Telerik UI for WinForms R2 2017 SP1 (version 2017.2.613) Retail » Developer.Team

Telerik UI for WinForms R2 2017 SP1 (version 2017.2.613) Retail

Telerik UI for WinForms R2 2017 SP1 (version 2017.2.613) Retail
Telerik UI for WinForms R2 2017 SP1 (version 2017.2.613) Retail | 128 Mb

Telerik UI for WinForms includes more than 90 user interface controls you can use to fulfill the most demanding desktop or tablet application requirements. All-way customizable GridView, Form, Chart, Scheduler, RichTextBox and other essential controls enable you to build any Line of Business or Modern application in less time while staying under budget.

All Telerik Windows Forms controls come with full theme support. You can use any of the 19 included themes (Windows 8, Office 2013, Visual Studio 2012), or build new ones with the intuitive and unique Visual Style Builder tool. The built-in themes help you effortlessly deliver sleek and consistent, next-generation user experiences across your desktop and tablet applications.

Despite having animations and rich visual effects, Telerik UI for WinForms controls feature excellent performance aimed at helping developers like you improve your productivity and deliver better and faster applications in less time.
UI for WinForms enables easy development of complex, high-performing apps by:

Minimizing the amount of required repainting and layout rearrangements
Empowering all data controls with a data engine guaranteeing blazing-fast data loading and updates
Allowing you to exercise fine-grained control over the component's appearance and behavior using simple CSS-like syntax
Setting attractive defaults for controls supplied by the Telerik Presentation Framework
Providing easy integration with CAB and its underlying infrastructure

UI for WinForms R2 2017 SP1 (version 2017.2.613)


    Add search functionality to Column chooser.
    Functionality to control the sort order of the pinned rows within the pinned container.


    New row with predefined values is not added to grid.
    Duplicated rows after searching and Excel-like filter is applied.
    Resetting the ListSource used by RadGridView should clear the pinned rows collection.
    If the Excel file has an already existing sheet exception in the SpreadExportRenderer trying to add a new sheet to the document with the same name.
    CustomGrouping event doesn't fire when the EnableCustomGrouping property is set to true.
    Exception when the grid is not visible and the DPI scaling is larger than 100%.
    ArgumentOutOfRangeException when dropping the header cell in the group panel and searching is performed.
    Decimal values are not exported when using GroupViewDefinition and currency format.
    Incorrect default value attributes for the GridViewDataColumn.FormatInfo, GridViewDateTimeColumn.Format and back colors properties in the BaseFormattingObject class.
    The column`s width is not calculated correctly when its best fitted on high DPI.
    The CopyingCellClipboardContent event is not fired when one presses Ctrl +C.
    Exception when loading the layout on Windows 7 with HDPI.
    Changing the operator of an IsNull or IsNotNull filter to Equals should remove the filter from the grid.
    Filter is not removed after toggling the state of the header check box.
    The custom filter dialog should show the header text instead the field name (in the DataFilter node).
    Filtering doesn't work in self-reference hierarchy and GridViewDateTimeColumn.FilteringMode set to Date.
    The ValueChanging event of the editor elements in the grid should provide the old value as an argument.
    Improved performance when hiding/showing a column in virtual mode and AutoSizeRows is enabled.


    The Save/Load layout engine is localizing the aggregate functions names and it fails to load them.


    There is an extra space under each child view.
    The paging panel is not updated when the RowCount is changed.


    Add an option to control the TextAlignment of the label elements (e.g. for the BarSeries).


    The exported to an image chart`s rectangle is smaller if the control`s ShowLegend property is set to true.
    The bars are not painted correctly when LogarithmicAxis is used and the minimum is close to 0.
    Overflow exception when using pie chart wit zero values and custom palette.


    Selected cells are cleared when you click the row header to select the entire row.
    Selected cells are cleared when you click the column header to select the entire column.


    Add CommandBarMaskedEditBox to the predefined elements.


    Support in KML reader for icons stored locally.
    Add the CanvasDark, CanvasLight and CanvasGray views of the Bing Maps REST service.


    Incorrect initial text position when standard mask is used and the control has an increased font.


    Incorrect visual selected state for two menu items.


    Incorrect position when showing and an auto-hide window is displayed.


    Showing a RadMessageBox in the DropDownClosed event prevents the popup from closing.


    Drop hint is missing in VisualStudio2012Light.


    The layout is not restored correctly when using tabbed groups.
    Controls are distorted and appear outside the window when scrolling on a Windows 10/ Windows 8.1 machine.


    Exception in the Caret class when you start editing an already added comment.


    Improve the spell checking dialog so that one can type a custom entry to correct a misspelled word.


    Has incorrect style when its theme is applied in the Form.Load event.


