Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core R1 2018 (2018.1.117) Commercial » Developer.Team

Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core R1 2018 (2018.1.117) Commercial

Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core R1 2018 (2018.1.117) Commercial
Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core R1 2018 (2018.1.117) Commercial

ASP.NET Core MVC is a complete rewrite of the .NET framework, delivering exciting changes and expanding the reach of .NET apps. Here’s some of what’s new:

.NET Core and Visual Studio Code enable you to develop and deploy apps on any OS—Windows, Linux or Mac
Tag Helpers provide easier views creation and UI definition
Nuget, Bower and Gulp package managers and automation tools boost your productivity
Unified MVC and Web API programming model simplifies development

As usual, we at Progress strive to deliver tools leveraging the latest technologies, so that your apps are always modern. This is why we were the first vendor to deliver official ASP.NET Core MVC support in their UI components. Read on to see how Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC leverages ASP.NET Core MVC features to speed up your development.

ASP.NET Core is now live and developers around the globe are highly excited to give it a spin. Now that it's released, more and more developers are about to start new or to migrate existing apps onto it. This means the need for beautiful and high quality UI components that run on the new Microsoft framework is increasingly vital.

What’s new in the Kendo UI MVC wrappers for ASP.NET Core?

Tag Helpers—we are following the ASP.NET Core specification and we have included Tag Helpers for some of the popular components: NumericTextBox, Button, Window, DatePicker and TimePicker. We plan to add more tag helpers in the next releases, but it will be awesome if you share feedback on exactly which components you'd like to define and configure through Tag Helpers.
New VS template—You can now use the new Telerik template to quickly setup and create a project for ASP.NET Core.
GitHub Demo app—The demo app is now obsolete and will be replaced by a brand new demo app for ASP.NET Core in the R3'16 release.

Cross-Platform Development and UI for ASP.NET MVC

Probably the most significant feature of ASP.NET Core MVC is the introduction of the new light and modular .NET Core runtime, which is OS-neutral. For the first time in .NET history, you can build applications and deploy them on Windows, Linux and Mac OSX devices. And on top of all that, it’s an open source solution so it’s free!

UI for ASP.NET MVC fully supports the .NET Core runtime, and helps you build beautiful responsive web experiences crossing the boundaries of the Windows world.

Visual Studio Code and UI for ASP.NET MVC

With ASP.NET Core MVC comes Visual Studio Code, a lightweight version of Visual Studio that can be used across platforms—Windows, Linux and Mac OSX. It blends a rich UI code editor with code assistance and navigation, along with integrated debugging experience.

UI for ASP.NET MVC integrates naturally with Visual Studio Code, making ASP.NET Core MVC app development a breeze on any platform.

Tag Helpers and UI for ASP.NET MVC

Tag Helpers are the new HTML-friendly way to create views and define UI in ASP.NET MVC applications. They are recommended as the better alternative to traditional MVC HTML helpers, while still allowing you to extend the elements with server MVC functionality. Tag Helpers are also much more “understandable” to front end developers and designers.

We are proud to announce that Telerik Tag Helpers are now available as part of our UI for ASP.NET MVC and include six of the most popular Kendo UI widgets: DatePicker, TimePicker, DataTimePicker, Button, Window and NumericTextBox.

Nuget, Bower and UI for ASP.NET MVC
Nuget and Bower

Popular package management and task automation solutions such as NuGet, Bower and Gulp are made first class citizens in ASP.NET Core MVC. That means every web developer can use Bower for client packages, NuGet for server packages and Grunt/Gulp for compilation, minification, etc., when building web apps.

UI for ASP.NET MVC takes advantage of these tools by providing a Bower feed for its client scripts, and a NuGet feed, hosted on our NuGet server, for its server wrappers implementation (see this help topic for details). Furthermore, you can build a custom script from the source using Grunt by following these steps.

Unified MVC and Web API Programming Model and UI for ASP.NET MVC

A prominent change in ASP.NET Core MVC is the unification and combination of MVC, Web API and Web Pages in a single programming model, which removes the overlap between the three separate frameworks. Moreover, the MVC and Web API controllers use the same Controller base class and routes.

The Telerik MVC product leverages this merge, which simplifies the development and streamlines the usage of MVC Web API architecture in .NET projects.

