizingWrapPanel.OnItemsChanged().


    Added an IconTemplate property that provides an easier way to change the predefined dialogs' exclamation/question mark images. 


    Window appears chopped when has set MinWidth larger than the set Width.


    Custom DataContext is not respected in the footer if Wizard's FooterTemplate is used.


    Decompressing zip which contains Zip64ExtraField for CompressedSize of the ZipEntry throws exception.


[b] Only for V.I.P
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