Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC R2 2017 SP1 (2017.2.621) » Developer.Team

Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC R2 2017 SP1 (2017.2.621)

Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC R2 2017 SP1 (2017.2.621)
Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC R2 2017 SP1 (2017.2.621) | 82 Mb

Enjoy components for every need: navigation and layout, data management and visualization, editing, interactivity and more. In our 11 years of aggressive product development including 3 major and up to 6 minor releases per year we have implemented, tested and optimized over 4,000 features in Telerik ASP.NET controls.

Complete Set of Features and Controls
Enjoy components for every need: navigation and layout, data management and visualization, editing, interactivity and more. In our 11 years of aggressive product development including 3 major and up to 6 minor releases per year we have implemented, tested and optimized over 4,000 features in Telerik ASP.NET controls.

Mobile Support and Responsiveness
No need to build a mobile version of your project since the web sites and apps built with Telerik ASP.NET controls work equally well on desktop and mobile devices.

Use the Page Layout Framework to build responsive ASP.NET applications
Leverage the adaptive, fluid, elastic and responsive capabilities featured in most controls to offer user experiences tailored to each end-user's device
Gain productivity since touch events are handled in the same manner as those triggered by a keyboard or a mouse
Get a better user experience with the two mobile skins especially designed for touch devices that come included in the suite

20 Built-In Professional Grade Skins
Give your applications a sleek, professional look by setting a single property. By applying one of the 20 professionally-designed skins that come with Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX, including two engineered with mobile devices in mind, you save design and front-end development time. No need to be a CSS wizard to create or customize the Telerik skins with our web-based Visual Style Builder.

Exceptional Performance and User Experience

We constantly optimize the performance of UI for ASP.NET AJAX to meet your end users expectations. This is why the controls:

Produce minimal and clean HTML and CSS
Minimize j@vascript by loading only whats needed
Reduce postbacks for a better user experience
Compress data transferred between browser and server (Pages, j@vascript, ViewState, JSON data, etc.)
Use built-in CDN support and CSS sprites to deliver content faster to end-users (Telerik covers all CDN costs for you)
Minimize memory usage and have robust code, free from memory leak

UI for ASP.NET MVC R2 2017 SP1

All components

    Kendo UI Scaffolder should use a new VS 2017 extensibility format


    fix: Wrong color in the grid column menu
    DropDowns Popup appears in wrong position in IE in RTL mode when the page is scrolled miss 'edge' and 'mozilla' flags in TypeScript definitions
    support.placeholder misspelled in TypeScript definitions
    keys.NUMPAD_DOT missing in TypeScript definitions
    clearFileByUid typescript definition typescript definition is missing edge as an option
    Widget does not position popup element correctly in Windows 8 (touch enabled device)


    The selectedDataItems method returns always only the last selected item
    Incorrect dropdown position when the page is scrolled (IE) and rtl is enabled
    AutoWidth option not working as expected in some cases


    getAxis does not return axis in a custom visual handler during the initial rendering.
    Grouped Line Chart data disappears from 2017 R1
    Justified category axis could lead to missing dataItem in point tooltip template
    Line chart with invisible points fails to render
    Pie chart hangs browser on some values
    Hiding yAxis is leaving redundant addittional space in Chart
    JS error when clicking the first legend item in a grouped donut chart
    Toggling visibility of line series combined with 100% stacked bar series makes a flickering
    Grouped series are not shown after hiding the first series and changing the data source
    Series highlighting from legend should be consistent for overlapping line series with manual and default zIndex
    Radar chart is not properly resized


    Top group header stays displayed, even when there are not matches.
    Loader is displayed in DropDownList/ComboBox when remote request is prevented on requestStart
    Cannot select Item with value 0 in ComboBox and DropdownList
    Mouse cursor automatically moved at the end of the text in the ComboBox input
    Incorrect dropdown position when the page is scrolled (IE) and rtl is enabled
    AutoWidth option not working as expected in some cases
    Dropdown height is incorrect when there is h* element in HeaderTemplate
    Widget doesn't keep caret position on typing