UI for ASP.NET Core R1 2018


Fix material design textbox height for Firefox


Add method overload with string to the MultiSelect DataSource option in ASP.NET Core
EnforceMinLength option is not available in ASP.NET MVC and Core wrappers

PDF Export

e.matches error with PDF Export


Iframe content is not focused with Tab when initialized in a modal Window
Br tags are not preserved as new lines when Editor's pasteCleanup keepNewLines is set to true


EnforceMinLength option is not available in ASP.NET MVC and Core wrappers
ComboBox Tag Helper


values are not selected with virtualization and autoBind: "false"
Change and Deselect events should be triggered once when the Clear button of the MultiSelect is clicked and t here are multiple items selected.
MultiSelect value cannot be cleared programmatically if an item is selected after filtering the data
Unable to delete selected MultiSelect items when autoClose is true and filtering is applied
Token with string empty for dataTextField are not displayed correctly in MultiSelect
Clear Button in MultiSelect and ComboBox is displayed, even if there is no selected item (nothing to clear)
Pressing Ctrl+A does not deselect all items, when they are already selected.


Chart Tag Helper


legend item hover results in error for line series and log axis when there are not positive points
Highlight overlays other bubbles


Inconsistent margin-left values of the Menu's dropdown arrows


Content within an item is not showing in Menu and ContextMenu


Part of the offLabel is visible when the switch is checked


Inconsistent items selection when ComboBox suggest property is true and filtering is applied
ComboBox cascadeFromField does not allow cascade from a field not set as dataValueField
k-state-selected class not applied to selected item in ComboBox/DropDownList if minLength is set
ComboBox syncValueAndText set to false is not respected if the custom value is selected by pressing Enter
ComboBox change event fires after filtering and selection of a previously selected item
Clear Button in MultiSelect and ComboBox is displayed, even if there is no selected item (nothing to clear)
Inconsistent AutoComplete and ComboBox height within ToolBar template in IE
ComboBox does not filter the data based on the text in its input if minLength is not set
Combobox item value is empty when the text contains \r\n and syncValueAndText is false
Focusing the ComboBox with the keyboard and filtering it applies "k-state-focused" class to the wrong item
ComboBox value not retained with syncValueAndText: false
Not fired cascade event, when selection is changed to the already selected item
Virtualized ComboBox throws js error in MVVM scenario.
Cascade event is fired without changing the widget value


Add Draggable container string option


draggable container feature does not work as expected in AngularJS


ListView TagName always renders a div element


The NumericTextBox is not bound to decimal value if the culture is changed to "de-DE"(Chrome, .NET Core)


ColorPicker and ColorPalette Tag Helpers


Draggable, DropTarget and DropTargetArea Tag Helpers


MaskedTextBox Tag Helper


Multi check filter to work with null values
Add iconClass API for Update and Cancel command buttons in grid


An incorrect dataItem is returned when using the built-in checkbox column and endless scrolling.
columns.selectable not working with multiple grids on the same page
Grid editing does not work with nested array column fields
The pager buttons of the Adaptive grid are not visible for Flat theme in IE11
The numeric buttons in the pager of the Adaptive grid are not rendered correctly for some Less themes
The Cancel button icon is missing in the column menu filter UI for the Adaptive grid.
Column menu text is not visible for some themes in the Adaptive grid
The numeric pager field of the Adaptive grid is not positioned correctly for some Less themes
Filtered Grid with enabled Virtual scrolling break the delete functionality with Batch editing
Grid columnMenu filtering throws an exception when a column is filtered two times and the field contains a dot
The last row is not visible when the horizontal scrollbar is shown after column resize.
The columns container in the Grid ColumnMenu is not scrollable with the mousewheel.
Grid filtering will boolean fields is not working as expected when the field is null
MinResizableWidth should be enforced on double click
Grid Pager numbers cover bottom Grid row preventing selection on small screens
Adaptive Grid demo does not show next/prev buttons in IE11
Scrollbar "gap" in Grid header in Bootstrap LESS theme
The clear button in the Adaptive Grid demo is not centered.
The wrong icon is displayed in a boolean column of the adaptive Grid.
Inconsistent bottom border in the grid last row in type-material themes
In the mobile Grid' filter menu, the options AND and OR does not appear as selected(Flat theme).
Grid autoFitColumn fails if columns grouped and expanded
The editing of the virtualized Grid is not working if after filtering the number of items is less then the pageSize.
Grid Dirty span misaligned with column template
Redundant pager buttons in MVC grid
Checkboxes are not aligned to the label in popup edit form.


Tooltip Tag Helper


Decimals are lost in NumericTextBox when culture which decimal mark is coma and factor is used.


