NFC.NET Library for Android 2.3 Full Source Code

NFC.NET Library for Android 2.3 Full Source Code
.NET NFC library for Android.
uses Android NFC API
provides reading, writing and formatting NFC tags
provides Android Beam data transfer
supports ISO-DEP, NDEF, NFC-A, NFC-B, NFC-F, NFC-V, MIFARE Classic and MIFARE Ultralight tags
source code included in registered version
royalty free distribution in applications
Library API
public enum Mode { Reader, ForegroundDispatch, Beam }
public class NfcError
public NfcError(string message);
public class Nfc
public Nfc(Activity activity, Mode mode);
public Activity Activity { get; }
public NfcAdapter Adapter { get; }
public bool AdapterEnabled { get; }
public bool BeamEnabled { get; }
public Mode Mode { get; }
public PendingIntent PendingIntent { get; }
public bool Beam(NdefMessage message)
public bool Beam(Android.Net.Uri uri);
public bool Beam(Android.Net.Uri[] uris);
public bool Beam(string fileName);
public bool Beam(string[] fileNames);
public void Disable();
public void Enable(NfcReaderFlags flags = NfcReaderFlags.NfcA);
public void OnNewIntent(Intent intent);
public void ShowBeamSettings();
public void ShowSettings();
public event EventHandler BeamComplete;
public event TagDiscoveredEventHandler TagDiscovered;
public class NfcTag
public NfcTag(Tag tag);
public string Id { get; }
public MifareClassicTag MifareClassicTag { get; }
public MifareUltralightTag MifareUltralightTag { get; }
public NdefFormatableTag NdefFormatableTag { get; }
public NdefTag NdefTag { get; }
public IsoDepTag IsoDepTag { get; }
public NfcATag NfcATag { get; }
public NfcBTag NfcBTag { get; }
public NfcFTag NfcFTag { get; }
public NfcVTag NfcVTag { get; }
public Tag Tag { get; }
public string[] TechList { get; }
public string GetId(char separator = ':');
public class NdefTag
public NdefTag(Ndef ndef);
public bool CanMakeReadOnly { get; }
public bool IsWritable { get; }
public NdefItem[] Items { get; }
public int MaxSize { get; }
public Ndef Ndef { get; }
public NdefRecord[] Records { get; }
public Tag Tag { get; }
public string Type { get; }
public bool MakeReadOnly();
public bool Write(NdefMessage message);
public bool Write(NdefItem item);
public bool Write(params NdefItem[] items);
public class NdefItem
public NdefItem(NdefRecord ndefRecord);
public string ExternalText { get; }
public bool IsAbsoluteUri { get; }
public bool IsEmpty { get; }
public bool IsExternalType { get; }
public bool IsMimeMedia { get; }
public bool IsText { get; }
public bool IsUnchanged { get; }
public bool IsUnknown { get; }
public bool IsUri { get; }
public bool IsWellKnown { get; }
public NdefRecord NdefRecord { get; }
public byte[] Payload { get; }
public string PayloadUtf8 { get; }
public string Text { get; }
public string TextLanguageCode { get; }
public string TnfDescription { get; }
public string Uri { get; }
public static NdefItem CreateApplicationItem(string packageName);
public static NdefItem CreateExternalItem(string domain, string type, byte[] data);
public static NdefItem CreateMimeItem(string mimeType, byte[] mimeData);
public static NdefItem CreateTextItem(string text, string languageCode = "en");
public static NdefItem CreateUriItem(string uri);
public class IsoDepTag
public IsoDepTag(IsoDep isoDep);
public IsoDep IsoDep { get; }
public int MaxTransceiveLength { get; }
public Tag Tag { get; }
public int Timeout { get; set; }
public byte[] Transceive(byte[] data);
public class NfcATag
public NfcATag(NfcA nfcA);
public byte[] Atqa { get; }
public int MaxTransceiveLength { get; }
public NfcA NfcA { get; }
public short Sak { get; }
public Tag Tag { get; }
public int Timeout { get; set; }
public byte[] Transceive(byte[] data);
public class NfcBTag
