Telerik UI for JSP R1 2018 SP1 (2018.1.221) Retail » Developer.Team

Telerik UI for JSP R1 2018 SP1 (2018.1.221) Retail

Telerik UI for JSP R1 2018 SP1 (2018.1.221) Retail
Telerik UI for JSP R1 2018 SP1 (2018.1.221) Retail

Telerik UI for JSP includes a Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) framework. It lets you write JSP code to generate widgets that seamlessly integrate with your server-side backend. With MVVM you can manage complex HTML and j@vascript UI with declarative bindings and two-way syncing between views and models. You don’t have to manually keep the view and model in sync; the MVVM framework does it for you.

Client and Server Pieces: Alone or Together
Telerik UI for JSP gives you complete control over the Web and DataViz widgets with complete server-side APIs. The simple API calls are designed to feel natural in server-side languages so you can configure all widget features. The server wrappers output the jР°vascript, which means you have full access to the client-side API for maximum control in the browser.

Seamless UX: Any Browser or Device
We hope that world with only HTML5-enabled browsers will someday become reality. In the meantime, however, you need tools that minimize the pain of supporting outdated browsers while still providing top performance. Telerik UI for JSP uses a variety of tactics to enable some HTML5 features in older browsers, and fine-tuned graceful degradation for others. It is designed to support all major browsers, including: Internet Explorer 7+, Firefox ESR, Chrome, Safari 5+, and Opera 11+.

Complete Framework for Enterprise Apps
Telerik UI for JSP is a complete web development framework for building modern HTML5 applications. It includes a suite of 40+ jQuery-based UI widgets that come with JSP server wrappers, an MVVM framework, customizable themes, templates, and more. Build rich, modern enterprise-grade web applications in your preferred server-side language.

Responsive Design for Enterprise Apps
End-users are increasingly transitioning between laptops, tablets and smartphones. As a Java developer, this means that you must make sure that the websites and apps you build seamlessly adapt to accommodate a multitude of screens. “Responsive Web Design” (RWD) is about being device agnostic and building flexible apps–with flexible UI–that look like they were tailor-made for every device. Telerik UI for JSP delivers a complete, responsive experience, bringing you the features you need to create responsive UI for your modern enterprise Java applications.

Ready for Touch - and Enterprise
Out-of-the-box, enterprise-ready Telerik UI for JSP is ready for touch. The 40+ UI widgets provide full support for touchscreen devices, such as the iPad, iPhone, and Android devices. Your Java application will function on a wide array of devices with varying input options. Even the drag and drop framework is touch-enabled, eliminating the need for you to duplicate code just to handle mouse and touchscreen inputs.

Pixel-Perfect Themes for Enterprise Apps
Telerik UI for JSP widgets support themes and styling via CSS. The framework includes 11 enterprise-ready out-of-the-box themes: Black, Blue Opal, Default, Metro, Metro Black, Silver, Bootrap, Uniform, High Contrast, Moonlight, and Flat UI. Our themes are created by our team of professional designers, so your enterprise applications are stunning by default. The themes combined with the rich functionality in all JSP UI widgets are the fastest way to build professional, intuitive interfaces without the need for CSS expertise. The themes also help you style normal HTML elements, like buttons and inputs, so all elements on your page look consistent. Just use the basic CSS class names included in Telerik UI for JSP and apply a professional CSS theme to your entire page.

UI Widgets With JSP Server Wrappers
Get all the richness and performance of HTML5 with the power of the server. The 70+ widgets in Telerik UI for JSP are jQuery-based and 40+ of them come with server-side wrappers. You can use JavaServer Pages (JSP) to build modern HTML5 web apps. Just use the wrappers as you code, and they’ll take care of rendering the HTML and j@vascript you need.

High-Performance JSP Enterprise Applications
Every aspect of Telerik UI for JSP has been built from the ground-up to deliver maximum performance in your enterprise application. Generating HTML and j@vascript from the lightning-fast JSP wrappers is only the beginning. With a lightweight, built-in templating library, and optimized animations that leverage CSS3 hardware acceleration (when available), Telerik UI for JSP ensures client-side UIs with peak performance.

UI for JSP R1 2018 SP1


DropDownList: cannot set autoWidth in html
AutoWidth is not applied when clearing manually in ComboBox and AutoComplete
Wrong position of clear button on AutoComplete, ComboBox and MultiSelect in RTL in IE
AutoComplete's dropdown is not properly resized when noDataTemplate is initially shown and the AutoWidth functionality is enabled.


