DevComponents DotNetBar
DevComponents DotNetBar | 107 Mb
DotNetBar is world's first component to introduce fully featured Office 2013, Office 2010, Windows 7 and Office 2007 style Ribbon controls, first to provide full Windows XP Theme support, first to provide Diamond Docking Guides for dockable windows etc. With DotNetBar you always get latest advancements in user interface technology in your applications before anyone else. Don't take our word for it, read what others are saying about our products and support...
World's first set of Metro User Interface controls with Metro Tiles, toolbars, slide panels, forms, completely automatic color scheme generation for unlimited color themes and more. Make applications using the latest user interface style available today.
Office 2013, Office 2010, Windows 7 and Office 2007 Ribbon Control with unlimited color schemes, Backstage Application Menu, Windows Vista Glass support, tab groups, ribbon hyper menus, multi-level KeyTips, complete Quick Access Toolbar (QAT) customization and complete support for Ribbon Menu Tabs
Office 2013 Ribbon Bar control with button groups, popups and more
Office 2007 Super Tooltips control with 18 color styles
Token Editor Control for Windows Forms
TokenEditor control is an advanced text-box control which parses the text entered by user and converts it into the distinct set of tokens. Akin to email address entry text-box in modern email clients, but more flexible. Each text-part, token is validated before being accepted so it can be rejected if it does not pass the validation.
Control includes built-in support for auto-complete and auto-complete popup with filtered list of available tokens will be displayed and updated as user performs the text input:
New: Pie Charts chart type added + 12 new Pie charts samples
New: SuperGrid: Made setting the cell InfoText value invalidate the associated cell so it would refresh immediately (as it should).
New: DoubleInput: Firing ValueObjectChanged event when Value=0 and ValueObject set to null
New: Schedule control: Fixed an issue where consecutive appointments that began and ended back to back, would be represented as overlapping in the TimeLineView.
New: Supergrid: Made CellInfoWindo tooltip user accessible via CellInfoWindow[Enter/Leave] EventArgs.
New: ScheduleControl: Adding ExplicitDailyRecurrence property to control recurrence of daily repeated appointments.
New: SuperGrid: Added owner Control associated with cell InfoText to CellInfoEnter/Leave events.
New: SuperGrid: Added new PlayingSound event, which will be raised right before the grid attempts to play a system sound (beep) when an invalid user interaction or error condition has occurred. The default sound can be canceled (or replaced in the callout), if desired. (See PlaySoundContext enumeration for description of when the event can be raised.)
New: SuperGrid: Added simple check to make sure height of GridGroup underline does not result in zero height line.
New: Limiting internal DPI scaling so it cannot go below 1
New: AdvPropertyGrid: Marshal property updates to UI thread if they are coming from different threads
New: SuperGrid: Added corresponding ShowCellInfoDisplayMode property.
New: SuperGrid: Gave access to default ToolTip object used by the grid (enables user rendering, if desired, etc).
New: Added MaskedTextBoxAdv.DisabledBackColor property to specify custom disabled control back color
New: ChartControl: Added ChartXy property ShowBarAsHistogram. This property will determine whether the bars will be shown as a Histogram, thus ignoring alternate bar spacing properties. Note that this will only be honored for single series bar displays.
New: SuperGrid: Fixed an issue where setting the sort criteria during GroupChange event would not always be processed.
New: SuperGrid: Added support for maintaining row deleted state across Group operations.
New: SuperGrid: Added new GridPanel ShowRowInfoDisplayMode property. This property determines the conditions under which the RowInfoImage is displayed (either when the associated InfoText is empty or not). The default is ShowWithNonEmptyText, which is the current behavior. Setting the property to ShowWithEmptyText, will show the RowInfoImage even when the InfoText is empty ("").
New: Changing MetroForm so its using BackColor to fill out non-client area border where border on color table is not specified
New: Added DotNetBarManager.DockSplitterSize property to specify custom docking window splitter size
New: DotNetBarManager floating dock windows: Adding functionality to activate main menu bar when dock window is floating and is active
New: AdvTree: Updating AutoSize() method on ColumnHeader to use AutoSizeMinHeader property
New: SymbolBox control added support for BackColor=Transparent
New: Adding ValueChangedTrigger property to control when ValueChanged event is fired on IntegerInput and DoubleInput controls
New: TokenEditor added Tooltip functionality for the tokens
New: ICSImport/Export: Added base support for ICS CLASS:PRIVATE/PUBLIC specification. All Appointments imported as PRIVATE are now marked as such via newly added appointment.Private property.