    Maximized MDI child form reappears in a parent RadRibbonBar form as non-maximized.


    MDI control box does not appear when MDI child forms are hidden instead of closed.
    When the AutoScroll property is set to true and a row (in RadGridView) which bounds exceeds the form size is selected, the RadForm is scrolled to the bottom without updating the scrollbar.
    Inherited form doesn't consider the BackColor of its parent.
    Visual glitches in the scrollbars if the AutoScroll property is set to true and the form is added as an MDI child.
    The text in title bar is bold and blurry.
    Does not receive the correct message when running on a primary 4K screen with high DPI.


    Floating windows cannot be resized.
    The auto hide popup is opened when loading layout with auto hidden windows.
    ToolWindow constantly increases its size when undocking and docking again.


    The image shape used to indicate the selected RadPageViewStripItem is stretched when the control is in BackStageView and with TelerikMetro theme.
    SelectedPageChanging/SelectedPageChanged events are fired multiple times on high DPI.
    Incorrect layout when a new page is added with StripViewItemFitMode.MultiLine and the new page is selected.


    One should be able to disable the mouse wheel without custom input handler.
    The SelectionColor is not rendered correctly.


    Add render started and render completed events for the pages in RadPdfViewer.


    Drag and drop does not work when the tree is bound to self relating data.


    Next control is activated when a mnemonic key is pressed without pressing Alt.


    Missing cells borders in DayView when changing the RulerPrimitive.RangeFactor property.
    SchedulerDailyPrintStyle and SchedulerWeeklyCalendarPrintStyle assign incorrect date to all of the print cell elements which are being created.
    Entity Framework business object – not saving appointment upon call to SaveChanges().
    Changes are not stored to database.
    Allow the GroupSeparatorWidth property of the view to be set to 0.
    Resizing appointments in right to left mode works in reversed  direction.
    Improve scrolling performance when a big range is set to SchedulerTimelineView and the time scale is one minute.