Button keeps active state if pressing Enter to trigger click and changing focus inside click event handler


Badge method should return the value set for a certain button


The Calendar selectDates method should clear the selected dates when an empty array is passed.


Chart plotArea method should return ChartPlotArea in typescript


Screen Readers does not read value changed via keyboard when popup is closed


Filter is not cleared upon blur after selecting the value of the input
DataSource Read is forced on select event of cascading comboboxes
ComboBox and DropDownList Change event doesn't trigger with the Kendo UI 2018 R1 release
DropDownList: cannot set autoWidth in html
AutoWidth is not applied when clearing manually in ComboBox and AutoComplete
Wrong position of clear button on AutoComplete, ComboBox and MultiSelect in RTL in IE
ValueMapper function gets called unexpectedly when ComboBox has initially selected value and the user changes the selection to one of the next items
Selecting item with virtual scrolling looses the actual item in Firefox


feat: add IsNullOrEmpty and IsNotNullOrEmpty filter operators


TypeScript: Missing inPlaceSort property for the DataSource in the definitions


Dialog content is trimmed, if it exceeds dialog dimensions
Unexpected Dialog buttons left alignment when buttonLayout is set to normal
Action buttons in Dialog are not expanded to the entire width when buttons' layout is stretched
Long Dialog title issues
Wrong Dialog height, if height property is set to a small value, e.g. 150px
Dialog title text falls on a second row in Office 365 and Nova themes
Missing Dialog buttons rounded corners in RTL with HighContrast Theme


Screen Readers does not read value changed via keyboard when popup is closed


DataSource TypeScript group option should accept any parameter
ComboBox and DropDownList Change event doesn't trigger with the Kendo UI 2018 R1 release
OptionLabel is not selected when selecting a value that does not exist
DropDownList: cannot set autoWidth in html


Editor adds new lines within comment blocks after viewing the HTML and clicking Update
Empty hyperlink is inserted when pressing enter at the beginning of link
Missing styles for table in inline Editor
There are additional borders after adding tools in Editor that are hidden in specific scenarios
Unexpected buttons hiding on clicking Editor's content in SASS themes
Inline Editor toolbar buttons are not visible with Nova theme


feat: add IsNullOrEmpty and IsNotNullOrEmpty filter operators


Gantt Task edit dialog appearance issues in RTL


Extend TypeScript definition of GridColumn command
Grid does not persist selection after cancelling popup editing
Grid does not show data if pager option 'All' is selected
Dropdowns in Grid filter menu are not closed on devices with touch and mouse
Kendo Grid data not refresh after Menu Filter clear
Grid pageSize(All) not persisting after adding a new record
Validation tooltip visible with correct data in the Grid
Grid editing form doesn't close with filtered data containing only 1 item
Styled checkbox not clickable in Grid Batch edit mode


ListView drag events could not be detected on Windows device with capactive touch screen in IE and Edge browsers.


fullScreen property of the MediaPlayer doesn't work
MediaPlayer TypeScript functions have Void as a return


MultiSelect throws an error for initially selected items with autoBind: "false" and grouping
DropDownList: cannot set autoWidth in html
Wrong position of clear button on AutoComplete, ComboBox and MultiSelect in RTL in IE
All items cannot be selected with keyboard Shift + Arrow key in MultiSelect
Values are not selected with autoBind: "false"


NumericTextBox does not reflect changes applied through setOptions
HTML attributes are cleared from input element on form reset
The NumericTextBox does not allow writing or paste decimals with decimals 0 and restrictDecimals to false.
NumericTextBox without spinners has a gray background


Grid does not show data if pager option 'All' is selected
Grid pageSize(All) not persisting after adding a new record


Spreadsheet's Format dialog content is cut in Nova theme
Broken appearance of Spreadsheet's sheets bar in all themes, when there are scroll buttons


Setting animation to false does not completely disable TabStrip animation in IE and Edge for Material theme


Wrong color of split button arrow by click
Disabled Button in Toolbar should have focus stylization
Cannot toggle checkboxes in ToolBar overflow popup
Disabled ToolBar SplitButton can be opened with the keyboard
Inconsistent filling of the available space on init and on re-size
Inconsistent states appearance of ToolBar buttons


TreeList does not fire expand/collapse events when using keyboard navigation


Update indeterminate state of checkboxes when dataSource is filtered


Disabled anchor in Window prevents Tab navigation to other focusable elements (IE)

Only for V.I.P
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