New: ChartControl: Added chartXy.ChartCrosshair.ShowCrosshairLabelMarkers property to control whether the crosshair callout renders the associated point marker in the label. Default is true.
New: SuperGrid: PurgeRealDeletedRows now properly purges Virtual rows marked as deleted.
New: SuperGrid: Added gridColumn.InfoImageOverlay property (true/false - default true). Property controls whether cell info image is overlayed overtop of the cell editor/content.
New: Adding allowance for Flyout closing if ComboBox popup is clicked outside of flyout bounds
New: Added Dpi.AutoScaleImages static property to control whether items automatically scale up images according to current DPI. Setting this property to false allows you to provide DPI specific images.
New: TabStrip.MultiLinePanelAlignSelectedTab and TabControl.MultiLinePanelAlignSelectedTab properties added to control whether selected tab is aligned with the panel in multi-line tab usage scenario
New: TabStrip/TabControl: Certain styles when in multi-line use case were not switching the selected tab line so its immediately next to tab panel, now it does
New: Added ListBoxAdv.UseMnemonic property to specify whether ampersand characters are considers as access key for items
New: SuperTabControl: Altered focus behavior on tab selection via mouse (tab focus is now established before tab is selected and subsequent SelectedTabChanged is raised).
New: TokenEditor.TokenMouseDoubleClick event added which fires when selected toke is double clicked
New: TabStrip/TabControl: Changed the behavior of tab closing when multi-line tabs are used and displayed and non-selected tab close button is pressed. Before, the tab would be selected but not closed since it would be selected on mouse down and that would move the tab into the selected line thus mouse up event would not occur over close button and close the tab. Now the tab is closed without selecting it in this case. TabItemClose event TabStripActionEventArgs now have TabItem argument that can be checked for information on which tab is being closed
New: Bar.TabNavigation will be set to true on new instances of Bar controls created in response to tear-off of document docked DockContainerItem
New: AdvTree Node.ExpandPartVerticalAlignment property added to specify vertical alignment within a node of expand part if one is visible.
New: RibbonBar.AutoSizeIncludesTitle property added to Indicates whether auto-sizing for RibbonBar includes ribbon bar title width so in case when ribbon bar title width is wider than ribbon bar width the width of the ribbon bar will always be at least the title bar width so complete title text can be displayed.
New: ListBoxAdv added SelectedValues property to return list of selected values if ValueMember is set
New: Added an option to AdvTree Node.EnsureVisible method to specify the scroll position inside of the tree when node is brought into the view
New: Added ComboBoxEx.MultiColumnControlFont to specify the font used by multi-column control on popup
New: Added RibbonControl.QuickAccessToolbarBelowRibbonHeight property
Fixed: SuperGrid: Fixed an error present when the current GridComboBoxExEditControl DataSource is disposed following the canceling of an edit on a GridComboBoxExEditControl cell in the InsertRow.
Fixed: SuperGrid: Fixed an issue where re-enabling the InsertRow during the GroupChanged event, would cause row addition/display problems.
Fixed: Fixed an issue where consecutive appointments that began and ended back to back, would be represented as overlapping in the TimeLineView.
Fixed: SuperGrid: Cell InfoImage, when InfoText is "empty", was not being fully displayed during an active edit.
Fixed: ButtonItem, if SymbolColor is set and button is disabled, symbol is still rendered using SymbolColor instead of button grey-out color
Fixed: SuperGrid: ShowCellInfoDisplayMode addition was not fully honored when calculating the image bounds location.
Fixed: AdvTree, fixed NodeTileLayout vertical scroll-bar scrolling when NodeSpacing is set
Fixed: SuperGrid: Fixed an issue where top clipped NonModal editor cells would not have their background cells fully erased on editor activation.
Fixed: SuperGrid: Made the grid take focus initially when user clicks in non-modal edit control (same behavior as in all other cell editor types).
Fixed: CalendarView: Fixed an issue where appointments with zero duration (ie the exact same start and end times), would not have a proper slot allotted for it when displaying the appointment in both the day and week views.
Fixed: AdvTree.EnsureVisible on node with Middle parameter might not always bring node into the view
Fixed: Wizard: changed the timing of page header/title update so its updated now before AfterPageDisplayed event
Fixed: ChartControl: Fixed an issue where memory resources were not always being released properly.
