Telerik UI for WPF R3 2016 SP1 2016.3.1024 Retail » Developer.Team

Telerik UI for WPF R3 2016 SP1 2016.3.1024 Retail

Telerik UI for WPF R3 2016 SP1 2016.3.1024 Retail
Telerik UI for WPF R3 2016 SP1 2016.3.1024 Retail | 88 Mb

Telerik UI for WPF includes a wide range of controls – from small UI components like Rating to powerful data-driven controls like GridView. The suite provides a variety of data visualization tools to allow you to display and edit your data. Manipulate your row data in a GridView or Spreadsheet and then visualize it through PivotGrid, our charting or diagramming tools. Discover multiple components for daily or business planning such as ScheduleView where users can easily plan their day and GanttView which allows users to visualize and manage any project planning data. Telerik UI for WPF comes complete with customizable UI controls for a variety of needs and options, which makes it the ideal choice for any Windows desktop application.

Professional-Looking Themes

Give your applications the professional look by applying our built-in themes. Telerik UI for WPF ships with more than ten professionally designed themes. Windows8 and Windows8Touch let you apply styling in real-time. While the new Visual Studio 2013 theme mimics the look and feel of VS 2013.Themes include:

Visual Studio 2013

Exceptional Performance and User Experience

Telerik UI for WPF enhances user experience by providing both UI and data virtualization. Use Telerik’s controls to display large amounts of data with virtually no performance trade-off. What you get is exceptional performance and a sleek end-user experience. Telerik UI makes your apps fast by:

Producing minimal and clean XAML
Allowing you to load only the data within the current viewport of the application
Implementing lazy loading – loading data only when it is requested
Minimizing memory usage, robust code free from memory leaks.

Intuitive API
Telerik UI for WPF has a short learning curve and is easy to use. The suite provides for:

Seamless integration with your Visual Studio Toolbox for quick drag-and-drop usage.
Feature configuration using Design-time Wizards.
Easy to learn API. The API is a close mirror of Microsoft. If you’ve worked with the WPF Framework and Microsoft’s XAML Controls, you’ll get up and running fast in Telerik UI for WPF.

Document Processing

Three components enable you to process the most common text, spreadsheet, and PDF file formats without having Microsoft Office or other third-party libraries installed. Your application users will be able to create, load and modify documents in a variety of formats including:


Enable your application to seamlessly export and import documents or convert them from one format to another. All thanks to the intuitive and easy-to-use APIs.

MVVM Support

The ability to drag-and-drop a complex control from our toolbox, wire up a few events, receive quick functionality, then move on to the next work item makes your software development easier. Those functionalities, however, do not guarantee that the software created is well structured, easily extensible, and unit testable. MVVM resolves those issues. Telerik UI for WPF fully supports MVVM, allowing you to create reliable, well-structured and easily maintainable applications.

UI for WPF R3 2016 SP1

What's New

        ChartView3d is now official. Besides working on improving its stability, we have also added support for CUIT Level 1, 2 and 3. In addition we have implemented tiles modes for the data point colorizer of the surface series.

        SpreadStreamProcessing is now official and its API has included support for exporting worksheet view options like scale factor, freeze panes, selection.

All Controls

    StackOverflow exception is thrown when DropDownButton is open in popup.


    A Binding error is printed in the Output on start-up for WatermarkTextBox.
    When the SelectedItems property is bound, moving items inside that collection causes ArgumentException.
    Clicking on a non-focusable element does not close the control's dropdown when the Populate method is called from the control's GotFocus or PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown events.
    A StackOverflow exception is thrown when the ItemsSource and the SelectedItems are of type "int".
    Presing Esc does not close the DropDown, instead NoResults text is shown.


    The watermark color wasn't consistent with other Input controls for some themes. The change affects Office Black, Office Blue, Office Silver, Office 2013, Summer, Transparent, Vista and Windows7 themes.


    The control is not vertically centered in Office2016 theme.
    The control is not vertically centered in Windows8Touch theme. 


    A NullReferenceException may occur in the loaded event of the control.


    NullReferenceException is thrown when disposing CalculatorBase object and its view model is not initialized.


    CornerRadius property is not applied on RadCalendar's header in Office2016 theme.


    Implemented tiles mode for the datapoint colorizer of the surface series.
    Introduced Coded UI level 1, 2 and 3 support.


    Inconsistency in the bar width when using categorical and linear axis.
    ArgumentNullException is thrown when using a categorical axis and datapoint is not fully set up and has a null value.
    Axis labels are lost when changing the control template at run-time.


    The control keeps the mouse captured if it contains an element that captures the mouse inside its dropdown.
    Editable RadComboBox does not update its focused state when disabled.
    Clicking on a non-focusable element does not close the control's dropdown when StaysOpenOnEdit is set to True and text is entered.


    Triggering validation when DataForm is empty causes an exception.


    DateTimeWatermarkContent is not set when RadDateTimePicker is placed inside ItemTemplate of an ItemsControl.
    SelectedDate property gets updated twice when the date is selected through the Calendar in the drop down.
    CornerRadius is not applied on CloseButtonContainer in Office2016 theme.


