Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC R2 2018 SP1 (2018.2.620) Retail » Developer.Team

Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC R2 2018 SP1 (2018.2.620) Retail

Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC R2 2018 SP1 (2018.2.620) Retail
Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC R2 2018 SP1 (2018.2.620) Retail

Enjoy components for every need: navigation and layout, data management and visualization, editing, interactivity and more. In our 11 years of aggressive product development including 3 major and up to 6 minor releases per year we have implemented, tested and optimized over 4,000 features in Telerik ASP.NET controls.

Complete Set of Features and Controls
Enjoy components for every need: navigation and layout, data management and visualization, editing, interactivity and more. In our 11 years of aggressive product development including 3 major and up to 6 minor releases per year we have implemented, tested and optimized over 4,000 features in Telerik ASP.NET controls.

Mobile Support and Responsiveness
No need to build a mobile version of your project since the web sites and apps built with Telerik ASP.NET controls work equally well on desktop and mobile devices.

Use the Page Layout Framework to build responsive ASP.NET applications
Leverage the adaptive, fluid, elastic and responsive capabilities featured in most controls to offer user experiences tailored to each end-user's device
Gain productivity since touch events are handled in the same manner as those triggered by a keyboard or a mouse
Get a better user experience with the two mobile skins especially designed for touch devices that come included in the suite

20 Built-In Professional Grade Skins
Give your applications a sleek, professional look by setting a single property. By applying one of the 20 professionally-designed skins that come with Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX, including two engineered with mobile devices in mind, you save design and front-end development time. No need to be a CSS wizard to create or customize the Telerik skins with our web-based Visual Style Builder.

Exceptional Performance and User Experience

We constantly optimize the performance of UI for ASP.NET AJAX to meet your end users expectations. This is why the controls:

Produce minimal and clean HTML and CSS
Minimize j@vascript by loading only whats needed
Reduce postbacks for a better user experience
Compress data transferred between browser and server (Pages, j@vascript, ViewState, JSON data, etc.)
Use built-in CDN support and CSS sprites to deliver content faster to end-users (Telerik covers all CDN costs for you)
Minimize memory usage and have robust code, free from memory leak

UI for ASP.NET MVC R2 2018 SP1

All components

Kendo.Mvc.dll requires System.Web.Mvc.dll version 5.2.6
Remove legacy css from dataviz styles


suite parameter of the widgetInstance method is mandatory in ts definitions
k-ng-model does not update $dirty and $pristine when ng-form directive is used
Inconsistency between custom formatting and standard formatting.


ComboBox clear value button simply resets the combo value to the initial k-ng-model value, when filter is configured
Not working AngularJS two way databinding of RangeSlider


Clear button is displayed when no item is selected


Add iconClass setting


Erroneous calculation in card layout
Messages displayed for wrong Chat user


Input text is not visible in Combobox in Flat theme
Value clearing is not working in scenario with filter and virtualization
Clear button is displayed when no item is selected
ComboBox clear value button simply resets the combo value to the initial k-ng-model value, when filter is configured
Cascading dropdowns tab focus fails


ContextMenu close event fires multiple times


DataSource throws an error when having nested property with null parent object


Setting "dateInput" option programmatically doesn't work


Dialog action callback function is called twice when triggered with Enter key


Setting autoScroll does not work if the container is the body Chrome and Edge
Draggable is not auto-scrolled on MS Edge if all of the area is not visible initially and there is a vertical scrollbar on the page.


When exporting image to PDF with Drawing API an error occur if the mime type is not set correctly.


DropDownTree items are available for removal with the X button when the widget is disabled
Unexpected multiple selected nodes in single selection DropDownTree with filtering
DropDownTree value on change event is not empty, when the event is triggered by clear button or Esc key


Incorrect return type void in typescript definitions for Editor's encodedValue method
Table cells in Editor are not resizable as of R2 2018
Scroll bar is not displayed on entering a new line in br tag mode (Chrome)
jаvascript error is thrown on paste in Internet Explorer
F10 hides the toolbar with inline mode
Underline and BackColor Editor tools remove tags, although custom classes set to tags should prevent removal
Empty tags remain after deleting the Editor's content
Pasting in inline elements trims br tags
Editor messages configuration does not alter the dropdown tools tooltip
Selected content in contentEditable=false elements is cleared on Ctrl+V
Editor Insert Hyperlink dialog allows injecting script


Undesired view navigation on editing a task in the Gantt's treelist when navigatable is set to true


Add formatting functionality to the Tabular PDF export columns


Tabular PDF export not sizing date and number columns
When Virtual scrolling is enabled, PopUp edit window closes on error even after DataBinding event is prevented
The width of a Multiheader column is changed after reordering if the first column in the group is hidden.
Not preserved columns width during column reordering if there is a hidden column.
The Clear filter button fires the filter event multiple times in some scenarios
Grid setDataSource method throws "e.fetch is not a function" error
Aria-describedby attributes of Grid's cells are not assocciated with the correspoding column header.


Radio button 'checked' binding do not work if you set value to null.


Having input in a sub menu item closes the popup on input focus in IE 11 on touch devices


Virtualized widget resets scroll position on deselect


Clear button is displayed when no item is selected
Typing Polish accented "ą" character in the MultiSelect causes all items to get selected
MultiSelect clear button is not rendered when items are selected programmatically
Clearing the MultiSelect's input does not clear the filter
JAWS reader does not announce the label when a MultiSelect is wrapped by a label element
MultiSelect: screen readers announce only one of the selected items


The NumericTextBox is making an AngularJS form dirty on keydown even if the value is not changed.

PDF Export

Add formatting functionality to the Tabular PDF export columns


Tabular PDF export not sizing date and number columns

Radial Gauge

Add pointer.length option


Scheduler does not parse properly the start and end dates in the eventTemplate when Date grouping is used in Month view
Scheduler editor closes automatically on creating an event through the keyboard
Resized event incorrectly displayed in Scheduler's timelineWeek view (showWorkHours: true)


Browser's dragging of the drag handles is not prevented
Not working AngularJS two way databinding of RangeSlider


autoScroll does not work if the container is the body Chrome and Edge


Splitter remove method removes panes from other widget instances


Data is lost after Undo command
Export button causes form submit


TimePicker doesn't show value when re selecting after deleting.


An anchor in custom ToolBar item does not navigate on pressing Enter key


Item does not expand when the item is filtered in loadOnDemand="true" scenario
Vertically not centered TreeView checkboxes
Unexpected page scrolling on pressing Space, when a disabled TreeView node with checkboxes is focused


Async Upload Vue wrapper loses its reference in the this.$refs object after the first successful upload

Wrappers (ASP.NET MVC): ButtonGroup

Add Encoded property of the ButtonGroup items
ButtonGroup BindTo option


Selected and Enabled properties are not available

Wrappers (ASP.NET MVC): Chart

Chart MVC wrapper is missing Line configuration for Waterfall series
Scatter chart not working with Date object and server binding

Wrappers (ASP.NET MVC): ComboBox

ItemHeight does not enable virtualization

Wrappers (ASP.NET MVC): DropDownList

ItemHeight does not enable virtualization

Wrappers (ASP.NET MVC): Grid

Server bound Grid with selection is throwing errors in the console
Server bound MVC Grid displays same values in all columns if using column format

Wrappers (ASP.NET MVC): MultiSelect

ItemHeight does not enable virtualization

Only for V.I.P
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