The background and the items in the popover navbar have the same color.(Theme office365)


RadialGauge Tag Helper


The disabled icon in the Grid pager with Metro Theme is not visible on hover
Disabled Pager button arrows appearance is changed on hover


QRCode Tag Helper


Update toolbar overflow button icon from arrow to the three-points vertical one


Home/End button do not move caret to the start/end of a textbox inside ToolBar templated item
Disabled ToolBar button in a buttonGroup is hidden
Inconsistent AutoComplete and ComboBox height within ToolBar template in IE
Togglable buttons do not persist their state when put in a split button
ToolBar's open and close events are fired only if a SplitButton popup is expanded/collapsed by clicking on the toggle button


Files with long names selected in the Upload overflow on window resize
Percentage value overlaps the name of the uploaded file on a mobile device


Add method overload with string to the MultiSelect DataSource option in ASP.NET Core
EnforceMinLength option is not available in ASP.NET MVC and Core wrappers


Inconsistency in the border-radius of the calendar container in the Calendar widget and the DatePicker popup in Bootstrap theme
Space key closes pickers popup.
Bottom line of DatePicker is not visible in Safari with some of the skins.


Space key closes pickers popup.


Unexpected focusing of disabled Button initialized from element other than button
Unexpected hover effect over disabled buttons icons in Material themes


Memory Leak in IE11 with kendoWindow, when the widget is opened and closed multiple times
Kendo Window fires close event twice on Esc keydown
Iframe content is not focused with Tab when initialized in a modal Window
The page vertical scrollbar is not restored on closing maximized window


Open, close and refresh causing the dropdown to reopen
ComboBox cascadeFromField does not allow cascade from a field not set as dataValueField
k-state-selected class not applied to selected item in ComboBox/DropDownList if minLength is set
Not fired cascade event, when selection is changed to the already selected item


LinearGauge Tag Helper


Validator Tag Helper


Unexpected TreeView node check/uncheck behavior when nodes or their checkboxes are disabled and checkChildren is true
TreeView disabled nodes can be checked/unchecked
After drag and drop in a TreeView with disabled checkChildren, indeterminate state is applied on a checkbox of parent which holds both checked and unchecked nodes
Disabled TreeView node on click navigates to the url set to the node
Treeview expand/collapse icons are fipped improperly in RTL


Content within an item is not showing in Menu and ContextMenu


EnforceMinLength option is not available in ASP.NET MVC and Core wrappers
AutoComplete Tag Helper


AutoCompleteFor client side validation from DataAnnotations does not work


Grid Tag Helper


Checkbox selection not working with multiple Grids on the page


DataSource Tag Helper
DataSource component should be able to dynamically change and update the widget


Styles of left positioned tabstrip get overridden when nested in tabstrip


Barcode Tag Helper


Improved array formulas support in Spreadsheet
Pressing the arrow keys during editing navigates to neighboring cells


It is possible to clear the value of disabled Spreadsheet cells
Opening an XLSX file in Spreadsheet creates a new input type="file" without removing the mark-up of the previous one
Cell validation button focuses next available cell when there are exactly 2 columns following it
Spreadsheet "No border" button icon missing
Spreadsheet with frozen columns throws js error when there are more than 50 columns and cells are scrolled to the far right-hand side of the sheet
Wrong cursor appearance on hovering spreadsheet's range resize indicator in IE and Edge
Wrong number rounding when cell format is applied to a formula
Spreadsheet active cell drag handle is hidden underneath frozen row/column borders
Spreadsheet is adding underline styles after second server-side import of the same server-side exported file


Selectable true going through dates from the calendar hangs Scheduler
Invalid nodata template is generated when Combobox is loaded in other template


Sortable Tag Helper


Inconsistency in the border-radius of the calendar container in the Calendar widget and the DatePicker popup in Bootstrap theme

All components

Using Vue components in the templates of the Vue wrappers
ObservableArray functions are missing support for thisArg
Unified height of inputs and buttons
Update Angular to version 1.6.6
Update JSZip to version 2.6.1
Update Pako_deflate to version 1.0.6
Update jQuery version to 1.12.4
MultiSelect tag helper
Popup Tag Helper
Slider and RangeSlider Tag Helpers
Add TagHelpers by default with FNP ASP.NET Core


When a ListBox is initialized in a page after a Calendar widget, it breaks the Calendar selection
Wrong semicolon in the styles/common/font-icons.less of RTL expand icon rule
Box-sizing issue in window on mobile
Some theme resources are not found for SASS themes


Inconsistent AutoComplete and ComboBox height within ToolBar template in IE
Widget highlights first item incorrectly


Dialog Tag Helper


Drag and drop of multiple events


Scheduler's refresh button data-name value is "undefined"
Recurrence events are not shown with ShowBusinessHours or startTime set
Scheduler workDayStart and workDayEnd is not displayed for the current day
No indication for event presence on dates after the first one in adaptive Scheduler Month view on mobile phone
TimelineWeek and timelineWorkWeek views are not rendered properly when an event start time is exactly on the business day end time
Only first row receives middle row class
Appointments are not properly positioned in monthview
if workWeekEnd option is set to be greated than 7, the page hangs

Only for V.I.P
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