    Bezier connection is not deserialized correctly.
    BezierConnection is changed unexpectedly on dragging / rotating if bezier handles are already changed by code or manually.
    Editing a RadDiagramShape does not take into account the FontSize of the shape.
    Bezier handles are not moved when floating connection is modified and then slowly dragged.
    Shapes have the same Brush for Stroke and Fill in Green theme.


    Second Splitter is created and when dragged NullReference exception is thrown.
    The compasses don't disappear when reordering panes in Deferred DragDropMode.
    Loading the Layout while BusyIndicator is running, results in a PaneGroup with no SelectedPane.
    AutoHideArea DisplayClass memory leak.
    ElementName bindings are broken in DocumentHost if RadDocking is not loaded in the VisualTree.
    Loading a layout containing a single empty RadPaneGroup inside the DocumentHost causes the IsInDocumentHost property of the group to return false.
    ElementLayoutCleaning Cancel doesn't work as expected for panes in the DocumentHost.
    RadPanes docked in the header area of the DocumentHost are not saved in SaveLayout.


    Selection using Shift + Click does not work.
    The expand button is not shown if a task is added to the TasksSource after it is initialized.


    GridViewColumn's IsVisible Binding breaks when you create an instance of a usercontrol.
    SelectedCells are available after removing the corresponding Item.
    Null value cells are not filtered when OptimizeDistinctFilterQuery of GridViewDataColumn is set to True.
    GridView with SelectionUnit="Cell" and IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="{x:Null}" selects all cells from first row on initialization when ItemsSource is a ListCollectionView.
    Setting ShowColumnHeaders property to "False" hides the upper border of the control in Windows8 theme.
    There is 1px border on top of the grid when ShowGroupPanel and ShowColumnHeaders are set to False in VisualStudio2013 theme.
    Copying when hidden columns are present is inconsistent.
    GridViewColumn's FooterTextAlignment property is not respected in Green and Office2016 theme.
    When SelectionUnit is Cell and a sorting is applied, a selected cell is removed from the SelectedCells collection, but SelectedCellsChanged event is not raised.
    InvalidOperationException when group GridView in an application with multiple UI threads.
    Row tooltips that contain visual elements are cleared after edit.
    New Row is added when commit edit in Paged RadGridView bound to QCV(AsNoTracking Source).
    InvalidOperationException when sorting or filtering GridView and an observable immutable collection is used in a multithread application.
    Pasting rows when ClipboardPasteMode has flag AllSelectedRows is inconsistent when there are invisible columns.
    GridViewCheckBoxColumn check mark not visible in Office2016 theme.
    Move commands do not function correctly when ItemsSource is VirtualQueryableCollectionView and RadGridView is sorted.
    Aggregate Functions are not visible in GridViewFooterRow.


    Paths of hovered and selected item in Structure tab of ToolBox cannot be seen in Green and Office2016 theme.


    When the ItemsPanel is set to VirtualizingStackPanel which Orientation is set to Horizontal, selecting an item moves it to the rightmost position.
    Selecting an item that is already virtualized doesn't scroll to that item when the ItemsPanel is set to VirtualizingStackPanel which Orientation is set to Horizontal.
    ListBoxPanel throws NullRefference exception when RadListBox with the ListBoxPanel is used in OutlookBar.
    RadListBoxItem's text can not be read by a screen reader.


    Location.Parse method throws FormatException when the location string is saved via ToString() with de-DE culture.
    IMapItemsVirtualizationSource.MapItemsRequest does not fire properly in WrapAround mode.


    Focused RadMaskedTextInput in ReadOnly Mode prevents the access keys in WPF application


    Access Keys of MenuItems located in a second MenuGroupItem of a Submenu are not handled.
    RadMenuItem.IconTemplate doesn't work in Office2016 and Green themes.


    The value of RadNumericUpDown with UpdateValueEvent set to PropertyChanged is not updated when the Delete key is pressed.


    VerticalResizerStyle property added for easier customization of the resizer thumb.


    Foreground of MinimizedButton remains dark on MouseOver in Expression_Dark theme.
    Cannot apply templates using ItemTemplateSelector property.


    Enter key is being handled internally from the control.
    Focused ReadOnly PasswordBox prevents the access keys in application from working.

PDF Viewer

    Improved the performance and memory consumption of DCTDecode filter.


    CMYK color conversion is not correct which leads to darker image colors.


    Text fragments in nested tables are drawn in wrong order.
    InvalidCastException is thrown while importing indirect reference inside CID font widths array.


    PercentDifferenceFrom TotalFormat applies wrong string format for calculated aggregate descriptions.


    MemoryLeak when updating the Item property.
    PropertyGrid's Item bound to DataRow does not show values of the properties.
    An instance of nested custom data type with null value is created when PropertySets are used.
    When RadPropertyGrid is placed in RadPane, its loading performance degrades after a few open-close actions.
    NotSupportedException is thrown in design-time when using GroupStyle & GroupStyleSelector if RenderMode is Flat.
    Nested dynamic properties are not correctly resolved.
    Exception is thrown when the GroupStyleSelector is defined after the RenderMode property.
    Nested PropertyDefinitions cannot be added at run-time after changing the initial Item value.