    Disabled DateInput should not have hover style


    Maximum call stack size exceeded if en-US culture is used with DatePicker
    Kendo UI DatePicker and DateTimePicker MVVM initialization ignores data-week-number option


    Invalid state styles for DateTimePicker integrated with DateInput


    Maximum call stack size exceeded if en-US culture is used with DatePicker
    Kendo UI DatePicker and DateTimePicker MVVM initialization ignores data-week-number option


    Style the Diagram with SASS-based themes


    grid widget extension — drawDOM / pdf.saveAs — headers do not repeat when repeatHeaders true
    Path is not drawn correctly by Drawing API


    Loader is displayed in DropDownList/ComboBox when remote request is prevented on requestStart
    Cannot select Item with value 0 in ComboBox and DropdownList
    Filtering closes the keyboard in Android
    Incorrect dropdown position when the page is scrolled (IE) and rtl is enabled
    AutoWidth option not working as expected in some cases
    Dropdown height is incorrect when there is h* element in HeaderTemplate


    Allow customization of the columns of color picker tools' palette
    When the selection is in the begging of a non first list item and backspace is clicked, its content should be moved to the the previous one.


    Bullet list wrong cursor position after deletion


    Gantt always escapes HTML elements passed as part of its Header Templates


    Multiple and Range selection with the Keyboard
    Implement selection checkbox column for grid widget
    Alternative UI for column sorting


    When the Grid is with persistSelection the selectedKeyNames method will still return the selected IDs after the clearSelection metho is used.
    Wrong color in the grid column menu
    The DropDown used for chaning the Grid current page, is not closing on mobile devices when clicking outside of it.


    HierarchicalDataSource filter not working with serverFiltering true
    "Maximum call stack size exceeded" error thrown by the HierarchicalDataSource


    Disabled MaskedTextbox should not have hover style


    Kendo Menu k-state-focused bug


    Incorrect dropdown position when the page is scrolled (IE) and rtl is enabled
    AutoWidth option not working as expected in some cases
    Dropdown height is incorrect when there is h* element in HeaderTemplate


    NumericTextBox does not allow currency character to be pasted together with the numeric value


    feat(pager): hide page list when clicking outside of it


    The DropDown used for chaning the Grid current page, is not closing on mobile devices when clicking outside of it.


    PivotGrid renders some footer values as member values after collapse


    The view() method is documented as void, but it returns an object


    Data Validation dialog of the Spreadsheet needs labels / aria-labels to be associated with its input fields and drop-downs
    Insert hyperlink dialog of the Spreadsheet needs a label / aria-label to be associated with its input field
    "Add to current selection" filter option doesn't work in case there is a filter already applied


    Spreadsheet destroy method does not terminate the widget completely.
    Change the icon of the Export button
    Missing Spreadsheet toolbar buttons localization
    Undo is not triggering the change event
    resize method does not resize the toolbar
    Cannot choose from all items when filtering is applied once

ThemeBuilder SASS

    Theme Builder - show/hide preview components Improvements 


    Kendo Preview: Charts' appearance and preview layout issues


    Invalid state styles for TimePicker integrated with DateInput


    TimePicker does not preserve the new value when dateInput is enabled


    Toolbar's overflow button in RTL mode scrolls page to top under IE


    TreeList column attributes are not applied in edit mode.


    Correct insertAfter and insertBefore return value in API
    TreeView should mark all non-selected nodes with aria-selected false attribute


    Upload widget with custom template can never retry an upload


    Focusing a textbox nested in Window does not highlight its text
    Incorrect navigation with Tab in Window
    k-window-content box-sizing changed between 2017 R1 and R2
    Window resizing does not work correctly when the widget is pinned and the page is scrolled
    Resizing doesn't work properly when Window is appended
    The pin/unpin icons are swapped in Window component

Wrappers (ASP.NET MVC): TabStrip

    TabStrip wrapper always renders an anchor element even if the tab's URL is not set 

Only for V.I.P
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