Fixed: Toolbar customize form might not draw ButtonItem text when FixedSize is set
Fixed: Increasing TreeGX edit box size
Fixed: LabelX does not allow selection of different Symbol set
Fixed: ChartControl: Fixed an issue where an exception could be thrown when calling axis.GetValueFromPoint when less than 2 data points were defined for the axis.
Fixed: SuperGrid: Fixed an issue where, under certain circumstances, duplicate scrollbars could be presented to the user.
Fixed: AdvTree - adjusted selected cell text color applied when SelectedPerCell=true, applies to AdvPropertyGrid as well
Fixed: Updated how TreeGX sizes the edit box
Fixed: ChartControl: Tweaked bar series display to render single pixel width bars (where they were limited to 2 pixels in width before).
Fixed: SuperGrid: Fixed an issue where utilizing an empty DataTable would not retrieve the table's sort criteria.
Fixed: SuperGrid: Restored behavior (deleting rows while grid is grouped, will not cause an automatic regrouping operation).
Fixed: Under certain conditions ComboBoxEx added to RibbonBar using ControlContainerItem might be constantly changing its position until focused
Fixed: TreeGX: Improved node editor text-box size as it relates to text-size so it fits better the size of multi-line text
Fixed: Adding PanelEx to TableLayoutPanel might generate an exception in designer by TableLayoutPanel
Fixed: SuperGrid: Fixed an InsertRow issue present when utilizing BindingSources with multi-level relations.
Fixed: AdvTree: Adjusting text color of selected cells when selection box style is full-row select, node is selected but cell itself is not
Fixed: SuperGrid: Fixed an issue where a master/child, multiple-bindingsource setup, could fail when the DataSource for the master/child panels are reassigned multiple times.
Fixed: SuperGrid: Fixed an issue where TreeView lines would not be displayed when they should have been (1 root row, with 1 sub-row).
Fixed: TreeGX might draw node connector out of bounds if its only child node is hidden
Fixed: ChartControl: Fixed issue that would not properly reverse orientation of tickmark label text.
Fixed: ChartControl: Fixed designer issue where Assert/Error would be presented when MenuStrip was present in designer.
Fixed: TextBoxX custom button image or symbol positioned incorrectly in relation to the text
Fixed: Updating LabelItem text color for Office 2016 style when on status bar
Fixed: LayoutControl: Rendering an empty LayoutGroup, zero width and height, background generates an exception
Fixed: SuperGrid: Changed filter expression evaluator to better handle current culture for numeric comparisons.
Fixed: SuperGrid: Fixed a style display issue present in the CustomFilter dialog.
Fixed: MessageBox dialog in Metro styles might not get proper auto-calculated width under some use cases
Fixed: Passing actual MouseButton if received from OnDoubleClick override in ItemControl to the internal items
Fixed: Updating LabelItem text color in Office2016 style when on toolbar
Fixed: TaskDialog does not resize to display all text if longer text is specified
Fixed: RibbonForm with RibbonControl adjusted position of Form Icon
Fixed: TextBoxX: Fixed a stack overflow issue present in the IsEnterInputKey property.
New: Pie Charts chart type added + 12 new Pie charts samples
New: SuperGrid: Made setting the cell InfoText value invalidate the associated cell so it would refresh immediately (as it should).
New: DoubleInput: Firing ValueObjectChanged event when Value=0 and ValueObject set to null
New: Schedule control: Fixed an issue where consecutive appointments that began and ended back to back, would be represented as overlapping in the TimeLineView.
New: Supergrid: Made CellInfoWindo tooltip user accessible via CellInfoWindow[Enter/Leave] EventArgs.
New: ScheduleControl: Adding ExplicitDailyRecurrence property to control recurrence of daily repeated appointments.
New: SuperGrid: Added owner Control associated with cell InfoText to CellInfoEnter/Leave events.
New: SuperGrid: Added new PlayingSound event, which will be raised right before the grid attempts to play a system sound (beep) when an invalid user interaction or error condition has occurred. The default sound can be canceled (or replaced in the callout), if desired. (See PlaySoundContext enumeration for description of when the event can be raised.)
New: SuperGrid: Added simple check to make sure height of GridGroup underline does not result in zero height line.
New: Limiting internal DPI scaling so it cannot go below 1
New: AdvPropertyGrid: Marshal property updates to UI thread if they are coming from different threads
New: SuperGrid: Added corresponding ShowCellInfoDisplayMode property.
New: SuperGrid: Gave access to default ToolTip object used by the grid (enables user rendering, if desired, etc).