    AutoClose functionality of SubMenu (DropDownButton) inside ApplicationMenu does not work as expected.
    ApplicationMenu items don't respect the theme when it is changed at runtime.
    The Backstage does not close in case it has been initially opened and another RibbonTab is later opened as well.
    WindowTitle Foreground is changed from #FFFFFFFF to #FF0D2F68 in OfficeBlue theme when IsWindowThemeEnabled is set to False.
    Cannot apply Icon property of RibbonWindow in Office2016 theme.


    PDF format provider: Introduced export of images to PDF with DCTDecode when the compression mode is Automatic or Jpeg.
    Section columns dialog: Implemented closing the dialog when "Enter" is pressed.


    PDF format provider: Exporting document with transparent image and opening it in Adobe Reader results in missing image.
    The backslashes in hyperlinks pointing to local files are duplicated on import.
    NullReferenceException is thrown when visualizing DOCX file containing hyperlink without navigational information.
    PDF format provider: Corrupted PDF document is generated when exporting DOCX file containing PNG images with JPEG extension and PdfImagesCompressionMode property set to Automatic or None.
    PDF format provider: Invalid document is generated when exporting PNG image SMask with non-default ImagesDeflaterCompressionLevel export setting.
    PDF format provider: IndexOutOfRangeException is thrown when exporting list level without level text.
    Section columns dialog: "Line between" and "Equal column width" checkboxes are not disabled when one column is selected.
    "Line between" option is not persisted when selecting column type through SectionColumns drop down.
    When "Equal column width" is unchecked and then Columns dialog is closed and reopened, last column's RadNumericUpDown button for spacing gets enabled.
    Column separator is not added between last two columns in some circumstances (e.g when 9, 12 or 13 column count is applied).
    Section columns dialog: Section column numbers are enabled when the respective row is disabled.
    Text in a section before continuous section break is not evenly distributed among columns. As a result the height of some columns is bigger than the height of other columns.
    The Textblocks in Page Setup ribbon group dropdowns have their FontWeight changed from Bold to Normal (default) applied.
    When changing the size or orientation of all sections divided by continuous section break, the sections are split into separate pages.
    RTF format provider: A table with applied table style with conditional styles for the first row and column is not exported correctly to RTF format. When the document is opened in MS Word the top left cell has a missing background.
    Converting a document from RTF to DOCX format results in paragraphs with applied list style.
    RTF format provider: When a document with conditional table style is exported and opened in MS Word, some span properties are not updated.
    Fixed increased watermark opacity.


    Appointments with Start and End time 00:00 are not displayed in MonthViewDefintion.
    CurrentVisibleRangeText is not formatted correctly in WeekViewDefinition when the VisibleRange.End is the last day of the month.


    Added support for importing dates which are saved in the document as standard date strings.


    Setting values to cells referred from formulas causes memory leak and performance issues.
    Improved the performance of exporting documents containing many cells and rows with set properties.


    Added support for importing dates which are saved in the document as standard date strings.


    Cancel button in Custom Sort Lists dialog has incorrect margin and the list entries are clipped.
    MoveToPreviousPage and MoveToNextPage images in PrintPreviewControl are not visible in some themes.
    Setting values to cells referred from formulas causes memory leak and performance issues.
    Improved the performance of exporting documents containing many cells and rows with set properties.
    Exception is thrown when Custom sort dialog is opened with ExpressionDark theme applied since BorderBrush resource is missing.


    Added support for exporting worksheet view options like scale factor, freeze panes, selection.
    Optimized export of multiple columns with same properties.


    TileList instance remains after reordering tiles and unloading the control.
    NullReferenceException is thrown when performing a touch action over a Tile which is placed outside of RadTileList.


    Enabled reordering of TileViewItems when in Minimized mode.


    Setting Background to Transparent does not affect the control in horizontal and vertical orientation.
    RadToolBarSeparator can't be seen in Windows8Touch theme.


    Clearing nested hierarchy when filtering is applied breaks filtering expression.
    Performance gradually degrades when control is bound to a ListCollectionView and data operations occur.
    Expanded TreeListViewRow cannot be collapsed when SelectionMode is set to "Extended" and a child node is selected.


    The ItemClicked event is fired on MouseUp with no MouseDown on the same RadTreeViewItem.


    Changing the Owner property of the control does not take effect unless the window instance is closed and reopened.

Coded UI Tests
All components in Telerik UI for WPF support Level 1 Coded UI tests and most of the controls already support Level 3 Coded UI tests, making Telerik UI Controls easily maintainable within any test-driven development process.

Touch Support
The built-in touch support and the Windows8Touch theme make your Telerik UI for WPF powered applications run smoothly on a touch device.

Drag and Drop Support
Many Telerik UI for WPF controls come with built-in drag and drop support. The suite also provides a DragDropManager which easily integrates within your solution to implement any drag and drop scenario.


[b] Only for V.I.P
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