public NfcBTag(NfcB nfcB);
public int MaxTransceiveLength { get; }
public NfcB NfcB { get; }
public Tag Tag { get; }
public byte[] Transceive(byte[] data);
public class NfcFTag
public NfcFTag(NfcF nfcF);
public int MaxTransceiveLength { get; }
public NfcF NfcF { get; }
public Tag Tag { get; }
public int Timeout { get; set; }
public byte[] Transceive(byte[] data);
public class NfcVTag
public NfcVTag(NfcV nfcV);
public int BlockCount { get; }
public int BlockSize { get; }
public sbyte DsfId { get; }
public int Ic { get; }
public int MaxTransceiveLength { get; }
public NfcV NfcV { get; }
public sbyte ResponseFlags { get; }
public byte[] SystemInformation { get; }
public Tag Tag { get; }
public byte[] EasAlarm();
public byte[] GetInventory();
public byte[] LockAfi(byte afi);
public byte[] LockBlock(byte block);
public byte[] LockDsfid();
public byte[] LockEas();
public byte[] ReadBlock(byte block);
public byte[] ReadBlocks(byte firstBlock, byte blockCount);
public byte[] ResetEas();
public byte[] ResetToReady();
public byte[] Security(byte firstBlock, byte blockCount);
public byte[] SetEas();
public byte[] Transceive(byte[] data);
public byte[] WriteAfi(byte afi);
public byte[] WriteBlock(byte block, byte[] data);
public byte[] WriteBlocks(byte firstBlock, byte blockCount, byte[] data);
public byte[] WriteDsfid(byte dsfid);
public class MifareClassicTag
public MifareClassicTag(MifareClassic mifareClassic);
public static int BlockSize { get; }
public int BlockCount { get; }
public int MaxTransceiveLength { get; }
public MifareClassic MifareClassic { get; }
public int SectorCount { get; }
public int Size { get; }
public Tag Tag { get; }
public int Timeout { get; set; }
public MifareClassicType Type { get; }
public string TypeDescription { get; }
public byte[] ReadBlock(int blockIndex, byte[] keyA = null, byte[] keyB = null);
public byte[][] ReadBlocks(byte[] keyA = null, byte[] keyB = null);
public byte[] ReadData(byte[] keyA = null, byte[] keyB = null);
public class MifareUltralightTag
public enum NTag { Unknown, NTag203, NTag210, NTag212, NTag213, NTag215, NTag216 }
public MifareUltralightTag(MifareUltralight mifareUltralight);
public static int PageSize { get; }
public int MaxTransceiveLength { get; }
public MifareUltralight MifareUltralight { get; }
public Tag Tag { get; }
public int Timeout { get; set; }
public MifareUltralightType Type { get; }
public string TypeDescription { get; }
public int PageCount(NTag nTag = NTag.Unknown);
public byte[] ReadData(NTag nTag = NTag.Unknown);
public byte[] ReadPage(int pageOffset);
public byte[][] ReadPages(NTag nTag = NTag.Unknown);
public byte[] Transceive(byte[] data);
public void WritePage(int pageOffset, byte[] data);
public void WritePages(int firstPageOffset, byte[][] data);
// NTAG commands
public byte[] GetVersion()
public byte[] Read(byte address);
public byte[] FastRead(byte startAddress, byte endAddress);
public byte[] ReadCounter();
public byte[] ReadSignature();
public class NdefFormatableTag
public NdefFormatableTag(NdefFormatable ndefFormatable);
public NdefFormatable NdefFormatable { get; }
public Tag Tag { get; }
public bool Format();
public bool FormatReadOnly();
Version 2.3
added NfcError class
added MifareUltralightTag.GetVersion method
added MifareUltralightTag.Read method
added MifareUltralightTag.FastRead method
added MifareUltralightTag.ReadCounter method
added MifareUltralightTag.ReadSignature method
Version 2.3
added NfcError class
added MifareUltralightTag.GetVersion method
added MifareUltralightTag.Read method
added MifareUltralightTag.FastRead method
added MifareUltralightTag.ReadCounter method
added MifareUltralightTag.ReadSignature method

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