New: Added MaskedTextBoxAdv.DisabledBackColor property to specify custom disabled control back color
New: ChartControl: Added ChartXy property ShowBarAsHistogram. This property will determine whether the bars will be shown as a Histogram, thus ignoring alternate bar spacing properties. Note that this will only be honored for single series bar displays.
New: SuperGrid: Fixed an issue where setting the sort criteria during GroupChange event would not always be processed.
New: SuperGrid: Added support for maintaining row deleted state across Group operations.
New: SuperGrid: Added new GridPanel ShowRowInfoDisplayMode property. This property determines the conditions under which the RowInfoImage is displayed (either when the associated InfoText is empty or not). The default is ShowWithNonEmptyText, which is the current behavior. Setting the property to ShowWithEmptyText, will show the RowInfoImage even when the InfoText is empty ("").
New: Changing MetroForm so its using BackColor to fill out non-client area border where border on color table is not specified
New: Added DotNetBarManager.DockSplitterSize property to specify custom docking window splitter size
New: DotNetBarManager floating dock windows: Adding functionality to activate main menu bar when dock window is floating and is active
New: AdvTree: Updating AutoSize() method on ColumnHeader to use AutoSizeMinHeader property
New: SymbolBox control added support for BackColor=Transparent
New: Adding ValueChangedTrigger property to control when ValueChanged event is fired on IntegerInput and DoubleInput controls
New: TokenEditor added Tooltip functionality for the tokens
New: ICSImport/Export: Added base support for ICS CLASS:PRIVATE/PUBLIC specification. All Appointments imported as PRIVATE are now marked as such via newly added appointment.Private property.
New: ChartControl: Added chartXy.ChartCrosshair.ShowCrosshairLabelMarkers property to control whether the crosshair callout renders the associated point marker in the label. Default is true.
New: SuperGrid: PurgeRealDeletedRows now properly purges Virtual rows marked as deleted.
New: SuperGrid: Added gridColumn.InfoImageOverlay property (true/false - default true). Property controls whether cell info image is overlayed overtop of the cell editor/content.
New: Adding allowance for Flyout closing if ComboBox popup is clicked outside of flyout bounds
New: Added Dpi.AutoScaleImages static property to control whether items automatically scale up images according to current DPI. Setting this property to false allows you to provide DPI specific images.
New: TabStrip.MultiLinePanelAlignSelectedTab and TabControl.MultiLinePanelAlignSelectedTab properties added to control whether selected tab is aligned with the panel in multi-line tab usage scenario
New: TabStrip/TabControl: Certain styles when in multi-line use case were not switching the selected tab line so its immediately next to tab panel, now it does
New: Added ListBoxAdv.UseMnemonic property to specify whether ampersand characters are considers as access key for items
New: SuperTabControl: Altered focus behavior on tab selection via mouse (tab focus is now established before tab is selected and subsequent SelectedTabChanged is raised).
New: TokenEditor.TokenMouseDoubleClick event added which fires when selected toke is double clicked
New: TabStrip/TabControl: Changed the behavior of tab closing when multi-line tabs are used and displayed and non-selected tab close button is pressed. Before, the tab would be selected but not closed since it would be selected on mouse down and that would move the tab into the selected line thus mouse up event would not occur over close button and close the tab. Now the tab is closed without selecting it in this case. TabItemClose event TabStripActionEventArgs now have TabItem argument that can be checked for information on which tab is being closed
New: Bar.TabNavigation will be set to true on new instances of Bar controls created in response to tear-off of document docked DockContainerItem
New: AdvTree Node.ExpandPartVerticalAlignment property added to specify vertical alignment within a node of expand part if one is visible.
New: RibbonBar.AutoSizeIncludesTitle property added to Indicates whether auto-sizing for RibbonBar includes ribbon bar title width so in case when ribbon bar title width is wider than ribbon bar width the width of the ribbon bar will always be at least the title bar width so complete title text can be displayed.
New: ListBoxAdv added SelectedValues property to return list of selected values if ValueMember is set
New: Added an option to AdvTree Node.EnsureVisible method to specify the scroll position inside of the tree when node is brought into the view
New: Added ComboBoxEx.MultiColumnControlFont to specify the font used by multi-column control on popup
New: Added RibbonControl.QuickAccessToolbarBelowRibbonHeight property
Fixed: SuperGrid: Fixed an error present when the current GridComboBoxExEditControl DataSource is disposed following the canceling of an edit on a GridComboBoxExEditControl cell in the InsertRow.
Fixed: SuperGrid: Fixed an issue where re-enabling the InsertRow during the GroupChanged event, would cause row addition/display problems.