    DayViewAllDayHeader property DragDropBehavior is obsolete. Use the DragDropBehavior property of RadScheduler instead.
    DayViewAllDayHeader method GetAppointmentElements is obsolete. Use the AppointmentElements property instead.
    DayViewAllDayHeader method GetCells is obsolete. Use the CellElements property instead.
    DayViewAllDayHeader method GetSelectedAppointmentis obsolete. Use the Scheduler.SelectionBehavior.SelectedAppointment property instead.
    DayViewAllDayHeader property ResizeBehavior is obsolete. Use the Scheduler.ResizeBehavior property instead.
    DayViewAllDayHeader method SelectAppointment is obsolete. Use the RadScheduler.SelectionBehavior.SelectAppointment method instead.
    DayViewAllDayHeader method SelectCell is obsolete. Use the Scheduler.SelectionBehavior.SelectCell method instead.
    DayViewAppointmentsTable property DragDropBehavior is obsolete. Use the DragDropBehavior property of RadScheduler instead.
    DayViewAppointmentsTable method GetAppointmentElements is obsolete. Use the AppointmentElements property instead.
    DayViewAppointmentsTable property GetCells is obsolete. Use the CellElements property instead.
    DayViewAppointmentsTable property GetSelectedAppointment is obsolete. Use the Scheduler.SelectionBehavior.SelectedAppointment property instead.
    DayViewAppointmentsTable method GetSelectedAppointments is obsolete. Use the RadScheduler.SelectionBehavior.SelectAppointment method instead.
    DayViewAppointmentsTable method RefreshElements is obsolete. Use the InitializeChildren method instead. 
    DayViewAppointmentsTable property ResizeBehavior is obsolete. Use the ResizeBehavior property of RadScheduler instead.
    DayViewAppointmentsTable method SelectAppointment is obsolete. Use the RadScheduler.SelectionBehavior.SelectAppointment method instead. 
    DayViewAppointmentsTable method SelectCell is obsolete. Use the Scheduler.SelectionBehavior.SelectCell method instead.
    DayViewHeader method GetCells is obsolete. Use the CellElements property instead.
    MonthViewAreaElement property DragDropBehavior is obsolete. Use the DragDropBehavior property of RadScheduler instead.
    MonthViewAreaElement method GetAppointmentElements is obsolete. Use the AppointmentElements property instead."  
    MonthViewAreaElement method GetCells is obsolete. Use the CellElements property instead.
    MonthViewAreaElement method GetDaysCount is obsolete. Use GetMonthView().WeekDaysCount property instead.
    MonthViewAreaElement method GetSelectedAppointment is obsolete. Use the Scheduler.SelectionBehavior.SelectedAppointment property instead.
    MonthViewAreaElement method GetSelectedCells is obsolete. Use the Scheduler.SelectionBehavior's SelectionStartDate and SelectionEndDate properties instead.
    MonthViewAreaElement method HandleViewOffset is obsolete. Use the NavigateForward and NavigateBackward methods.
    MonthViewAreaElement property ResetSelection is obsolete. Use the Scheduler.ResizeBehavior property instead.
    MonthViewAreaElement property ResizeBehavior is obsolete. Use the Scheduler.ResizeBehavior property instead.
    MonthViewAreaElement method SelectCells is obsolete. Use the Scheduler.SelectionBehavior's SelectDateRange method instead.
    MonthViewHeader property GetCells is obsolete. Use the CellElements property instead.
    MonthViewVerticalHeader property GetCells is obsolete. Use the CellElements property instead.
    RadScheduler event ContextMenuShowing is obsolete. Use ContextMenuOpening instead.
    RadScheduler property DropDownMenu is obsolete. Use RadContextMenu instead. 
    RadSchedulerElement property AppointmentShadowShape is obsolete. The shape of the shadow follows the shape of the appointment element.
    RadSchedulerElement property AppointmentStatusShape is obsolete. The shape of the status follows the shape of the appointment element.
    RadSchedulerElement property BackwardsNavigator is obsolete. Use the BackwardNavigator property of the ViewElement instead.
    RadSchedulerElement event CallViewChanged is obsolete. The collection argument in not needed. Please use the overload with a single argument.
    RadSchedulerElement method ForwardNavigator is obsolete. Use the ForwardNavigator property of the ViewElement instead.
    RadSchedulerElement method Refresh is obsolete. Use the RefreshViewElement method instead.
    SchedulerContextMenuShowingEventArgs is obsolete. Use ContextMenuOpeningEventArgs instead.
    SchedulerDailyPrintStyle method DrawCells is obsolete. Use the DrawCells overload acceptiong an additional DateTime parameter.
    SchedulerDayViewBase property RulerTimeFormat is obsolete. Use the RulerFormatStrings property to set the time format on the ruler scale.
    SchedulerDayViewElement property DragDropBehavior is obsolete. Use the DragDropBehavior property of RadScheduler instead.
    SchedulerDayViewGroupedByResourceElement method GetDayViewElements is obsolete. Use the GetChildViewElements method instead.
    SchedulerDayViewGroupedByResourceElement method GetSelectedCells is obsolete. Use the Scheduler.SelectionBehavior's SelectionStartDate and SelectionEndDate properties instead.
    SchedulerDayViewGroupedByResourceElement property HscrollBar is obsolete. Use the ResourceScrollBar property instead.
    SchedulerMonthViewGroupedByResourceElement method GetAllCells is obsolete. Use the GetChildViewElements to get the child month views, then for each of them use MonthViewAreaElement.CellElements to get the header cells.
    SchedulerMonthViewGroupedByResourceElement method GetAllHeaderCells is obsolete. Use the GetChildViewElements to get the child month views, then for each of them use Header.CellElements to get the header cells.
    SchedulerMonthViewGroupedByResourceElement method GetMonthViewElements is obsolete. Use the GetChildViewElements method instead.
    SchedulerMonthViewGroupedByResourceElement method GetSelectedAppointmentElement is obsolete. Use the Scheduler.SelectionBehavior.SelectAppointment method.