Fixed: Fixed an issue where consecutive appointments that began and ended back to back, would be represented as overlapping in the TimeLineView.
Fixed: SuperGrid: Cell InfoImage, when InfoText is "empty", was not being fully displayed during an active edit.
Fixed: ButtonItem, if SymbolColor is set and button is disabled, symbol is still rendered using SymbolColor instead of button grey-out color
Fixed: SuperGrid: ShowCellInfoDisplayMode addition was not fully honored when calculating the image bounds location.
Fixed: AdvTree, fixed NodeTileLayout vertical scroll-bar scrolling when NodeSpacing is set
Fixed: SuperGrid: Fixed an issue where top clipped NonModal editor cells would not have their background cells fully erased on editor activation.
Fixed: SuperGrid: Made the grid take focus initially when user clicks in non-modal edit control (same behavior as in all other cell editor types).
Fixed: CalendarView: Fixed an issue where appointments with zero duration (ie the exact same start and end times), would not have a proper slot allotted for it when displaying the appointment in both the day and week views.
Fixed: AdvTree.EnsureVisible on node with Middle parameter might not always bring node into the view
Fixed: Wizard: changed the timing of page header/title update so its updated now before AfterPageDisplayed event
Fixed: ChartControl: Fixed an issue where memory resources were not always being released properly.
Fixed: Toolbar customize form might not draw ButtonItem text when FixedSize is set
Fixed: Increasing TreeGX edit box size
Fixed: LabelX does not allow selection of different Symbol set
Fixed: ChartControl: Fixed an issue where an exception could be thrown when calling axis.GetValueFromPoint when less than 2 data points were defined for the axis.
Fixed: SuperGrid: Fixed an issue where, under certain circumstances, duplicate scrollbars could be presented to the user.
Fixed: AdvTree - adjusted selected cell text color applied when SelectedPerCell=true, applies to AdvPropertyGrid as well
Fixed: Updated how TreeGX sizes the edit box
Fixed: ChartControl: Tweaked bar series display to render single pixel width bars (where they were limited to 2 pixels in width before).
Fixed: SuperGrid: Fixed an issue where utilizing an empty DataTable would not retrieve the table's sort criteria.
Fixed: SuperGrid: Restored behavior (deleting rows while grid is grouped, will not cause an automatic regrouping operation).
Fixed: Under certain conditions ComboBoxEx added to RibbonBar using ControlContainerItem might be constantly changing its position until focused
Fixed: TreeGX: Improved node editor text-box size as it relates to text-size so it fits better the size of multi-line text
Fixed: Adding PanelEx to TableLayoutPanel might generate an exception in designer by TableLayoutPanel
Fixed: SuperGrid: Fixed an InsertRow issue present when utilizing BindingSources with multi-level relations.
Fixed: AdvTree: Adjusting text color of selected cells when selection box style is full-row select, node is selected but cell itself is not
Fixed: SuperGrid: Fixed an issue where a master/child, multiple-bindingsource setup, could fail when the DataSource for the master/child panels are reassigned multiple times.
Fixed: SuperGrid: Fixed an issue where TreeView lines would not be displayed when they should have been (1 root row, with 1 sub-row).
Fixed: TreeGX might draw node connector out of bounds if its only child node is hidden
Fixed: ChartControl: Fixed issue that would not properly reverse orientation of tickmark label text.
Fixed: ChartControl: Fixed designer issue where Assert/Error would be presented when MenuStrip was present in designer.
Fixed: TextBoxX custom button image or symbol positioned incorrectly in relation to the text
Fixed: Updating LabelItem text color for Office 2016 style when on status bar
Fixed: LayoutControl: Rendering an empty LayoutGroup, zero width and height, background generates an exception
Fixed: SuperGrid: Changed filter expression evaluator to better handle current culture for numeric comparisons.
Fixed: SuperGrid: Fixed a style display issue present in the CustomFilter dialog.
Fixed: MessageBox dialog in Metro styles might not get proper auto-calculated width under some use cases
Fixed: Passing actual MouseButton if received from OnDoubleClick override in ItemControl to the internal items
Fixed: Updating LabelItem text color in Office2016 style when on toolbar
Fixed: TaskDialog does not resize to display all text if longer text is specified
Fixed: RibbonForm with RibbonControl adjusted position of Form Icon
Fixed: TextBoxX: Fixed a stack overflow issue present in the IsEnterInputKey property.
[b] Only for V.I.P
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