    SchedulerMonthViewGroupedByResourceElement method GetSelectedCells is obsolete. Use the Scheduler.SelectionBehavior's SelectionStartDate and SelectionEndDate properties instead.
    SchedulerMonthViewGroupedByResourceElement property HscrollBar is obsolete. Use the ResourceScrollBar property instead.
    SchedulerMonthViewGroupedByResourceElement method ResetAppointmentsSelection is obsolete. Use the SelectionBehavior of RadScheduler instead.
    SchedulerMonthViewGroupedByResourceElement method ResetCellsSelection is obsolete. Use the Scheduler.SelectionBehavior.ResetAppointmentSelection method instead. 
    SchedulerMonthViewGroupedByResourceElement method SelectAppointment is obsolete. Use the RadScheduler.SelectionBehavior.SelectAppointment method instead.
    SchedulerMonthViewGroupedByResourceElement method SelectCell is obsolete. Use the Scheduler.SelectionBehavior.SelectCell method instead.
    SchedulerUIHelper method CreateTemporaryAppointment is obsolete. Use the CreateTemporaryAppointment method of RadScheduler.ViewElement instead.
    SchedulerUIHelper method DeleteSelectedAppointment is obsolete. Use the InputBehavior of RadScheduler instead. 
    SchedulerUIHelper method GetAppointmentElements is obsolete. Use the AppointmentElements property instead.
    SchedulerUIHelper method GetSelectedAppointment is obsolete. Use the Scheduler.SelectionBehavior.SelectedAppointment property instead.
    SchedulerUIHelper method GetSelectedCells is obsolete. Use the Scheduler.SelectionBehavior's SelectionStartDate and SelectionEndDate properties instead.
    SchedulerUIHelper method GetSelectedDates is obsolete. Use the SelectionBehavior of RadScheduler instead.
    SchedulerUIHelper method ResetAppointmentsSelection is obsolete. Use the SelectionBehavior of RadScheduler instead.
    SchedulerUIHelper method ResetCellsSelection is obsolete. Use the Scheduler.SelectionBehavior.ResetAppointmentSelection method instead. 
    SchedulerUIHelper method SelectAppointment is obsolete. Use the RadScheduler.SelectionBehavior.SelectAppointment method instead. 
    SchedulerUIHelper method SelectAppointmentInDayViewElement is obsolete. Use the SelectionBehavior of RadScheduler instead.
    SchedulerUIHelper method SelectAppointmentInMonthView is obsolete. Use the SelectionBehavior of RadScheduler instead.
    SchedulerUIHelper method SelectAppointmentInTimelineView is obsolete. Use the SelectionBehavior of RadScheduler instead.
    SchedulerUIHelper property SelectDate is obsolete. Use the SelectionBehavior of RadScheduler instead.
    SchedulerUIHelper property SelectDates is obsolete. Use the SelectionBehavior of RadScheduler instead.
    SchedulerView property HeaderFormat is obsolete. Use the HeaderFormat property of RadScheduler instead.
    TimelineAppointmentsPresenter method DragDropBehavior is obsolete. Use the DragDropBehavior property of RadScheduler instead.
    TimelineAppointmentsPresenter method GetAppointmentElements is obsolete. Use the AppointmentElements property instead.
    TimelineAppointmentsPresenter method GetCells is obsolete. Use the CellElements property instead.
    TimelineAppointmentsPresenter method GetSelectedCells is obsolete. Use the Scheduler.SelectionBehavior's SelectionStartDate and SelectionEndDate properties instead.
    TimelineAppointmentsPresenter method RefreshAppointments is obsolete. Use the InitializeAppointments method instead.
    TimelineAppointmentsPresenter method ResetSelection is obsolete. Use the ResetSelection method of RadScheduler.SelectionBehavior.
    TimelineAppointmentsPresenter method ResizeBehavior is obsolete. Use the Scheduler.ResizeBehavior property instead.
    TimelineAppointmentsPresenter method Select is obsolete. Use the Scheduler.SelectionBehavior's SelectDateRange method instead.
    TimelineAppointmentsPresenter method SelectAppointment is obsolete. Use the ResetSelection method of RadScheduler.SelectionBehavior.
    TimelineAppointmentsPresenter method SelectAppointment is obsolete. Use the ResetSelection method of RadScheduler.SelectionBehavior.
    TimelineAppointmentsPresenter property SelectedDates is obsolete. Use the SelectionStartDate and SelectionEndDate properties of RadScheduler.SelectionBehavior.
    TimelineGroupingByResourcesElement property CurrentResourceIndex is obsolete. Use the ResourceScrollBar property instead.
    TimelineGroupingByResourcesElement method GetSelectionInterval is obsolete. Use the Scheduler.SelectionBehavior.SelectionStartDate and Scheduler.SelectionBehavior.SelectionEndDate.
    TimelineGroupingByResourcesElement method GetTimelineElements is obsolete. Use the GetChildViewElements method instead.
    TimelineGroupingByResourcesElement method ResetAppointmentsSelection is obsolete. Use the Scheduler.SelectionBehavior.ResetAppointmentSelection method instead.
    TimelineGroupingByResourcesElement method ResetCellsSelection is obsolete. Use the Scheduler.SelectionBehavior.ResetAppointmentSelection method instead.
    TimelineGroupingByResourcesElement method SelectCell is obsolete. Use the Scheduler.SelectionBehavior.SelectCell method instead.
    TimelineGroupingByResourcesElement method UnselectCell is obsolete. Use the Scheduler.SelectionBehavior.SelectCell method instead.
    TimelineGroupingByResourcesElement property VScrollBar is obsolete. Use the ResourceScrollBar property instead.
    TimelineHeader property FocusedDate is obsolete. Use the StartDate property of the active view.


    Expose the CreateRenderer event of the inner chart.


    Series border color is not synced with the border color of the associated series if it is explicitly set.


    Add null value support for PropertyGridSpinEditor.


    Exception when RadPropertyStore array is assigned to the SelectedObjects property.


    The PKCS#1 signature handler always determine the document as modified.

    Widget annotations cannot be printed when the PDF is exported with PdfProcessing.

Only for V.I.P
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